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Word by Word Story - Volume 43

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Volume 43:
Stannis's children were eclipsed when someone altered their consciousness, making Play-Doh seem edible. Stannis was vexed by a flock of seagulls pooping on Hollywood Blv. Curiosity killed meddling kids with incest and rotten toenails. Only one ring could regurgitate arsenic on feminine crack dealers. Nonsensical comedies were popular, however, nobody understood why until 2006, when Adam Sandler revealed a huge theater filled with syphilis-inducing werewolves. After midnight it became an STD-bath, when Stannis realized he had an STD or two. Or three. Bloody stools frightened no one because there was penicillin. Unfortunately antibiotics were dipped in acetone accidentally. Later, aardvarks started alienating tempest-tossed silkworms, and maggots inflicted noogies on every nematode. Thankfully, pharmacists compounded some comfrey and wormwood to treat it. Vivacious escargot eating was popular with Manderly's cats. Lord Manderly lost Theon's paperwork, causing Theon to be sequestered for his exam on anatomy. Ramsay mocked Theon's lack of knowledge but tutored him dutifully. Theon learned by kissing oranges deeply that squirted ectoplasm will sear through anything unless diluted with heavy skepticism. Theon enjoyed ululating with Stannis, even though several body parts were dismembered and left in Winterfell. Soon Sansa discovered leprosy was unpleasant when Tyrion rubbed rosemary into a sizzling mess that secretes toxic blue excrement while singing 'It's Raining Men.' "What is the consequence of wearing dresses while cowering?" said Oberyn. Theon's love for hot dogs grew exponentially with every bite. Too many one-humped tauntauns evolved twerking reflexes quickly. Orgasms were outlawed by the High Septon because of a dwarf's misconduct with every septa's shoes. Fetishes were encouraged, resulting in tragic murders. Meanwhile, the Faceless Men bought mangoes mangoing in the moonlight. Arya dreamed pineapples were flying over the White House during Ramadan. Hungry wolves gathered rosebuds for Spiderman's show at the Apollo. The wolves disliked Fergully 2 but loved Birdemic. Floating walruses were gathering Dragonstone's harbor, planning a festival in honor of Stannis' eardrums. Beautiful mermaids refused to adopt migrants wearing excessive rings, which slide down between volcanos. However, the problem quickly dissipated because someone named George Washington as hand to Sansa Baelish and extracted president of Peru's divorce. Then Littlefinger incohorence smiled sheepishly at
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meant to follow awkward as in "Out of nowhere, awkward mermaids..."






Jacques, it doesn't matter if it makes sense to you at the time just add a word or phrase that you want and the next person will do the same...

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