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For all the Preston Jacobs haters and lovers.....

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PJ did a live Q&A on reddit today.


Since he is always a divisive topic on the boards let the love/hate fest begin.

Admittedly I enjoy his videos, think they are entertaining, but know they are all crackpot (I think pink letter mystery has a shot).

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Love how he mentions the letter that was leaked circa 1993. The original outline destroys his Dany is the daughter of Rhaegar/Lyanna theory.

See and I thought it was destroyed because Lyanna and Rhaegar died 8 - 9 months before she was born, but that's only according to Martin and what does he know?

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Who the bloody hell is this Preston Jacobs character that keeps getting unnecessary publicity on this board?

If he is just some random clown that loads his theories on Youtube instead of posting them here, then why is he getting any attention whatsoever?

He seriously is not going to know more about the nuances of the series than any one of us who have been debating every minute detail for years here on Westeros.org

I promise you I know more about many aspects of the series than he does, and there are people here that know far more than me on other aspects.

This is just some fan, like any of us, who happens to have a video camera and a Youtube account, by the sounds of it.

Anyone of Apple Martini, Lord Varys, Mladen, Light in the Night and two dozen other posters here could do what he does and more. If they wanted Youtube fame.

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lol, this is basically a guy giving his opinions like everyone on here in Youtube format as opposed to text on a forum format

There is a massive difference of opinion and so much speculation on here

Yet this guy has become as divisive as some of the characters in the books like Cat/LS and Dany etc

Lol at Publishers really fanning the flames and filling the void where people are twiddling their thumbs by throwing an early draft in there, very good publicity in this social era of hashtags where any discussion is good publicity as long as it is high volume and has visibility

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I watched his Dornish Masterplan video and thought "This is interesting, must watch more" Luckily the next video I watch (some of) was him trying to prove R+L=D. Then I knew his calibre and haven't seen any more.

Am I missing out on anything interesting? I doubt it...

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I watched his Dornish Masterplan video and thought "This is interesting, must watch more" Luckily the next video I watch (some of) was him trying to prove R+L=D. Then I knew his calibre and haven't seen any more.

Am I missing out on anything interesting? I doubt it...

If you find a lack of reading comprehension and huge logical leaps interesting, then yes.

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I find his videos interesting tbh,well except the r + l = d all the others seemed okay

Me too. The problem I find is he makes some false premises, and use them to make strong conclusions. (His videos can be a guide for logical fallacy examples.) And the average one time reader is taken in.

I liked the LF theory, at least some aspects of it, and it is the only theory I have read that seemingly corroborates with all if LF's actions. But red hair, flower crown etc was totally out of place or mere coincidence. Sansa was NOT the queen of love and beauty in any tourney, yet Loras giving a rose makes PJ call her q.o.l.a.b

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