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Who was Rhaegar's squire?


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While thinking through possible witnesses to the events at ToJ, I suddenly realized something. Surely the Crown Prince had a squire, and surely that squire followed him wherever he went. So the point is, if Rhaegar's squire is still alive he'd know what happened at the ToJ until Rhaegar left (and presumably the squire went with him).

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I've never gone so far as to speculate that he was Rhaegars Squire, BUT I have always felt its very likely that Gerold Dayne aka darkstar was some body at the ToJ's squire. He would have been in the right age bracket and Doran did call him the most dangerous man in Dorne, I think not because of his swordsmanship abillity but because of something her knows, something which would fuck up Dorans plans to place a child of his as consort to the returning Targaeryan monarch, a plan he has had in motion a very long time. A plan that someone letting slip about a certian boy born at the ToJ would ruin! The statement about Gerold dayne comes before Prince Doran hears of his Nephew Aegon being "alive" so when he made it he was operating on the assumption that Daenarys was the sole surviving heir to the Iron Throne and he wants Quintyn to wed her and for Dorne to support the return of Targ rule.

Jon being outed would screw with his plans as he is not the Targ Doran wants on the throne, he is the son of the woman whom his sister Elia lost her life because of.

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Who did he squire for?

Was Rhaegar even a knight ? Sure he had all the training of a knight (all men-at-arms where basically knights without the titles) but I don't think Rhaegar ever got knighted, or if he did, he never used his title of Ser.

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Was Rhaegar even a knight ? Sure he had all the training of a knight (all men-at-arms where basically knights without the titles) but I don't think Rhaegar ever got knighted, or if he did, he never used his title of Ser.

I'm pretty sure said that Rheagar was knighted at 17, or something like that. But I could be wrong.

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Myles Moonton had at one point been Rhaegar's squire, and when Myles got knighted, Richard Lonmouth became Rhaegar's squire. Richard Lonmouth was eventually knighted as well. Both men had been knighted by the time of the Tourney at Harrenhal in 281 AC.

Both Mooton and Lonmouth were knighted by Rhaegar, and remained his close companions afterwards.

Who became squire to Rhaegar after Lonmouth is unknown, however.

It has been explicitly stated that Rhaegar left KL with Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent. Had there been a squire present, it would have been mentioned.

They were with the three of them when they went to take Lyanna. No squire was present. He most likely was left behind at KL. Rhaegar couldn't travel with a large group, for that would attrack attention.

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It's a good thought process, anyway.

I find it unlikely that the Crown Prince and three knights of the Kingsguard are travelling self-sufficiently (without squires).

Then there's the matter of Ned and his men, who also probably had squires, though they may not have been called such due to the North's general disinterest in Andal traditions.

There would have been caretaker-types too, even if the staff was minimal. I don't think Rhaegar would have left his pregnant lover (or wife, if you prefer) without at least minimal considerations. Unless we're implying that the Kingsguard delivered Jon, which I find both amusing and extremely unlikely.

Rhaegar: You ready to catch, Arthur?

Arthur: Yeah man.

Rhaegar: Aight, man. Deuces!

So yeah, some folks somewhere know what's up with the ToJ.

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