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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


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I was disappointed in The Gang Hits the Road. Generally, it seemed very predictable. The setups were just too obvious and it took the funny out of it- nothing unexpected happened. Dee seemed like she was trying too hard.

I'd have rather just seen Charlie going around eating things at the Italian Market.

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My favorite show has rotted in front of me.

Last night's episode really put the kibosh on. For four seasons and two shows I have admired this show for it's lack of promotion/hidden advertising. I didn't count, but off the top of my head I can remember at least five mentions of a particular brand of beer and many more of a certain restaurant/arcade chain in last nights episode. The fact that they did this during their "Great Recession" episode seems to say that this was some form of hidden explanation of their blatant advertising, but it was so jarring they lost me.

To have a show centered around a bar, and intentionally not mention a beer-brand name for 47 episodes, and then to jump in bed, willing and ready, for some company to come up and ram its corporate shlong home makes me sick.

Anyone who wants to come off with the "But that's how everyone makes money these days," comments can save them. I'm no fucking robot to be programmed every time I flip on the tube. I had found a bastion of pure wicked goodness in this show, and now that stronghold is crumbled and smoking.

Goodbye Gang, and may you choke on that brand named beer you're sipping on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Yes we have feathers,

But the muscles of men!" *undulate painted on abs*

*Cricket smashes Dee in the face with a chair* "She is a slut!!"

"Aww shit, did I get you Cricket? Must of had an edge."

Wasn't as good as the Phillies defence episode but it was great. Not enough Charlie.

Last week was great too. Anytime Charlie is lawyering it is a great episode.

I cannot wait until next week, when we finally get to see the Kitten Mittensâ„¢

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Prepare yourself for being uncomfortable.

I don't know how to explain it, but the characters on this show make me totally uncomfortable. It is a hilarious show, and easily the best comedy on TV, but damn if these people are not the most out of touch, bat shit crazy people ever.

I am doing a really bad job of explaining it, but I am constantly laughing at the show and myself for the reactions that it gets out of me. I have the last 3 seasons on DVR, it is that good.

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Yep. It's the only television series in which I saw a few episodes and then immediately went out to the store and bought all the available seasons.

I might do that, I have some birthday money sitting around at the moment.

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