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Is Blackfish (Brynden Tully) a homosexual?

Zephyr Winters

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He might not be gay, but he's definitely not normal either. My guess is he's either not straight (gay, asexual, animal-lover or whatever lol) or he had a long lost love and didn't feel the need to get married after that.

Crackpot time: he could be Ashara Dayne's lover.

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He might not be gay, but he's definitely not normal either. My guess is he's either not straight (gay, asexual, animal-lover or whatever lol) or he had a long lost love and didn't feel the need to get married after that.

Maybe he had a mistress and little black fishes hidden somewhere, like Tyrion wanted to do with Shae in showGot. Wouldn't be unheard of a situation like this.

About not being normal, I don't know. I'm sure many lords in Westeros aren't eager for marriages, simply a woman they can fuck. Look at Edmure, for instance. Why not looking for a wife to make a good alliance? Or someone he really likes. He's the heir of Riverrun, he can choose, he simply doesn't.

Crackpot time: he could be Ashara Dayne's lover.

He's Jon's real mother. Remember when Stannis asked him if his mother was a fishwife? Well, it was a fish. SHE WAS A FISH.

ETA: After Red Wedding and Joffrey's, I'm sure many lords would think TWICE before tying the knot.

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Gerrris Drinkwater is in his mid 20s and is unmarried. He told Quentyn what's love got to do with marriage. For IRL comparisons some people are just going to be a bachelor like DiCaprio. He's probably better unmarried. But then you have others that have that same lifestyle who have constant gay rumors and BIs like George Clooney.

In the Blackfish's case we don't see him with anyone but he could have the mentality that it's private.

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my pet theory is that he dreamed of the white cloak , and had hopes when the rebellion broke but after he got skipped he kept it up just to annoy Hoster :D

Yes, I've always thought that he wanted the white cloak.

He is probably asexual.

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my pet theory is that he dreamed of the white cloak , and had hopes when the rebellion broke but after he got skipped he kept it up just to annoy Hoster :D

The White cloak seems like the best answer.

If he truly is gay than I hope his one true love was Maelys the Monstrous ;)

I used to think that the Blackfish had a thing for Daenerys' mother (forgot her name) and that he was the young knight she loved. But it turns out that that's Bonnifer Hasty so I was wrong.

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i think trying to do this with absolutely no textual evidence is not right , if it's there we'd see it , which leads me to what J.K did with dumbldore , i think it's very cheap and just a sort of stunt to get more attention , it's almost like saying the readers are too dumb to draw conclusion , but the fact is that there was nothing to draw , it's pointless and weak :thumbsdown:

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i think trying to do this with absolutely no textual evidence is not right , if it's there we'd see it , which leads me to what J.K did with dumbldore , i think it's very cheap and just a sort of stunt to get more attention , it's almost like saying the readers are too dumb to draw conclusion , but the fact is that there was nothing to draw , it's pointless and weak :thumbsdown:

People always say this about Dumbledore, but it wasn't irrelevant to the story. It provided a very interesting subtext for the sub-plot involving Dumbledore's past interactions with Grindelwald. It partly explains why Dumbledore was reticent to interfere with Grindelwald's efforts in Europe earlier than he did, and it also makes Grindelwald's refusal to help Voldemort at Nurmengard quite a lot more meaningful.

So, Dumbledore's sexuality was not irrelevant. It was small, but it provided depth and context to an interesting subplot.

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my pet theory is that he dreamed of the white cloak , and had hopes when the rebellion broke but after he got skipped he kept it up just to annoy Hoster :D

I can´t really see Blackfish getting skipped for some of those geniuses Robert had in his KG. Seriously why wouldn´t they name him? And it´s not like they asked and he refused, he´s not THAT cheeky :D

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People always say this about Dumbledore, but it wasn't irrelevant to the story. It provided a very interesting subtext for the sub-plot involving Dumbledore's past interactions with Grindelwald. It partly explains why Dumbledore was reticent to interfere with Grindelwald's efforts in Europe earlier than he did, and it also makes Grindelwald's refusal to help Voldemort at Nurmengard quite a lot more meaningful.

