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Smoking Pot.


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Is it tobacco or smoke that causes cancer?

I thought everything causes cancer? I would make a distinction between trying pot once or twice ever, doing it once a week or once a month, and smoking multiple cigarettes every day.

So are you cool with pot brownies?

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Oh, well my comment was tongue in cheek. It had more to do with my low opinion of Wall Street types who Shryke (jokingly, I think) said were too high class for marijuana. I was saying that maybe they should smoke it because it makes some people become very introspective and I feel like that is a demographic that could probably stand to have a vicious attack of conscience.

In all honesty I don't care at all if other people do it or not. That should always be a completely personal choice. I recommend that people try it if they are interested, of course. Unless you have a pre-existing condition that makes it a bad idea or a drug test coming up - you are going to be fucking fine. People get all worked up about it and it really is not that big of a deal. I would absolutely not say that if I thought someone could really actually hurt themselves by trying it once.

As far as smoking? Methods of ingestion abound. If lighting things on fire and inhaling the smoke ain't your bag, there are ways around that. If you do smoke it, generally, its going to be A LOT less volume of plant material per day than what your standard tobacco smoker would ingest. And presumably without all the other shit they put in cigarettes. I can't offer you any evidence beyond anecdotal but I do not think it is analogous to a cigarette habit.

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Oh, well my comment was tongue in cheek. It had more to do with my low opinion of Wall Street types who Shryke (jokingly, I think) said were too high class for marijuana.

I was also jokingly pointing out the roots of pot's illegality are firmly planted in racism.

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Re: Chataya

I suppose when you're responsible for a small bit of the US capital markets, people would prefer that you not be high.


You are telling me that the stereotype of investment bankers snorting coke lines in the bathroom has no basis in reality, then? :P

Re: Aceluby

One thing I like to think about is time and life. What is our life but how we perceive the time we have as we live it. Most people's experience with cannabis is that it slows our perception of time. If our life is finite, and the time within that life is finite, and our perception of that time is really what our life is; by smoking cannabis you are actually increasing your perception of the time you spend on this earth and in a way expanding that perception of life to be longer.

This is not my idea BTW, I read it somewhere and thought it was thought provoking.

That seems very artificial to me. The value of life is in part in its fleeting nature. Slowing our perception of time using chemicals seems like a cheat to me, like using cheat codes on your Nintendo. Lots of people do it, of course, and weed is not the only cheat code out there and not the worst one, by far.

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Larry, every job I've worked in the past 20 years has required a drug screening before formal employment. That includes retail, a private technology company and state/federal positions.

In my state, if you have a conviction for drug possession, they most certainly will pull any financial assistance you get from the State for higher education.

I don't think I'm being overdramatic at all.

I am not against marijuana by any means. I don't think that is any more dangerous that alcohol. The difference is that in GA, it is legal to drink but not smoke. Just because a state makes it legal does not mean that use is restricted based on your occupation and any licenses that you may hold.

So it really depends on your profession. Additionally, the risk of getting a weed conviction while sitting in your own home smoking is about zero.

I'd be interested in knowing roughly what percentage of jobs drug test, because I've only ever taken one, but since I knew what kind of test it was. I never even bothered to stop smoking before the test. (I passed, or maybe they just didn't care that a gardener working at a retirement community would be baked).

So unless the OP was up for a drug test, the response I quoted seemed dramatic to me, on the order of someone announcing they're going skiing, and then some one chimes in with "that's so dangerous!".

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I've only worked for 2 states, and in both cases, all state employees can be randomly drug tested. I've never had to actually do one, but I am aware that I would need to comply if one is requested of me. Any workplace that says they are a "drug free workplace" will probably have a drug testing rule somewhere.

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For those averse to smoking, the vaporizer market is in full upswing. There's a bunch of different types and the good ones let you set the temps with accuracy so that you can control the different chemical reactions depending on the type of high you want.

There are also thousands of different strains to choose from for effects and taste and whatnot. Good strains properly harvested won't give you red eyes, munchies, or cottonmouth.

Edibles are another way to go but the inexperienced need beware. That shit, as S John lovingly put it, will fuck you up.

Oils are another way to ingest.

As I've stated in threads past, I used to use it a loooong time ago but my body chemistry changed and now we just don't get along. I'm bummed because I'd rather take a hit now and again rather than always have alcohol as my only "unwinding" option.

It just blows my mind how freaked out and ignorant people are about this shit. But I guess I am a bit unique in that I've been around it and people who use it (for whatever their reasons) for over two decades.

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It just blows my mind how freaked out and ignorant people are about this shit. But I guess I am a bit unique in that I've been around it and people who use it (for whatever their reasons) for over two decades.

It's equally confusing that people are invested enough in random substances to get agitated over them, to be honest. It's just a plant.

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I'd be interested in knowing roughly what percentage of jobs drug test, because I've only ever taken one,

Just to chime in, I've only had one drug test in my corporate career. That includes time at a number of leading ad agencies and global apparel brands.

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Every job I had as a nurse (in VA and TN) had pre-employment and random drug screening. Now that I'm a nurse practitioner, I've never been tested. Odd, since I have much easier access to drugs now; I have full prescriptive authority.

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Shawarma. That's the point of shawarma. It's why they are always the place on campus that is open like 24 hours a day.

Eh, first timer probably doesn't want to leave the house without a sherpa. Delivery chow is your friend.

ETA: That's not to say that shawarma isn't an excellent choice, cause it is.

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