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You know you've been reading too much ASoIaF when...

Ser Spidey

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- When, while doing some research, you find a quote from a philosopher in which he says, "All men must die," so you immediately flip out and come up with conspiracies that he was a Faceless Man in his time.

- Whenever someone says, "Winter is coming," you start to freak out. My boyfriend says it all the time, without realizing what he's saying, and I always have a fit when he does.

- When you call your dogs "my little direwolves." Well, one of them is as fierce as Shaggydog...

- "You know nothing, [insert name]," is a part of every day conversation and your friends recognize it as one of your new sayings.

- When you invent a character of your own and place them into series, imagining how they would interact with the characters. (I do this with a lot of series for some unknown reason, but I've become very...expansive and inventive with my fake character.)

- When you read the entire series in a month and then fall into a weird funk because you don't know what else to do. It's really bad.

- When you start linking songs to characters and coming up with "music videos" in your head while listening to those songs.

- When you come up with your own dance to the HBO Game of Thrones theme song.

- When you can't even picture Sean Bean as Boromir anymore, only as Ned.

- When ASOIAF becomes a focal point for at least two conversations you have every day.

- When you try to convince all of your friends to read the book or at least watch the series. ALL. OF. THEM. And your family.

- When, at your boyfriend's house, your friends are over playing Modern Warfare 3, and instead of playing or talking to them, you read ADWD instead. I was so close to finishing! He could have a guy's night; I just wanted to read.

- I ordered the books three weeks before my birthday because I couldn't wait. I never got them. A friend had them online so I could read them, and I would print out pages so I could read it during class. It was a lot of paper. O_o

- You want to learn swordplay more than learning how to properly shoot a gun.

- Most of your conversations with your manager (who got me into ASOIAF) have to do with the series.

...................... Gods, I'm obsessed and hopeless.

Oh! I forgot one!

- My friends bought a bunch of wine so we could have an epic wine night. After the first two bottles, I found out one of the bottles was called "Castle Rock," but in my excitement, I kept calling "Casterly Rock wine." They were so confused. When one of the guys asked which wine we should drink next, I shouted, "Casterly Rock! I want Casterly Rock!" I was so chipper about it that they just gave me the whole bottle to myself. I proclaimed myself a Lannister halfway through the bottle.

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When your DH comes downstairs wearing a black sheatshirt and black sweatpants and you ask him if he has joined the night watch. (and he has no idea what you are talking about). (happened yesterday)

When you pester your sister to "read faster" because she's just stated the series and you want to discuss it with her.

When someone starts talking about the weather and you say Winter is Coming!

When you finish book 5, try to start a different book, start several different books, then go back and start reading the appendices which you skipped the first time. (doing that now)

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He actually was wearing a helmet, at least, if I can recall it correctly. (Haven't seen him for a while, not quite the weather for bicycling any more.)

There was one thing I can't see how I was able to forget when first posting in this thread. Ever since I first read the books, walking past any official building sporting the Norwegian coat of arms has become a slightly amusing experience: http://en.wikipedia...._arms_of_Norway

(I dare say our lion is slightly more badass, though, wielding an axe and all that... :laugh: )

the coat of arms for norway looks like a mix of Lannister, Baratheon, and Tarly

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When you find yourself thinking 'Gods be good' whenever something threatens to go ever so slightly wrong.

When you can't wait to use the theme music to Game of Thrones as floor exercise music for your gymnasts.

When you think 'Targaryen!' whenever you see girls with light-coloured bleached hair.

When you find yourself looking up the differences between all the various types of horses mentioned in the books.

When you start thinking about how to fly and steer a dragon.

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On the subject of trying to get others to read the books - you find yourself getting really, seriously pissed off when they will not pick up GOT and start reading the damn thing. So far I have gotten my MIL hooked (she has read the whole series and did it in about as fast a time as I did) and my DH's former MIL (she is rolling), but my mom (who, oddly, got me started on the series without having read it herself, my cousin recommended it to her and she passed it right off to me) and my 16 year old son (who normally adores fantasy fiction) will completely ignore me practically begging them to just pick up the first book, read a few chapters, and I defy them to not be hooked.

I am considering bribing or threatening my son into it with extra chores.

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LadyoftheNorth, my boyfriend refuses to read the books even though he loves the TV show as much as I do. He got started on Game of Thrones a while ago, read the first few chapters and for some reason decided that they weren't to his liking. He is interested in Martin's world (he has done his Internet research and knows where the story is going) and will definitely continue watching the TV show, but he won't give the books another try. I'm rather disappointed...

On topic, I'm guilty of saying 'It is known', too. I love those words.

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Your husband, who's name is Jon (insert "You know nothing Jon Snow" several times a day when he does something silly), uses Ned at a fast food restuarent for an order so the lady has to yell out "Ned, your order is ready!". You start giggling about what other names to start using at restaurants. "Cersei, party of 2!" anyone?

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You're dying for a reason to say "Would that I could". Especially at work.

Never realized where I got this, but I use it almost daily.... :/

Also when you're at the Renaissance Festival and the guy in the joust that looks like a short Mountain that Rides doesn't 'accidentally' kill his opponent you get mad and leave

Also, someone mentioned ASoIaF tattoos, I have a HP, JRRT(obviously) now trying to come up with a decent idea for a ASoIaF, would love ideas, i suck creatively :(

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When you spend one hour wondering what you could add in this thread...

When one of your greatest regrets in life is that no one around you has read the books and you so dream one day someone who is a big fan of the books (better be a beautiful woman, eh!) enters your life and you spend the rest of your time talking of the books with her/him.

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