So, Dumbledore's sexuality was not irrelevant. It was small, but it provided depth and context to an interesting subplot.

sure but build this stuff in the text , don't jump out of the closet in our faces like that , it feels wrong to me :dunno:

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sure but build this stuff in the text , don't jump out of the closet in our faces like that , it feels wrong to me :dunno:

Well, think of it this way: if Grindelwald had been a female character, and the text still mentioned that Dumbledore became so close to her and waited and waited too long before recognising she'd turned bad and confronting her...

...Would more people just take it as read that he had feelings for her?

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I can´t really see Blackfish getting skipped for some of those geniuses Robert had in his KG. Seriously why wouldn´t they name him? And it´s not like they asked and he refused, he´s not THAT cheeky :D

Robert's KG was assembled with politics in mind not qualification and skill , that's how you get Jamie and his oafs there , having said that it was political , the tullys were in the bag already and a kg position might have even been taken as a slight by Hoster (like how tywin took it ) since edmure was still very young at the time and the black fish was the tully's only other heir in case anything happened to edmure .

people like to give Hoster lots of shit for the lysa stuff but i like the man , he seems to have been savvy and did the best he could

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Well, think of it this way: if Grindelwald had been a female character, and the text still mentioned that Dumbledore became so close to her and waited and waited too long before recognising she'd turned bad and confronting her...

...Would more people just take it as read that he had feelings for her?

i dunno , maybe , maybe not . but i still think it's ill done , the whole " tie it all in a nice bow" concept that J.K seems to be taking by coupling everyone up is just not right , it feels forced , same here , not that he's gay , it's that he had to be bundled up :p

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The White cloak seems like the best answer.

If he truly is gay than I hope his one true love was Maelys the Monstrous ;)

I used to think that the Blackfish had a thing for Daenerys' mother (forgot her name) and that he was the young knight she loved. But it turns out that that's Bonnifer Hasty so I was wrong.

One might say... that you were a bit too hasty in your assumptions.

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Why does marriage have anything to do with being straight or gay?

a gay person, can marry a woman. a straight person can remain a bachelor.

The reason to marry in westeros is family duty. Marriage has nothing to do with love.

Actually a person in love is most likely to have resentment towards marriage as he is probably not going to marry the one he loves. a gay person in love perhaps is actually more likely to agree to a marriage as the new partner is not really a replacement for the existing one.

Another reason to oppose marriage is that this is a a symbol of control the family has over the individual and some people refuse to be controlled.

BF is either one or both. Its possible that he is gay. And there is quite a chance he had his relationships with women

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Our lack of knowledge of his sex life or fact he didn't marry doesn't necessarily mean he is straight or gay. He didn't have any strong external pressure forcing him to marry as he was already part of one of the top houses and was financially stable and more than likely wasn't going to be the lord of that house with his older brother there who also had heirs. He didn't seem like the type that was super interested in the politics and marrying into another family to increase family power. I don't think producing heirs was necessarily on the top of his concerns. We've seen a fair amount of knights not marry, especially like hedge knights who seem to travel all over which may be what Blackfish was doing while he was gone.

Some guys just don't want a committed relationship such as a marriage. Maybe practically he didn't want to marry so he could go off and do his warrioring at will. As he had more flexibility due to his position in life, maybe he only wanted to marry somebody who he actually would want to marry on his own terms and perhaps those people were already stuck in marriages or in a position where marriage was untenable.

On top of that a lot of his interactions that we see are with his niece, nephew, and grand nephew. I don't see them necessarily discussing casual sexual exploits even if there were any. A lot of his other scenes are discussing war plans and negotiating sieges. We don't really follow him around when he's not in these circumstances or know much about the people he is with in off hours. I just don't see a lack of any information being brought up about his sex life being indicative of him being asexual, pansexual, straight, gay, or anything else. I think all it means is his sexual preference isn't pertinent to the story. The refusing to marry tidbit I think was merely reflecting some of his characteristics to the reader perhaps partially to establish a vibe of "I'm my own man" and that he won't just follow anybody's orders; thus making his willingness to follow Robb have more of an effect to the reader.

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