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What Minor Characters Are You Rooting For and Why?

Roddy the Ruin

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If we take into consideration real minor characters that make but a one time only appearance

The bloodstained messenger who reported to Tywin Lannister and his war council after the Battle of the Camps. I don't know, this just made a real impression on me. There was this simple footsoldier who barely surrived the butchering of his army standing infront of some of the most feared commanders of the time, including Gregor Cleagane, who once killed a man for snoring too loudly and Tywin Lannister who is just overall fearsome to be around, and still he does his job without losing his voice even once. There have been others, highborn lords and such, who shivered when it was up to them to break down bad news to their liege. IIRC he even said something along the lines of having been asleep, when Robb's army came down on them and I thought the Mountain would smash his head to the wall right there and then. Especially after he gave his view on the number of eyes an outrider would need. And he even had the courtesy to praise the bravery of this fool who crossed the river in full armor and drowned.

In conclusion: Telling Tywin Lannister about his son having been captured, an important battle lost and an allied army destroyed - no job for pussies.

As for characters we at least know the name of: Dolorous Edd. Why?

"I never win anything,” Dolorous Edd complained. “The gods always smiled on Watt, though. When the Wildlings knocked him off the Bridge of Skulls, somehow he landed in a nice deep pool of water. How lucky was that, missing all those rocks?”

“Was it a long fall?” Grenn wanted to know. “Did landing in the pool of water save his life?”

“No,” said Dolorous Edd. “He was dead already, from that axe in his head. Still, it was pretty lucky, missing the rocks."

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Here's a good one; Tyrek Lannister. He's the young squire that was married to the infant Darry girl and was "killed" supposedly during the riots in ASOS. I've kind of been hoping he's secretly alive and working with The Spider just because that would mean there's a point to all the times his disappearance has been discussed in the books.

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Rolland Storm.

1. The only conspirator to stay with Davos after they smuggle Edric away. Could have killed the two guards and make a run for it with the others, but that would be wrong, and Edric needs time to escape. So he stayed behind to guard. Closest thing to a true knight in the books.

2. Stannis ordered him to mine Obsidian. I realy want to believe that Rolland and Loras came to an agreement - Rolland surrenders the castle bloodlessly, and Loras gives him a ship he could fill with Obsidian and sail to the Wall. Otherwise, things look pretty bad for the fight against the Others.

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Jaqen H'ghar - I think he's really cool and I'd like him to meet up with Arya and fulfill whatever promises he made.

Oberyn Martell - I was rooting for him until he died since he is pretty awesome. I guess he lost his cool in the battle with Gregor because he wanted to avenge his sister. I also respect the way he treats his daughters.

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I guess Samwell isn't a minor character anymore :P

Not after narrating so much.

Personally I always liked the Reeds, and I hope Howland shows up and drops some bombshells about the North's secret history. Shireen's sweet too, I hope she gets a good marriage rather than just a politcal one as she's one of the last good natured heirs to the Iron Throne.

Edmure Tully. One of the few characters in the series that actually cares about his common folk.

True, his big move was letting smallfolk into his catle in an invasion. In actuall medieval history that happened all the time, after all Lords needed them to do stuff, they couldn't have them dying, but considering the minimal supplies in Riverrun letting so many in was great. He's a pratt but he's a lovable pratt.

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Think that statement could be used for the majority of the characters in the books.

Yeah, but in a series of people who are too cruel, or too honorable, or too inflexible... it's kind of nice to run into someone whose main personal failing is being too kind.

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Yeah, but in a series of people who are too cruel, or too honorable, or too inflexible... it's kind of nice to run into someone whose main personal failing is being too kind.

Oh I know, it just seems that the majority of the good guys seem to suffer mental lapses from time to time, and it usually comes back to bite them on the arse.

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Think that statement could be used for the majority of the characters in the books.

Tywin Lannister? The Freys and Boltons? Littlefinger? It mainly just describes the good guys who aren't cynical and sour.

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Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun - I want more limbless Queen's mens bodies to litter the castle floors;

Nymeria - I drool at the prospect of getting to see Nymeria pulling An American Werewolf in London chomp on Old Walder Frey;

Shaggydog.- 'cause little Rickon is going to be such a fearless little shit due to his big, bad bodyguard that I can't help but include him

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