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Got Prof to 46% today, then called it for the day. Just so much shit to watch out for. What screws us up is when there's a slime left when he switches phases, and we end up with two of them in short order. On our 46%, we got him to phase 2 with all oozes down, and it was easy sailing, until some dude got orange slime'd.

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Okay, so a question since not all of us are in progression guilds. I've done ToC 10/25 3 times now, most recently last night. 2 of those times, Icehowl has chosen me to target for his charge. I know that in theory you're supposed to run straight to the side, and I always do, and always, always, he hits me anyway. What the fuck am I doing wrong?

Got the rest of it down mostly. Worms are a pain in the ass and I always die, although my reasons for dying are getting progressively less stupid -- the first time I didn't know what the fuck to do when I was poisoned and I just died far away from everything, whereas last time I made the mistake of running through slime on my way to burn it off. (I said less stupid, not not stupid.)

Our Faction Champs last night was glorious. We banished the tree, I stunlocked the fuck out of everything else (including a healer-priest) and we just decimated everything. Also learned the value of swapping to mind-numbing poison (other rogue did wound poison).

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Inigma, I'd suggest:

a) make sure that there's no pillar blocking your movement; these can be killers, so I always try to move forward a bit and then a sharp turn to one side to get clear.

B) make absolutely sure the direction you're running is the one you want to be running; many times the smash leaves my character facing one way, other than the way my camera is facing, and a quick adjustment is needed.

c) Make sure you're reacting immediately, of course. Lag here, unfortunately, will probably get you killed.

Pretty good night; slightly late start as just as we were getting ready to pull, a family emergency pulled our ret pally out. So we swapped over to kill Patchwerk for the weekly and then he got back as we reached Marrowgar. We moved up to 2-healering the first wing comfortably, though one healer died on Saurfang (he has a bad habit of marking someone who has boiling blood and that being enough to get them downed), but otherwise did fine. I was dpsing on Gunship & Saurfang due to the group makeup; we swapped the tree to bear and the resto shaman back to healing since he was so bad at elemental.

With both 2h weapons dropping, I ended up picking up Ramaladni's, so now I just need to farm Forge and replace my expertise trinket. Festergut we have down reliably and easily now, and while we didn't get Rotface, we saw definite improvements. Died at 28% or so, and that was because too many people died rather than because there were too many injections happening. So I'm confident we'll get him tonight, and hopefully also princes.

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I have Black Bruise too, so you probably hate me doubly :D

No I got Black Bruise on our first kill, so you are ok there. :P

Ini, One thing that can help on the yeti charge is to watch your timers. When crash is coming make sure you are on one of the short points of the star. Then the crash will not knock you back into a doorway or behind a pillar.

The charge target should get a skull on their head. Look for the skull, and then run away from it. Is this heroic? On normal you get the speed boost, so there isnt a good reason to ever get hit unless you dc. You play a rogue right? Pop sprint to get away. I know I did get hit one time when i got knocked back inside a boomkin, and I couldnt see anything, and ended up running the wrong way.

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Yeah, there's no reason to ever get hit, even on heroic with no speed boost. You get all the time you need if you react quick enough, especially on normal. Find out where Icehowl is in relation to you, turn 45-80 degrees away from the direction he's going to be charging in and run like hell. :thumbsup:

Going to be going back to finish up our stupid ass attempts on BQL tonight. Silly mistakes and randomness are failing it for us right now. We're getting better but mostly we loose someone in the air phase because they had to be close together to perform the bite, or because the bite does health damage and then the target couldn't survive. The most ridiculously RNG related fail we had was when a bite target got bitten and then two people near by were linked so killed him with the damage from that in 1 tick before they could get away from him.

Maybe we need better raid healing or something, but our healers have always seemed very competent. Oh btw, I'm not still in the old guild I bitched about from time to time :)

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You can also look at the minimap. The minimap does a ping to show where icehowl is charging. Run away from that.

It can be a little bit disorienting at first... But there is an option in your interface menu to rotate the minimap instead of your character point which does wonders for that fight.

I.e. normally, the map is oriented north, and you have a little compass point facing your direction. You can change it so your direction is always 'up' on the map and it rotates with you. This makes it much easier to tell if the pinging on your map is the guy one step left or one step right, which makes a large difference.

Also if you didn't rebind your strafe keys 'q' and 'e' simply holding them while you are stunned in the the direction that you want to go should get you out in time as youll be going the proper direction as soon as the stun releases.

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When he is about to jump, move around him so there is no chance of you being thrown into a doorway or the big gateway, you definitely want to be thrown against the wall.

As soon as you are against the walk, rotate the camera so that is facing the same way as your toon is looking, which will save a little time when he charges.

