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The other controversial scene (spoilers)

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Well I do not read the books. I couldn't read more than 1 paragraph in this article !! Too big.

Anyway since I dont read the books I make no book vs show comparison and generally don't like listening to it either.

Anyway I feel the reactions very un necessary.

I personally feel it is good that D&D show brutality in any form. Im glad they don't shy away.





Evil Meryn



If feminists wrote the story I guess Joffrey would love his wife?

I dunno.

I like how they show evil rascals on screen and am even happier when revenge is served. My opinion. Period.

I never like it in real life. But I like a dark world on TV.

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@ JONCON, no I do not get it now.

The girl in that scene is one of how many? In the books they tell us how girls start learning the sex trade under the age of 10. Can a child under that age make a decision to willingly do that, no of course not. So that is rape and exploitation, same as this scene. But, GRRM wrote it so it's ok, and the set up is ok.

Will never agree on this, so I will move on to another make believe thing that doesn't impact real life.

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@ JONCON, no I do not get it now.

The girl in that scene is one of how many? In the books they tell us how girls start learning the sex trade under the age of 10. Can a child under that age make a decision to willingly do that, no of course not. So that is rape and exploitation, same as this scene. But, GRRM wrote it so it's ok, and the set up is ok.

Will never agree on this, so I will move on to another make believe thing that doesn't impact real life.

Yes. They tell us. Martin doesn't need to go and rub a frightened virgin on our faces.

Wait... he did show one... Jeyne! And they cut it.

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The sexual violence in the books is excessive and pornographic. And there's no good reason why the characters cant be of today's legal age.

The sexual violence in the books is necessary to depict the society and characters the books are about.

And there's a good reason for characters ages, a 5 years gap was planned (just mentally add 5 years and everything become more believable ; or as it's written nowhere westerosi years have 365 days imagine they have 500).

About adaptation, it's a choice to insist on those aspects or not, and by keeping/adding which scenes (imo the global level of sexual violence is fine, in line with asoiaf world, the choice of scenes they decided to include less so).

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You know the difference between prose and television right? In a visual medium you have to show it. GRRM can describe something, D & D have to show it.

What does this have to do with introducing pedophilia as a plot point?

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Yeah, because calling for caution with respect to depicting child rape is only something a troll would do.

You didn't call for caution. You made some very vague point about the depiction of paedophilia in art. When was this depiction of child rape? I must have missed that scene.

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You didn't call for caution. You made some very vague point about the depiction of paedophilia in art. When was this depiction of child rape? I must have missed that scene.

The little girl being led off-screen by Trant. Did you miss that part? Does it only qualify as child rape if you see it happen?

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What does this have to do with introducing pedophilia as a plot point?

If a brothel sells kids then you have to show it. What's wrong with making Trant a pedo anyway? Do you think it might increase the likelihood of pedophilia in the real world? why is this topic off limits to you as a subject for art, literature and television?

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