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Is Disney Original TV the Worst?

Matrim Fox Cauthon

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It's just painful to see this Disney programing that somehow passes for watchable television for children. The acting. The scripts. The production quality. Oh, the pain. Even just flipping through the channels pains me. My heart goes out to all the parents who have to watch these shows with their kids. Why is this TV? How is this TV? How can we claim to be in the Golden Age of TV when Disney TV exists?

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I try to put it in perspective. iCarly was today's Saved By The Bell. (It was Nick though, not Disney.). I try to think of Jessie as Charles in Charge. Liv and Maddie isn't awful. Dog With a Blog is unredeemable.

But before we pass judgement, let's remember that shows like Small Wonder once existed as well.

However, I will say that Kirby Buckets is actually fun and I think well written. It has a bit of a bizarre Parker Lewis Can't Lose vibe.

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As a parent who has been subjected to insane amounts of Disney/Nick. children's shows over the last 6 or 7 years, this is a topic near and not-so-dear to me.

Girl Meets World-Lazy, repetitive writing that depends on emotional schlock. Every episode dives head-first into faulty logic emotional situations.

Jessie-The acting and premise bug me more than the writing.

Dog with a Blog-I can actual bear watching this one when my daughter has it on. The acting is better, the show-to-show writing isn't that bad.

Adventure Time-I enjoy this one. The writer created an interesting world, with a dark back-story and entertaining characters, most of whom are well-rounded.

Gravity Falls-This is appointment-TV for my daughter and me. X-Files for kids, I guess.

I guess common sense says there will be a lot of crap on children's programming these days, since there are several networks that need to fill many hours. Not everything is going to be Golden Age TV, just like the regular networks/cable channels. But yeah, so much of the kids' programming seems lazy and uninspired (I'm looking at you, Lab Rats!)

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Luckily our kids watch shows like Adventure Time, The Regular Show, Aquabats, etc.

There was a time where they watched Kickin' It, but that didn't last all that long. The oldest would watch Jessie (I think that is what that's called) for a bit, but I think that was just because he liked one the girls.

Largely we've been pretty lucky to be spared the worst of it though.

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Disney is horrible - except Gravity Falls. But luckily we have Cartoon Network. I do have to put up with the Disney shows anyway. But I can often get away with suggesting the Amazing World of Gumball instead. And for when I can't, that's what my PS Vita is for.

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These shows exist only to unleash the next Lindsay Lohan on the world. Disney started that decades ago with the Mickey Mouse Club. I don't quite recall Annette Funicello having crotch shots flashed around, though.

They're up to their usual tricks. Nothing ever changes.

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