Start holding down your movement keys even before the stun wears off.

In the end it may just be down to lag, although if your lag is that bad, you must be having more issues in ToC than just avoiding Icehowl's charge.

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Thanks for the advice. I am a rogue, yes, and I already do pop sprint. I'll try the other tips next time.

Unless you're doing heroic there's no point in sprint really, you get a speed boost. Just hold down both mouse buttons when he charges and point left or right. Don't even think, just point and run. I've heard that you can actually run straight through him, so you can give that a shot too, if it's doesn't work, you're enraging him already, so no one will notice :P.

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Okay, thanks.

Can I just say, I'm having a shitload of fun tanking all the high level Outlands dungeons (Tempest Keep 5mans, Steamvaults, Shadow Labyrinth, Shattered Halls, Magister's Terrace). I'd never done them, and they are a fucking blast and sport incredibly cool design. I didn't do any of those on the way up on my rogue, but LFG has made it feasible.

Plus, the game doesn't seem to put you in any of those unless you queue for them manually, so you get people who genuinely want to do them and who know their shit. I just had an epic run through Steamvaults, my first time there. Group was a lot of fun and very skilled. We wrecked all of the bosses, including the last one and the gnomish machine with the repairmen. We had a couple of near-wipes on the fearing mobs, but zero deaths, very edge-of-your-seat shit. Gonna miss that group. Wish you could friend people cross-realm.

Queueing for Old Hillsbrad now. That one and the one after it are the last of the Outlands dungeons I haven't yet run on reg. (I have run OHB on my rogue, but at 80.)

What levels are appropriate for doing the heroic versions?

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Old Hillsbrad Heroic. That place used to be the hardest instance in the game.

Another night of wiping on Blood Queen last night. I thought for sure we had it. Our first go went pretty well. Our second I think we hit enrage. It was just a couple of people dying early. then we started to go backwards. People were just making stupid ass mistake. Not running in when they have the red beams. not spreading out during air phase. There were like 3 goes in a row where some mouth breather ran right on top of me and killed me. The last time it was a hunter. Clear up front. I'm like WTF! He's like sorry It was that or get MC'd. Well first you arent supposed to bite me, you arent supposed to be up with the melee, and it was the second air phase, you should have bitten someone before then, and finally what the fuck good does it do to kill me!

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Pretty sure you couldn't. You needed level 70 and honored (initially revered) with the appropriate faction, which forced you to farm the normal modes some.

Another night wiping on Rotface. It's really frustrating; we're getting better, but slowly. Unfortunately, we have a couple of people who just don't do well at the "a ton of stuff is happening", and two of them heal. Basically our death knell tends to be when a healer fails to react correctly and dies; we just begin to spiral out of control when that happens.

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Pretty sure you couldn't. You needed level 70 and honored (initially revered) with the appropriate faction, which forced you to farm the normal modes some.

So they did change the rep requirement. I had been arguing with someone about this, I was so sure it was revered. I'll have to make my apologies.

First try at Princes last night was a cluster fuck of stupidity. Random DPS were grabbing Nuclei, no one was running from fire balls, Kinetic Bombs were largely ignored. Sometimes I feel like after all my time explaining, no matter what I say the only thing my raid hears is "Tank and Spank, if something weird happens ignore it!" During the first attempt I was the only melee to switch Princes. Honestly you would think after wailing at something with 1 health for 2 minutes you would think "Huh, I'm not doing any damage, I wonder if there is something else I can hurt?" I gave it 50 minutes and it started getting better but I was too sick to deal with explaining to people why they're dumb. Hopefully Monday will be better.

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We took around 3 tries on Princes last week, I think? We got to 80% while basically ignoring everything. People did get the switching, and the ranged tank was getting decent at his job (for the 45 seconds of fight we had), but the fire was ignored, the kinetic was ignored.

I think we might just go for that on Wed. next week, do something other than Rotface, because he's pissing us off pretty badly.

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So they did change the rep requirement. I had been arguing with someone about this, I was so sure it was revered. I'll have to make my apologies.

Yeah, it's Honored now. You can get that high just from running the regular modes a few times so that's nice. Forces you to know the dungeon but not grind excessively.

Turns out not to matter though. I'm a tank and I brought a guildie healer, and we can't get a group. No one is running these things.

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I'm not sure what's going on with my guild. We had 28 people show yesterday, with 4 attempts left for prof putricide. So of course I had to sit. But they downed the Prof with 1 attempt left, and then decided to go do ToGC with the extra raid time. And they couldnt even down beats! They can do Festergut, Rotface and PP but not beasts? In the past they've cleared ToCG with the exception of Anub, who they never downed. No idea what was going on in there, cause I was on the wait list.

I think I need to find a guild that will let me tank.

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