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You know you've been reading too much ASoIaF when...

Ser Spidey

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You join a forum devoted to the series.

You text your husband during your lunch while reading ASOS "OMG, Jon Snow is the energizer bunny!"

As others have said, you start saying "It is known", "Winter is coming", "Seven Hells", etc. especially to people who have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

You're hoping someone tells you you are kissed by fire if you're a red head.

You decide to take a break in between books to read something else entirely but can't get into it because you are waiting for some kind of wicked twist and are disappointed things end exactly as you thought.

You contemplate replacing your own dogs with direwolves if they existed. Maybe rename them instead?

Building your own The Wall sounds like a good idea.

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You decide to take a break in between books to read something else entirely but can't get into it because you are waiting for some kind of wicked twist and are disappointed things end exactly as you thought.

I did try to read something else, but really, how many months can you survive without re-readinf aSoIaF? not so many months actually (just started to re read ACOK)

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When, my husband, who hasn't read a single book in the series (though he did watch HBO with me) comes home from law school to tell me he had an intelligent conversation about whether or not Jon is AA with a classmate based purely on info that he gleaned that from listening to me talk about the books! lol.

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and new one just reared its head... I've just caught myself saying "The Others take this damn delay!" .... so..err... "The Others take....[insert object of annoyance here]" is now more fun to say instead of the usual "It can go to Hell"

Hoorah for nerdom vocab invading!

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Today in a shop there was a song played, with a chorus repeated ad libitum that consisted in a single word, and since the singer didn't articulate, it sounded as if it rhymed with bear. So I openly started to sing ( low but one could hear) The Bear and the Maiden Fair... You don't hear the appropriated music everyday, after all!

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Today in a shop there was a song played, with a chorus repeated ad libitum that consisted in a single word, and since the singer didn't articulate, it sounded as if it rhymed with bear. So I openly started to sing ( low but one could hear) The Bear and the Maiden Fair... You don't hear the appropriated music everyday, after all!

I've never heard anyone use "ad libitum" in normal speech

B) We must know what song this was!! Not everyday you hear someone found a suitable melody to use with the ballad

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I've never heard anyone use "ad libitum" in normal speech

Yeah, I'm a weirdo myself

I'll track this song or die trying, lol! I swear on the old gods and the news that it was exactly the melody, like hhmmmmm a bear... a bear... a bear ( a bear wasn't the word, but it sounded quite the same)

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@ Lexy - too bad you don't know what radio station it was. That would have narrowed down the search significantly

and hoorah for random~ish latin in daily use! Back forever ago a teacher got the words "ad nausium" branded in my brain, and I use that often!

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I keep saying to people in different situations.. " then why don't you" Kinda forceful like... Where is this coming from? I ask myself, and finally It dawned on me that this is Catelyn speaking to Walder Frey.

(HBO Scene). the other one is " don't know... not my house": I find myself saying this about anytime I just have no reply to what someones talking about. I realize these are both from the T.v episodes.

I've read all books at least three times, but it seems hearing the words make them stick in my head more. " Fire cannot kill thre Dragon"... that's another one...

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