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The riddle of the Sphinx is Tyrion


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Nope. Tyrion is Tywin's son.

I really hate the A+J=T theory, it goes against everything we know about Tyrion and Tywin, and it would also really devalue Tyrion's story. Oh look, Tyrion isn't really a kinslayer, he didn't kill his biological father! Bah. And even worse, it would make Tywin right about Tyrion not being his son; and characters are always wrong when they think those kinds of things, especially since Tywin wanted to believe it because he didn't want to face the fact he fathered a 'monster'. Ironically, Tyrion's personality has more in common with Tywins' (not too much, fortunately... or hopefully) than Jaime's, which Genna pointed out. Not to mention that Tyrion has nothing in common with Aerys or the Targaryens we know.

Although I'm not a fan of secret Targs theories, if Joanna had any bastards by Aerys, I much prefer it to be Cersei and Jaime, which would both make sense because of the Joffrey = Aerys and Cersei = Aerys similarities, which have been noted in text (and would also offer a better explanation for Aerys' weird behavior regarding Jaime), and represent soooo much delicious, delicious irony. (Tywin's golden, perfect children were not his own, but the ugly dwarf he wanted to believe was not his was actually his only biological child? Jaime killed his father, like Tyrion? The only man other than Jaime that Cersei was ever able to fall in love with was also her brother?)

But that's no reason for Tyrion not be a dragonrider. I think that the idea that only Targaryens can be dragonriders is just Targ propaganda.

THIS And, even IF a drop of the Targ or some type of Valyrian blood is required, I still think there's a damn good chance that the Lannisters, like many of the great and not so great noble houses, may have a drop or two of Targaryen blood. There were lots of spare Targs, I think, in the previous generations to go around, alliances to be made, etc. So, Tyrion could technically have Targ blood, or a drop or two of required blood, without being Aerys kid.

I hate all the secret Targ stuff, and I do hope that the twins are Tywin's, too. But if somebody had to be a Targ out of the three, why not just go for Cersei, after all, the twins are fraternal twins, it doesn't HAVE to be the same father to both of them? LOL Although, I did like your Jaime angle to the story, too.

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Do Sphinxes snarl?

More seriously...the part about being without a nose doesn't make sense. The Egyptian Sphinx, the famous one next to the Great Pyramid, has no nose because of either vandalism or disrepair and decay (can't recall, too lazy to look it up). But the mythical Sphinx in our world and the probably mythical / possibly real Sphinx in ASOIAF both have a human face and full human nose.

Now on the other hand...it may be some GRRM joke about the nose if indeed Tyrion is a Sphinx. One argument in favor of this: it is said (it is known!) that Sphinxes speak in riddles. Indeed, Tyrion is fond of his riddle, and asks it everywhere he goes:

"Where DO whores go?"

(Folks, we may now have a new Riddle of the Sphinx!)

I know it's been said that the famous Egyptian Sphinx is missing it's nose thanks to artillery practice by Napolean's troops, I'm not sure how accurate that is, though?

I have to admit, The Sphinx issue gets me, too, everytime. I'm not sure if it's Alleras and another thing........isn't there also a statue of a Sphinx around the Citadel anyway, and that's how Alleras got the nickname? Hmmmmmm, I'm usually too busy trying to make sense out of all the new characters in Oldtown, but a sphinx statue around there is ringing a bell in my memory, I think, LOL

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Aemon and Sam were heading to the Citadel, when he told "The Sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler".

There's a pair of sphinxes in the entrance of the Citadel.

Aemon was about to die, the sphinxes are probably the first thing that comes to mind. Think like it's the Citadel's sigil.

Anyways, when Sam reached the Citadel, Marwin questioned him about his parentage, dragons, the Others etc. But these are not important, the important thing is what the Citadel is up to?

Aemon warned Sam about the Citadel.

I just posted in response to posts above asking about that, a sphinx statue at the Citadel. Thank you, my memory cells must still be half sound. :lmao:

I agree, it could be that the Citadel's intentions are the riddle itself.

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Targs have connections with dragons in a way that is different but similar to have Starks have connections with their fire wolves.

No one aside from Targs have ridden dragons in any of the stories thusfar. Not to say no one can't.

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Targs have connections with dragons in a way that is different but similar to have Starks have connections with their fire wolves.

No one aside from Targs have ridden dragons in any of the stories thusfar. Not to say no one can't.

I take it you haven't read the Princess and the Queen yet?

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Targ bastards and Valyrians rode the dragons there.

I've only read it once(because I haven't particularly warmed to it,and after a while all Targs sound the same to me),so I'll happily accept your assertion.My impression was that two commoners with no Targ links got to ride dragons.

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"The Sphinx is the riddle, not the riddler." the prophesy says.Now what is a sphinx? You could call it half man. Part lion, part dragon, part man.

Or you can call it the halfman.Now the Sphinx in Egypt also has its nose cut off.

Ring any bells my Winterfellas? We will yet have an imp riding a dragon in the sky.

Tyrion is one of the three heads of the dragon, that is the part of the puzzle needing to come together as a bastard son of King Aerys and Joanna Lannister, wife of Tywin Lannister.

I do think it could be possible for Tyrion to ride a dragon, the foreshadowing is there. HoWeVeR....


1. Not a Targ. J+T=T!

2. The three heads aren't necessarily three riders.

3. Targaryens aren't the only ones who can ride dragons.

Great parallel to Sphinx.

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Tyrion is a multi-species beast in terms of heraldry, I guess. He lashes out like he's loyal to more than one great house, as if a lion one minute and behaviorally a Targaryen the next. Uhhhhh, I don't know how that gives him the secret to unlocking dragon ridership or the secret of the sphinx riddle. It'd be funnest if he did figure out how to override a dragon's lust for Targ ownership to seat himself on that special saddle and take to the sky, but he'd get there by noodling it through and not by being some kind of sphinx master of prophecy the was AA is.

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you know people really feel up against the wall who hate this theory when they bring up that bogus ssm that doesn't mean anything, and if anything raises more suspicions than anything

How do you figure? GRRM does not out right lie to his readers. If he says, "Tyrion was named by his father" then Tyrion was named by his father. If Aerys was his father, he'd have an "ae" name like almost all Targs have. Instead he's got a "Ty" name, which is very popular is Lannisters. Therefore, Tywin named Tyrion and Tywin is Tyrion's father.

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Why is it outside of the realm of possibilities that Aerys didn't want everybody to know so he named him with a lannister name? Or maybe GRRM wasn't gona go out of his way to give away something that important? Or maybe its still fair to consider Tywin his "father since he raised him and George didn't feel the need to hold himself to the same wording standards from previously in the interview? I cant imagine why he would've said anything else besides exactly what he said in the situation regardless of who his parents end up being

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Here's an idea going back to the OP:

A sphinx is not necessarily a half-bird (half-dragon). A sphinx's only real qualifications are part-lion/part-man. Tyrion is the "half-man". And he's also a lion.

He could be the sphinx without being a secret dragon.


Of course, supposing he is? What does that tell us? Practically nothing. So....

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