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Seriously though, Who is the High Sparrow?

The Fresh PtwP

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Rhaella Targaryen 's first true love before howlin mad Aerys .

So Ser Bonifer abandoned his not-quite-hundred-of-holies to lead the luxurious life of High Septon? I am pretty sure that doesn't fit in the timeline though.

Also very delighted at the very few mentions of the "HR=HS" "theory", might be because this is a resurrected post from yesteryears?

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I think he's one of the two septons with Brienne talking on his journey through Riverlands.Los two had complaints and wanted to change cosas.Lo is most likely to be the tranquil island that seemed to have more anger Meribald.Yo I think Big Brother (which picked up the dog so we understand) is the High Sparrow

Pd would be a good way to re-enter the dog in history.

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I agree with this sentiment.

Who the High Sparrow is, is less important than what he represents: a grass roots rebellion against the decadence of the nobility.

That was one of the sparrows telling Cersei why they had brought their dead to display at Baelor's Sept.

Long story short, he's caught on that the Lannisters are responsible for much of the murder, rape, and other crimes associated with the War of the Five Kings. He also arrives in King's Landing and finds the Most Devout fat in a time of famine, or engaging in other vice such as whoring. His solution to the sins of the time is to punish those sins. Considering the extent of the devestation and misery unleashed by Tywin Lannister, he isn't necessarily wrong.

Still, the man has shown a great deal of savvy and intelligence. He gets Cersei to let the Faith Militant reform, though at a cost of nearly a million gold dragons the Faith wasn't going to get back anyways. He then sees through her plot to frame Margaery, and soon has her confessing to sins and breaks her power in King's Landing. He will also soon conduct a Trial by Faith on Margaery, and regardless of the verdict the Faith will have gained prestige just for the doing.

Yes, this.

And there is (for me) a solid element of Karma to his treatment of Cersei. I can't imagine ever condoning such treatment usually, and yet for the monster who is Cersei - it's poetic.

Well, he's feeding them, protecting them, and has given them a voice... he has yet to work against them in any way so far.

So how isn't he acting in their favour?

Agreed. Of course, this automatically makes him a very suspicious person. Imagine sticking up for the smelly smallfolk!

This. AFFC all but states and demonstrates as much.

The High Septon had become far too transparently a puppet of the Great Houses. The anonymous multitudes got fed up with it and pressured the Septons into electing one of their own who happens to have a lot of seriousness and sincerity about him.

He does not have to "be" anyone beyond that. And he probably is not.

I agree that he probably isn't. That said, how can one not conjecture in a book series where identity is a consistent theme?

I believe he is incredibly intelligent, incredibly good at reading people, and is 100% committed to his own harsh interpretation of the Faith of the Seven. Perhaps he is a "second son" of a minor house. Perhaps his father was a wealthy merchant and the High Sparrow is modeled after St. Francis of Assisi. He could be all those things, but really, where he came from is far less important than what he is now.

Very much so.


Mark my words, Margaery will be found guilty in the trial by Faith. She may or may not be innocent but that does not matter. Margaery is the Anne Boleyn of ASOIAF and a headsman is waiting for her.

Maybe, although I find that difficult to believe, as the HS seems to be far too astute for that, knowing, as he does, the strength of arms of the Tyrells could see the destruction of the Faith Militant once more.

That said, I'm sure the Sparrow movement will sooner or later end in bloodshed.

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The HS is the Septon Brienne, Illifer and Creighton met on the road to Duskendale, see page 91 paperback AFFC...He doesn't seem to have ulterior motives at that time. Those come later when Cersei falls into the "Faith Militant" trap where effectively she gives the rule of the countryside for 900,000+ gold dragons and the HS's blessing of Tommen as King.

A post noted aboved with Kevan gone Cersei might be expected to return to a larger role in governing. I think not, she has been out of the loop for close to two months. The dynamics of the Small Council have drastically changed. Margaery has had Tommen's ear for 24 hours a day for close to two months. Cersei well be lucky if she'll be listened to as even Dowager

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The high sparrow is exactly who he is, an old septon, I don't think he has an agenda other than what his God tells him, I like him personally, he speaks for the commons and is a genuine believer, the smallfolk are suffering greatly because of their lord's wars, it's about time someone other than the BwB did something for the people

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Am I alone thinking he genuinely acts for the better of the people, and not to fulfil some secret agenda?

No. But he is coming from a very theocratic point of view of what is "better" for the people.

I think most negative views of the HS come from general bias against religion. Then there is the fact that he's been accused of slut-shaming. Modern politics intrudes on the reading. He could feed millions of starving poor and end all wars but as long as he's labeled a misogynist, he's going to be persona non grata.

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I think he truly has no hidden identity, I think we get too mixed up in all of this "everyone has a secret identity" bs. I will be pretty pissed if GRRM's motive in all this was to literally write a soap opera instead of a piece of complex literature.

The High Sparrow is probably what he appears to be, a zealot setting out to right wrongs committed by the nobility of the realm, as he realizes that faith much like the Catholic Church does have sway over the entire realm, and can consolidate power. Whether he has alterior motives or not (tempted by power himself) we shall see, but I don't think every single character in the series has an alternative identity, just look at how many theories are out there, it's insane to assume that they all pose as someone else or are a bastard of some kingly father.

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No. But he is coming from a very theocratic point of view of what is "better" for the people.

I think most negative views of the HS come from general bias against religion. Then there is the fact that he's been accused of slut-shaming. Modern politics intrudes on the reading. He could feed millions of starving poor and end all wars but as long as he's labeled a misogynist, he's going to be persona non grata.

People also seem to forget that he usurped the chair of the High Septon by loosing axemen among the Most Devout and sold the gold of the Faith for political gain.

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People also seem to forget that he usurped the chair of the High Septon by loosing axemen among the Most Devout and sold the gold of the Faith for political gain.

Would you mind referencing a page and book on that point, please....thanks.

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