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Everything posted by DanteGabriel

  1. The Republicans' naked power grab during the Florida (fuck you Florida) recount in 2000 seems, in retrospect, like the mask coming off moment. I remember reading Hunter S. Thompson's thoughts at the time and he likened the expression on the faces of the brigade of Republican lawyers down there to a hyena with a sheep in its jaws. Of course a lot of those lawyers are now in Congress or the federal judiciary. That was also when the right wingers on the Supreme Court went all-in to ensure their side would win. I had, until then, actually believed in the integrity of Supreme Court justices.
  2. Browns oughta be grateful for the two free first downs they got on their last drive. Do you suppose Belichick feels even a little twinge of something, seeing Garoppolo hit Jacobi Meyers for a TD?
  3. This is a really thorough job of engaging in just about every logical fallacy and poor faith accusation that most other posters have been really careful to avoid over many contentious exchanges.
  4. I can't help but remember she played Tiny Tim in the show-within-a-show production of A Christmas Carol in my favorite Christmas movie, "Scrooged." This timeline is not only the dumbest and most vicious, but also incredibly self-referential. Not that I have much pity to spare for Reaganites getting a taste of what they voted for.
  5. As someone from the other side of the Pacific, whose mother was born while her family hid in the hills from the Japanese army and whose uncle barely escaped beheading, I have never questioned the rightness of nuking Japan, which I guess is one place where I differ from many of my liberal compatriots. I doubt you'll find many people in east Asia who disagree with use of the bomb to end the war.
  6. Yep, murdered by my people after getting involved in local politics, attacking one local chief on behalf of another. Rookie mistake. The chief who allied with them was so disappointed with their failure to kill his rival that he poisoned a bunch of Magellan's men at a dinner afterwards.
  7. The hanky-panky was the least trashy behavior exhibited by Boebert in that whole ordeal.
  8. Ah, I didn't realize this gaping asshole was also the "young people should eat less avocado toast" asshole. I said, in the Hollywood strike thread, that maybe beating a few billionaires to death in public would be a lesson to other greedheads... I was 80% joking at the time but every day these vultures pick at our corpses and complain about the taste, that percentage drops.
  9. My wife has resorted to buying olive oil and parmesan from a local boutique owner who goes to Italy a couple of times a year and literally watches them press the olives.
  10. I would laugh. Also maybe have Darrelle Revis there as an honorary co-captain or something. ETA: seems like this was at least discussed!
  11. If they start making more appearances they'll be needy, grasping attention seekers who are leveraging their kids for publicity. If they don't make more appearances they'll be shiftless and ungrateful deadbeats who suck on the royal teat without earning their keep.
  12. Forgive the generalization, but it seems to me that the unappetizing foods of places like Britain and Germany largely came from traditional practices meant to maximize limited food resources. So cabbage gets pickled, offal gets turned into haggis, etc. There's an element of "this is what our ancestors ate to survive." Lots of American food, meanwhile, seems to be based on cramming more sugar or fat into industrially extruded food-like substances. It's a culture of excess and triumphantly heedless consumption.
  13. Still less hilariously awful than Rudy Giuliani using the Clash's "Rudie Can't Fail" last time he ran for President... What is it about right wingers and their inability to read or understand music lyrics?
  14. It's a flattering angle. Hides his chins and wattles, and makes his diaphanous comb-over sparkle. It has a chance of looking strong and defiant instead of grotesque as a decal on the back of a coal-rolling pickup.
  15. If it was inexplicably dumb of Prigozhin, do you suppose he faked his death? Was it confirmed that he was on the plane?
  16. Of course it's not new, no one ever said that it was. But it has a very specific definition, and it shouldn't be lightly applied to squabbles about interpretation of racism in media coverage. ETA: Oh, I see. I said it was the "new 'woke' " and you jumped from there. I would try to explain what that meant but I don't think it's worth the effort.
  17. I'm assuming some encyclopedic and indeed omniscient knowledge of British culture and media due to all the "if I didn't see it it must not have existed" dismissals of everyone else's memories of racist coverage, accompanied by another laughably offensive accusation of "gaslighting." I think "gaslighting" is the new "woke."
  18. @Cas Stark did you see Spocky's question about your familiarity with the UK and its press?
  19. Of course it was a major reason. You and Cas have been claiming all this time, as I quoted, that people here were blaming the negativity only on racism. I said it was a fool's errand to try and fix exact amount or percentage because that is, in fact, hard to quantify, for reasons I didn't think I had to explain. I also acknowledged that everyone's sense of the proportions were different. Ty gave you an actual percentage. Good for him, and good for you for whatever satisfaction that may have brought you. I realize now you just wanted that in order to be able to try and make another bullshit projection of bad faith onto other people. I was trying to find the space for nuance and maybe even common ground, and you just used it to make accusations. I won't make that mistake again. You, at least, have admitted to the existence of racism somewhere within the bad reactions to Meghan Markle. That's at least more than you admitted to when you were denying that racism could have had any effect on Brexit. So, progress.
  20. See, I predicted you'd lie about anything I said, and here we are. I've been consistent in how I've talked about this and even used quotes to demonstrate how both you and Cas change your own language. It's particularly galling that you're now misusing "gaslight" in service of your bullshit.
  21. Uh oh, there you go indulging in personal attacks.
  22. I don't get this. You had previously poo-pooed the idea of any racism affecting her treatment. Just acknowledging that it was present at all is enough for me. I don't see the point of trying to dicker over semantics. If you're trying to win some kind of rhetorical concession from Ty or anyone else you can take it up with them.
  23. Well fucking hell, that's progress! I'd say it's a "significant" factor in her treatment, but there's a pretty fungible margin between our positions. I still don't get the amount of time and attention devoted to tracking her activities and finding the worst possible explanation for every move she makes, but I don't want to make personal attacks or anything. Almost any positive feeling I have for her or Harry is a response to the vitriol they get from the likes of Clarkson and Morgan. With Harry, I have a little more personal sympathy for losing a parent in such a horrible and public way, and I found the mockery of him for his grasping at some connection with his mother to be particularly odious.
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