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U.S. Elections: Apocalypse upon the horizon


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There really is nothing to US elections but celebrity gossip. This is pathetic. I can't take seriously when people claim that the election is life or death when these are the things they talk about. It simply doesn't make sense. If something important were at stake, surely the peanut gallery would have something important to talk about? 


I wonder if, just as al the comments here are taken from news channel soundbites, the idea that this election is important is simply something we were told as well?

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3 minutes ago, Patrek_Mallister said:

There really is nothing to US elections but celebrity gossip. This is pathetic. I can't take seriously when people claim that the election is life or death when these are the things they talk about. It simply doesn't make sense. If something important were at stake, surely the peanut gallery would have something important to talk about? 


I wonder if, just as al the comments here are taken from news channel soundbites, the idea that this election is important is simply something we were told as well?

Yea the Supreme Court justice nominations aren't at stake which doesn't mean the rights of women and the LGBTQIA community are at stake either. I mean the rights of Muslims aren't at stake too. 

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2 minutes ago, Patrek_Mallister said:

There really is nothing to US elections but celebrity gossip. This is pathetic. I can't take seriously when people claim that the election is life or death when these are the things they talk about. It simply doesn't make sense. If something important were at stake, surely the peanut gallery would have something important to talk about? 

If you're talking about us, well, we've kind of talked that out to death. That, and there's very little to Trump to actually get into. The wall is stupid and useless, his tax plans are idiotic and regressive, his foreign policy is both inarticulate and wildly self-contradictory. He desires to use unconstitutional tactics on ethnic minorities and admires the most authoritarian rulers on the planet. 

However, we also recognize that while we think this, a whole lot of people don't. A whole lot of people are willing to make the equivalence that because Clinton is bad with email it means that Trump fucking over every single person he works with is the same thing. Or because Bill Clinton had affairs, it's totally fine that Trump raped his wife. 


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4 hours ago, butterbumps! said:

does anyone have a guess as to what this anti trump story dropping tomorrow might be?   


Maddow reporting that the Newsweek article will be about Trump having illegal business dealings with Cuba dealings and Castro.

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5 minutes ago, Jaxom 1974 said:

Maddow reporting that the Newsweek article will be about Trump having illegal business dealings with Cuba dealings and Castro.

Yea, I was just going to post this. This is going to be fun to read tomorrow.

ETA: Basically, Trump was knowingly breaking the embargo to do business with Castro in the late 90s, at a time when he was looking to run for president under the Reform Party and was courting voters in Cuban-American neighborhoods saying he'd never do business there.

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3 hours ago, James Arryn said:

My concern is that Trump's shock exhaustion seems to have legs. This is why Clinton's health concerns drowned out Donald's latest ~, not some anti-HRC agenda or his scandals wouldn't have been hogging the headlines for so long earlier. I think there's a danger it becomes white noise with him, and like with many demogogues before him, he's not being heard for what he's saying anymore, but for what people want to hear.

Or, to put it another way, with everything he's already said...what are people undecided about? What else could he possibly say to decide people who haven't been decided by his months of constant bullshit and bigotry? He's actually closed ground, but I find that the crucial undecided votes still are...wtf are they waiting on? I think the answer might be frightening ng. Iow, I don't think any boom! press releases exposing him as a hypocrite will have as much effect as people think. Everyone already knows he's a hypocrite, or they don't care or aren't listening. 

You are making the mistake of assuming most people were even paying attention before now. Alot of people are just really tuning in around now.

The debates are important because it's basically the first time a shitton of people will ever see the two candidates in any sort of environment where they can just watch them talk about policy. Or, well, supposedly about policy anyway. It's also the most unfiltered access many people get since it's basically the only real time the public will get to see the candidates before the media decides and disseminates their spin on what happened.

And after that and as we move into the final days, people are paying more attention and alot of people are learning this shit about Trump for the first time.

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21 minutes ago, Mexal said:

Yea, I was just going to post this. This is going to be fun to read tomorrow.

ETA: Basically, Trump was knowingly breaking the embargo to do business with Castro in the late 90s, at a time when he was looking to run for president under the Reform Party and was courting voters in Cuban-American neighborhoods saying he'd never do business there.

Trump doesn't have a closet. He has a doorway in his bedroom to a parallel dimension composed entirely of skeletons.

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1 hour ago, Patrek_Mallister said:

There really is nothing to US elections but celebrity gossip. This is pathetic. I can't take seriously when people claim that the election is life or death when these are the things they talk about. It simply doesn't make sense. If something important were at stake, surely the peanut gallery would have something important to talk about? 


I wonder if, just as al the comments here are taken from news channel soundbites, the idea that this election is important is simply something we were told as well?

The position of POTUS, and the rest of the elected offices that ride in on those coattails, have an incredible amount of power, both domestically and internationally. Frankly, no one should even need to tell you this super obvious fact. So yeah, of course it's important. You'd have to be dumb as a post not to see that.

But that doesn't mean elections don't turn on alot of stupid bullshit. Cause that's what alot of people vote on. Policy is really important but it's not the only factor in why people vote the way they do.

Like, as an example, the Iraq War, that leads directly to the distabilization of that region we are currently seeing with ISIS and such, is the direct result of the 2000 election which in part turned (in something that should not be unfamiliar here) on the media shitting all over the more competent of the two candidates because they didn't like that candidate very much. That shit, sadly, matters.

