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Secret Santa X...Gift are arriving from all over the World!


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I'm entering too!

Are you over 18? Yes.
Are you willing to ship internationally? Yes.
Favorite Type of Food (i.e. Italian, Mexican, McDonald's, Burger King, etc): No favourites, but I love hot and spicy foods in general.
Favorite Candy (things that won't melt or go bad in mail) : Cookies/Biscuits of any kind.
Favorite Scent (i.e. Fruity, Vanilla, Flowery, etc): Fresh, masculine
Favorite Hobby (i.e. Scrap booking, Photography, things you collect, etc): Reading first and foremost, writing, playing video games(RTS's and RPG's), listening to music... would love to get into photography.
Favorite books or types (romance, true store, mystery or just one you would like): Fantasy/Sci-fi, though I'll read any and all books that sound good to me.
Favorite animal: Dragons!!!.
Favorite movies or types (romance, comedy or just a DVD/VHS you would like): Tarantino films.
Favorite Color : Purple/Violet
Favorite Music Artist/Type or a CD you would like: None cause I don't use CD's.
Do you collect anything? Nope.
Is there anything (not expensive) you want or need? Some notebooks and/or pens are nice, video games if you can afford them(Dragon Age, Mass Effect, StarCraft 2, similar to that kind of games)
Anything else you would like your SS to know about you: Surprises are expected :D.

Questionnaire 2(shortened for relevancy)

8. Religious or non-religious Christmas/Chaunaka/
Atheist Christmas

9. If you could spend Christmas in any one of these places, which one would you choose and why:
a. A beach on a tropical island just a few very close family or friends, be lazy and open presents and then have a non traditional dinner including Pina Coladas and BBQ shrimp, wearing swimsuits, Bermuda shorts and tank tops
b. Tiny cabin in the woods, fire going, very rustic, warm and cozy with your close family and friends, wearing jeans and sweaters.
c. Biltmore Estates, full regalia, all glitter and glitz, all your close family and friends, wearing black tie and velvet
d. NYC Christmas, Park Avenue, last minute hustle and bustle, haute couture with a 4 course meal and champagne with 50 of your favorite people. Wearing, of course. the latest fashion favorites.
b. is my choice, though I'd either be alone or with my SO.

10. Favorite Christmas music
Trains - Shake up Christmas

11. What is your Christmas morning like

a. chaotic
b. slow and relaxed
c. organized, but fast paced
d. "Christmas is HOW SOON???!!!!"
e. all of the above.

12. Name something you want but will never buy for yourself, just because you cannot see yourself being that flamboyant.
I am that flamboyant!

14. What colors are in your:
a. Bedroom?
White with posters on the walls. 

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Are you over 18? YES
Are you willing to ship internationally? YES
Favorite Type of Food (i.e. Italian, Mexican, McDonald's, Burger King, etc): Italian
Favorite Candy (things that won't melt or go bad in mail) : no candy
Favorite Scent (i.e. Fruity, Vanilla, Flowery, etc): don't really have one
Favorite Hobby (i.e. Scrap booking, Photography, things you collect, etc): reading, computer games, running Game of Thrones fan conventions. I have an Amazon Wish List for most of these things
Favorite books or types (romance, true store, mystery or just one you would like): fantasy, sci-fi - see my Amazon wish list for more details
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite movies or types (romance, comedy or just a DVD/VHS you would like): action, comedy, sci-fi - see my Amazon wish list for more details
Favorite Color : purple
Favorite Music Artist/Type or a CD you would like: Rock, metal, indie - see my Amazon wish list for more details
Do you collect anything? Not really
Is there anything (not expensive) you want or need? Some computer games would be nice - see my Amazon wish list for more details
Anything else you would like your SS to know about you: Have I mentioned my Amazon wish list?

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itching to get started sending sniffer love ... everywhere


So if someone gets a package that is all sticky, they should assume it is coated in "sniffer love"?  :P


I am excited too. I'd like to make something as well, but it depends on who I get, and two weeks is a bit of a tight time frame.

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So if someone gets a package that is all sticky, they should assume it is coated in "sniffer love"?  :P


I am excited too. I'd like to make something as well, but it depends on who I get, and two weeks is a bit of a tight time frame.


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I don't want to be the nag, but you should save your data somewhere other than the forum Bex. Because if I understand correctly, we'll be losing stuff posted since Tuesday soon (next week, possibly). Just a heads up, so you are not caught by surprise

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The board is wonky tonight.  

The issue is that I am still waiting on 2 people to confirm (Arya Kiddin' and Koba), so I don't have their addresses.  They both participated last year, so I am assuming that they are in.


If you haven't PM'd me your address, please do so.

The contents of this thread will probably be lost over the next couple of days; I don't know if that includes PMs originating during this time.  If you haven't received your Secret Santa assignment by next Friday, please let me know.  :)

And yes, you are a pest.

