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Where will Theon and Sansa run to since Stannis has fallen (most likely anyway)?

The Lash

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Still, we don't know how far Theon and Sansa can get without getting spotted by Ramsay/his men (not his "20 good men"!)/soldiers. 

The answer is "as far as the plot wants them to".


This whole thing could go down like an episode of "24". How long will it take Ramsay to get dismounted, meet his father for debriefing?.Then, someone will have discovered Myranda and report that to Ramsay.

Myranda fell down into the main courtyard just as horsemen were riding in. That would be discovered instantly.

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It wasn't out of nowhere. It was during their talk about bastards. So, that did make sense after all.


Right, maybe "out of nowhere" was a bit too much.


But clearly that whole conversation was put in there by D&D to give Sansa a reason to escape towards the Wall.

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The answer is "as far as the plot wants them to".


Myranda fell down into the main courtyard just as horsemen were riding in. That would be discovered instantly.


<chuckles> Yes, indeed. About the plot. I sometimes "work" as an ST (storyteller).


And yeah, I agree about Myranda.



Right, maybe "out of nowhere" was a bit too much.


But clearly that whole conversation was put in there by D&D to give Sansa a reason to escape towards the Wall.




Yes. I think so. But also as a means for Sansa to put Ramsay in his place.

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Then the countdown clock is really running. Every second will count.

I'm 99.9% certain that the next season will open with Sansa and Theon running through the woods an unspecified amount of time later, with no explanation for how they got away.

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I'm 99.9% certain that the next season will open with Sansa and Theon running through the woods an unspecified amount of time later, with no explanation for how they got away.

could be, although, as I stated before, I would not be surprised if Theon died cushioning her fall but D&D like Alfie, they may keep him around a bit longer because..... reasons.

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I think many interesting theories on here...I think Theon will get injured-slow them down-IF they even get a chance to run.  I have

a feeling Ramsey will get them and the remaining part of Sansa that was innocent will be killed by what Ramsey does to them.

What possible purpose would that serve?  Theon and Jeyne get away in the book -- that's the whole point.  Sending them back to be tortured more just makes their entire Season 5 story pointless.

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With the Umbers likely getting cast and Rickon apparently at Last Hearth I wouldn't be surprised if they head there. Maybe initially head towards the Wall but since news travels so fast on the show they hear about Jon before they get there.
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With the Umbers likely getting cast and Rickon apparently at Last Hearth I wouldn't be surprised if they head there. Maybe initially head towards the Wall but since news travels so fast on the show they hear about Jon before they get there.

The guy playing the seeming Umber is only in two episodes, so I doubt they'll be getting there that quickly.

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The guy playing the seeming Umber is only in two episodes, so I doubt they'll be getting there that quickly.

Agreed. Could be a travelogue season for Sansa, especially with Brienne having not much else to do but eventually find her again.
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The guy playing the seeming Umber is only in two episodes, so I doubt they'll be getting there that quickly.

Oh, that's a good point and well spotted.

I think she goes to the Wall. She doesn't yet know of Jon's fate and apparently one can get there on horseback within a day, so find a horse and off you go. Now, she may find out Jon's been aerated and have to turn another direction...and then get word that no, wait...psych! he's alive again and turn back - at which point she will be ready to kill everydamnbody.
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The showrunners said that season 5 would be a big year for Sophie so it stands to reason that she may not get as much screen time this year as Bran, who has the more important role has returned. Jon may not be in as much for obvious reasons so it is possible Sansa is only in half of the espisodes instead of 9/10 like Season 5. King's Landing will dominate as well as Mereen and wherever Dany is.

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I have no idea what sort of screentime to expect for Bran, seeing as we really know nothing about what his role is going to be going forward.


But it's highly unlikely Sansa's only going to be in half the episodes. The Northern storyline (in which she is now, with Jon at least temporarily MIA, the most notable character) should still be ramping up.  My personal guess is that Sansa and Theon go to the Wall relatively quickly.  Jon is probably dead or whatever when they get there, forcing them to make other plans, and probably bringing Davos into their group, since he's looking for Rickon in the books and needs something to do in the show.  At that point, I don't know exactly how it will play out, but finding Rickon and dealing with the arrival of the Valemen and the Boltons' continued hegemony will all be in the game.  And one expects Jon will be back for the final confrontation with the Boltons (Mel's vision last season strongly suggests it).

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The showrunners said that season 5 would be a big year for Sophie so it stands to reason that she may not get as much screen time this year as Bran, who has the more important role has returned. Jon may not be in as much for obvious reasons so it is possible Sansa is only in half of the espisodes instead of 9/10 like Season 5. King's Landing will dominate as well as Mereen and wherever Dany is.


The only way I can see Sophie not appearing in 7-9 episodes next year is if they kill her off, which admittedly is a possibility (though not likely).  

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The only way I can see Sophie not appearing in 7-9 episodes next year is if they kill her off, which admittedly is a possibility (though not likely).  

If she dies, it have to be after she does something to get back WF and the North, or her whole story was a shaggy dog tale.

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I would not be disapointed if she is in a bunch of episodes so long as she is not suffereing more of this year but yeah, if her and Jon meet up and his lineage comes out, the possibilities. Yeah, Mel has been clear about her walking on the ramparts of Winterfell so will that be with a cooperative LF there too or what. Big year I suspect but Sansa's role is not as vital as Jon's I would say.

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