And the media is general loves horse-race gossipy bullshit because it gets ratings and because it's easier and less risky then actual reporting. Investigative journalism is hard and expensive, punditry is easy and cheap and low risk. As someone noted very astutely after Clinton's "basket of deplorables" comments, the media spent alot of time discussing whether she should have said it and basically zero time on whether or not she was correct.

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It's like Guilliano has gone batshit crazy at his point. I'm expecting to see him running around a Brooklyn Zoo in a Werewolf suit next.


Yeah, I'm enjoying his meltdown. It's because Trump is his last chance to have a scrap of power in our nation. Also, he still hasn't recovered from not becoming President. Everyone was suppoed to vote for him, because 9/11.

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2 hours ago, Kalbear said:

Wait - you think it's perfectly fine ethically to cheat on your spouse and the mother of your children, but it's not ethically fine to represent legally someone who you are duty-bound to legally represent?

Cheating on his wives is not 'his business' by itself. It's also his wives' business. And his children's business. 

Perhaps over Bill Clinton - but certainly not Hillary Clinton. 

But many modern marriages and relationships end due to affairs. Having an affair and marrying the mistress is hardly a great moral crime. Unless you are Woody Allen. My issue with Hillary is the queasiness anyone would feel when we see a guilty man commit a terrible crime and then have the sentence reduced due to a technicality or the defenders skill at manipulating the law in court. I accept she was doing a job effectively but I don't need to admire her for it on a moral level.   


2 hours ago, Harakiri said:

A known racist, misogynist, conman fraud that raped a wife of his and is being investigated for raping a kid never has the moral high ground, never.


Also, you don't think Trump used / uses his position of power to do the same lol? 

Trump has no moral high ground over Hillary, who he is running against. It's time you realize that. 

Racist? Maybe but I'm not convinced. He appeals to a racist element in the electorate.  Misogynist? Maybe but I'm not convinced. He is brash and unthinking  and sexist and all of that, but 'misogynist ' is a strong word. Bill Clinton is a misogynist. Conman? To some extent yes. Fraud? To some extent yes probably.   

If strong evidence emerged that he was a rapist or child abuser then I would want to see Trump's immediate arrest and incarceration, with a suitably long sentence and no legal tricks from a clever defender to get that long sentence reduced. 

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10 minutes ago, ThinkerX said:

Looks like at least some posters here bought into a discredited urban myth:




Snopes rates the claim as 'false.'


More polarization, anger and hate feeding on each other in an endless destructive loop.   

Eh, his clothing line that Macy's pulled back when he announced he was running were all made in China and Bangledesh. Ties, shirts and jackets mainly. Given that "we have to bring manufacturing back to this country" has been a major plank of his campaign, I think it's safe to call him out as a hypocrite when it comes to this particular point of criticism.




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1 hour ago, DraculaAD1972 said:

But many modern marriages and relationships end due to affairs. Having an affair and marrying the mistress is hardly a great moral crime. Unless you are Woody Allen. My issue with Hillary is the queasiness anyone would feel when we see a guilty man commit a terrible crime and then have the sentence reduced due to a technicality or the defenders skill at manipulating the law in court. I accept she was doing a job effectively but I don't need to admire her for it on a moral level.   


Racist? Maybe but I'm not convinced. He appeals to a racist element in the electorate.  Misogynist? Maybe but I'm not convinced. He is brash and unthinking  and sexist and all of that, but 'misogynist ' is a strong word. Bill Clinton is a misogynist. Conman? To some extent yes. Fraud? To some extent yes probably.   

If strong evidence emerged that he was a rapist or child abuser then I would want to see Trump's immediate arrest and incarceration, with a suitably long sentence and no legal tricks from a clever defender to get that long sentence reduced. 

LMAO, the Klan endorsing him is enough to prove he is a racist. His past is enough to prove he is a racist. People of color saying he is a racist is the end all be all of proof that he is a racist. They are certainly in more of a position to know what actual racism is, not some privileged white guy like yourself that needs more convincing when we have clips of him generalizing entire demographics and how he speaks about people of color and ethnic jews. His treatment of women is misogynistic. 

I wish I was so willfully ignorant and naive.........

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7 hours ago, Harakiri said:

LMAO, the Klan endorsing him is enough to prove he is a racist. His past is enough to prove he is a racist. People of color saying he is a racist is the end all be all of proof that he is a racist. They are certainly in more of a position to know what actual racism is, not some privileged white guy like yourself that needs more convincing when we have clips of him generalization entire demographics and how he speaks about people of color and ethnic jews. His treatment of women is misogynistic. 

I wish I was so willfully ignorant and naive.........

Point taken. To be honest I'm done with defending Trump, although it galls to see so much support for Hillary, but after the article I just read about the Trump child abuse allegations...I feel a little queasy. As I have a taste for alt.Right media I am very up to date on the corruption of the clintons but somewhat lagging behind on the corruption of Trump.  I always felt that Trump's connection with Bill Clintons pal Epstein was a pivotal question mark over whether or not Trump has a shred of honor. I was waiting for these allegations to emerge, having been unconvinced by Trump's explanation of his relationship with Epstein. According to Trump he thought the young girls frolicking in Epsteins swimming pool were local children being allowed to use the facilities.This has always been my major concern with Trump and it doesn't look good in light of these allegations.



7 hours ago, Manhole Eunuchsbane said:


 Yet standing by your husband who has cheated on you is somehow damning. 

If you bully and harass the women your husband is abusing then you're not exactly blameless.

6 hours ago, Harakiri said:


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