A :love: bug!


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From an unidentified participant: now identified participant named Helena

I'm a second year law student. I enjoy going for walks while listening to music (film/tv soundtracks mostly, I have a thing for instrumental music) and lately I've found myself enjoying a walk through Regent's Park in the cold, then going to get a coffee and read my book while I warm up again.

I'm very much into reading, and would much rather read a book than watch TV or a film. Favourite author is Robin Hobb, though I've read more or less all of her stuff as Hobb, and am in the process of working through her Lindholm stuff now (read The Reindeer People and Alien Earth). Other than Hobb I like far too many authors to mention them all. I'll also read most any genre, though my favourites are Fantasy, Historical Fiction and certain classics (Pretty much anything Dickens or Austen. Also come to greatly appreciate E.M Foster this year after reading Howard's End and The Longest Journey). I'm always on the lookout for something new though. My reading list from this year spoiler tagged for length below:

1) Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn
2) The Mirror of Her Dreams - Stephen Donaldson
3) Fat is a Feminist Issue - Susie Orbach
4) A Man Rides Through - Stephen Donaldson
5) Half a King - Joe Abercrombie
6) Half the World - Joe Abercrombie
7) The Falcon Throne - Karen Miller
8) A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
9) Bleak House - Charles Dickens
10) Maskerade - Terry Pratchett
11) Ross Poldark - Winston Graham
12) The Steel Remains - Richard Morgan
13) The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince - Robin Hobb
14) Alien Earth - Meghan Lindholm
15) Custard Tarts and Broken Hearts - Mary Gibson
16) The Reindeer People - Meghan Lindholm
17) The House on the Borderland - William Hodgson
18) Snow, Glass Apples - Neil Gaiman
19) The Last Kingdom - Bernard Cornwell
20) The Pale Horseman - Bernard Cornwell
21) The Night Land - William Hodgson
22) Uprooted - Naomi Novik
23) Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
24) Othello - William Shakespeare
25) Howards End - E.M Forster
26) The Mechanical by Ian Tregillis
27) The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
28) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
29 A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
30) To Reign in Hell by Steven Brust
31) The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
32) The Lords of the North by Bernard Cornwell
33) The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu
34) The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
35) Stardust - Neil Gaiman
36) Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Patchett
37) A Darker Shade of Magic - V.E. Schwab
38) Fool's Quest - Robin Hobb
39) The Rules of Supervillainy - C.T Phipps
40) The House of Shattered Wings - Aliette de Bodard.
41) The Fifth Season - N.K Jemisin
42) The Story of Kullervo - JRR Tolkien
43) The Longest Journey - E.M Foster
44) The Dragons Path - Daniel Abraham
45) Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights - Salman Rushdie
46) The Marcher Lord - Duncan M. Hamilton
47) Sorceror to the Crown - Zen Cho

48) The Traitor - Seth Dickinson

49) American Gods and The Monarch of the Glen - Neil Gaiman

50) Demelza (Poldark #2) - Winston Graham

51) Dark Fire - C J Sansom

Film and TV I'll watch a huge range of stuff, from old British comedy (Are You Being Served?; Fawlty Towers; Carry On...; Keeping Up Appearances) to gothic drama horror ala Penny Dreadful (which I'm far too obsessed with, but there you go. Also a big James Bond fan, having grown up with them as background noise throughout my childhood (Mam was always watching them). 

Home decoration I don't really have much, nor can I use much - I'm in student accommodation and there are fairly strict rules regarding putting stuff on walls etc. 

Favourite colours are purple, green, silver, and blue.

Not religious.

I have (had I guess) a dog, who lives with my parents. I'm one of those people who will refer to their pet as their baby...

I'm very close with all of my family - a Christmas without a get together of the extended family (admittedly for me this is only me, mam, dad, 2 grandmothers, aunt you and uncle) would just feel wrong to me.

i'm a big sentimentalist when it comes to keeping things. Like, train tickets, if I have gone to visit a friend I've not seen in years. Keep those. Napkins from restaurants if I had a particularly great time. Confetti and place cards from party tables, letters people send me, birthday and Christmas cards...I think you get the idea

That's about all really. Just know,whoever you are, I'm easily pleased and will appreciate anything I receive. Send me a paper clip and I'll buy myself a frame and stand it on my desk

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The board is wonky tonight.  

The issue is that I am still waiting on 2 people to confirm (Arya Kiddin' and Koba), so I don't have their addresses.  They both participated last year, so I am assuming that they are in.


If you haven't PM'd me your address, please do so.

The contents of this thread will probably be lost over the next couple of days; I don't know if that includes PMs originating during this time.  If you haven't received your Secret Santa assignment by next Friday, please let me know.  :)

And yes, you are a pest.

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I'm in...I'm in....I sent you my address...I tried in this new thread system but I guess I didn't do a really god job...Will try to correct it. 

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