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You know you've been reading too much ASoIaF when...

Ser Spidey

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gordon ramsay makes you think of flaying, dismemberment, and rape.

people with certain names must be bastards (i'm looking at you joan rivers).

someone at work says something stupid and you think to yourself "you know nothing (insert name)".

you say "7 hells!" alot and "gods be good."

when you finish having a lot of maintenance done on your car (like oil change, tune-up, etc.) you say you're doing this now because "winter is coming".

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I shiver every time I see a raven or crow, and get the strange sense I'm being watched.

I also can't help but think 'Dark Wings, Dark Words'.

I have to stop myself from saying 'It is known' instead of 'Everyone knows that'.

I try to think my way through scenes and how to stop the adverse effects. Most of my plans for rescuing Ned typically involve tackling Ilyn Payne... I haven't figured out how to deal with the crossbows yet.

I smile sadly every time I hear 'Winter is Coming'.

Someone at my my school actually rigged one of the electric signs to say, in quotation marks "Winter is Coming" before advertising free December bus passes.

I actively train in every style of swordplay I can and imagine how a duel with either Jaime or Barristan would go down. I have trained for seven years and I'm still not satisfied.

I assess myself on my 'Westeros survival' chances.

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You and your friends call the shortest person in the group, 'the imp'. And he has no idea why.

I'll take this to mean that the person also isn't the brightest person in the group :P Try calling them Joff next time... (kidding! kidding!)

Love your name by the way!

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What if I actually consciously stop from saying myself "Winter is coming" now?

Every other customer in my daily life talks about the weather, and I used to remark that its supposed to be cold, 'cause winter... blah blah blah...

Now my brain makes me stop, swallow those words and... yeah

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Something happens that makes the words SEVEN HELLS come from the bottom of your heart, like hitting the corner of my desk with my LF...and realizing that you will never write the word littlefinger ever again but LF instead, unless its absoultely necessary.

Using my left hand instead of the right has a whole new meaning, it is not uncommon for me to screw up my right hand, considering I have several chronic problems...yes people, being the goalkeeper of a girl's soccer team can be dangerous.

Riding my horse and feeling like the master of an ancient skill that its no longer a "common" thing.

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When you get genuinely upset that someone with the name Stark is actually a pale blonde.

When you start checking out a guy and wonder if he'd be as beautiful as Loras Tyrell in a cloak of flowers. Then hope he's not gay.

When you want to call the vain, unintelligent, and powerhungry girl in your class Cersei.

When you desperate wish your brother was golden and attractive so you'd have your own Jaime.

When someone cracks an incest joke and you solemnly pronounce "The Targaryens wed brother to sister."

When you judge every person you meet based on who they might look like in Westeros.

When you fantasize about just having adventures in Westeros instead of falling asleep at night.

When you're delighted to eat old bread and low-quality leftovers because you feel like such a hedge knight or black brother.

When some girl shows signs of lewdness, you think "she is no maid" and scrutinize her to see if she's Chataya's material or from some other King's Landing cheap brothel.

When you squeal audibly when a guy jokingly calls his sibling "sweet sister" and suddenly have your suspicions.

When you've been creepily searching the face of some confused girl in 5th hour for violet eyes just because she has natural silver blonde hair.

When you begin checking the HBO series, realize that one of your guy friends looks exactly (I kid you not) like Robb Stark, and feel panicked when his Grey Wind isn't at school with him.

When you squirm nervously around your friend because she got new Other-blue eye contacts and swear you're getting goosebumps.

When you hear a harpist and feel disappointed that Rhaegar couldn't play for you.

When you quickly add Rhaegar, Daenerys, Tyrion, Lannister, Eddard, and all those "misspelled" names into your Word dictionary.

When your motivation for getting through intimidating projects is thinking of Arya's courage.

When you've learned more about sex from reading ASOIAF than from anywhere else. Then realize GRRM is an old greybeard.

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