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Downed Festergut. A fun fight and one HELL of a tight DPS race. Also I'm thinking that guy would be a pain in the ass if your tanks Threat generation is too different from one another.

We banged our head against Rotface for awhile though. Then all teh trash respawned and we called it a night.

I'm thinking we're just gonna need to go with the strategy above and just have the tank say "Fuck the slime" and run the circle like it's not there.

Once we got the hang of the fight though the REAL issue we were having, though, was people not getting rid of their little slimes and us wiping due to a second big slime forming right on top of the boss and 1 shotting the raid.

Yeah we have our tank move through the slime way ahead of the big ooze.

What we do is mark the tank and DBM should auto mark people who are infected, then have one specific person who will remove the mutated infection and tell everyone else not to. Then the infected person can run towards the tank and into the path of the big ooze; the guy removing the infection will wait till the apropriate moment to remove it.

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Well, I'm 0-30 in Putricide. :/

Got him to about 7% on our best go in 25. Did him in a 10 man group that was half alts on Saturday night. Had 3 1% wipes. Talk about frustrating.

Been healing on the Shaman for the random's to avoid long queues. I kinda suck at wack a mole. I wiped the group on the rock chucking dude in Pit of Saron as I was to busy healing to get behind the boulder when I was supposed to. Noramlly I say no one important died, but since I died, it was bad. They also had me heal Festergut on 10 man and that went ok, but we wiped on Rotface 3 times til they had be go back to dps, then we killed him no problem.

I picked up Storm Giant Cleaver for an offhand. Looks like its pretty much a wash from the non heroic Hellscream slicer. But It looks cool hanging across my back. I did some simming and it looks like using Black Magic on it, as about a 10 dps increase as opposed to Beserking, so I'm trying that out. I also have shed hit to the point where I had to switch gear around. A couple weeks ago I had 615 hit. Equipping the Cleaver look me to 365 which was 3 under the soft cap. I swapped out the Expertise ring I got last week, witrh the Ashen Verdict Ring, since I did hit Revered, and added back 2 expertise gems. All this balancing gets to be expensive! I'm almost out of epic gems. Looks like I need to get back into WG more often.

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Got invited to a massive cross-guild PuG on Sunday morning into ICC 25. Normally we raid evenings, and given the time difference between me and the server, evening raids are not ideal (we start at 7 server, which is 9pm for me).

So a raid at 9am server is much better for me. Took my shammy in, since I suck at feral DPS on my main. Couple of wipes on Marrowgar, then we downed him for the first time for all the guilds involved. On the final attempt the raid leaders switched me to heals, and amazingly I managed to keep folk alive through all of it. Thank God for Elitist Jerks telling me to ignore Rawr gemming suggestions and gem for haste as much as possible.

Got a nice ring out of it as well.

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Well, I'm 0-30 in Putricide. :/

Got him to about 7% on our best go in 25. Did him in a 10 man group that was half alts on Saturday night. Had 3 1% wipes. Talk about frustrating.

Been healing on the Shaman for the random's to avoid long queues. I kinda suck at wack a mole. I wiped the group on the rock chucking dude in Pit of Saron as I was to busy healing to get behind the boulder when I was supposed to. Noramlly I say no one important died, but since I died, it was bad. They also had me heal Festergut on 10 man and that went ok, but we wiped on Rotface 3 times til they had be go back to dps, then we killed him no problem.

I picked up Storm Giant Cleaver for an offhand. Looks like its pretty much a wash from the non heroic Hellscream slicer. But It looks cool hanging across my back. I did some simming and it looks like using Black Magic on it, as about a 10 dps increase as opposed to Beserking, so I'm trying that out. I also have shed hit to the point where I had to switch gear around. A couple weeks ago I had 615 hit. Equipping the Cleaver look me to 365 which was 3 under the soft cap. I swapped out the Expertise ring I got last week, witrh the Ashen Verdict Ring, since I did hit Revered, and added back 2 expertise gems. All this balancing gets to be expensive! I'm almost out of epic gems. Looks like I need to get back into WG more often.

I know the feeling about hit. Right now I'm stuck with the 128 hit triumph badge trinket for my second trinket because the icc gear I've gotten so far is really really bad for hit. It doesn't help that I'm wearing the 258 huntard leggings from Anub 25H which have arp instead of hit on them, and while I have the 251 t10 shammy legs with lots of hit, it's a bit of a downgrade step I'm not willing to take, so I need to wait on a token.

As the only enh shammy in the raid I picked up loads of icc 25 loot aimed at enh (the shoulder slot hunter t10 look alike with haste from Rotface, the Black Bruise from Festergut, and the helmet from Marrowgar which thank fuck had some hit on because the other pieces were digging me a nice big hit deficit) so my DKP is digging itself a nice deep dark hole, rendering the liklihood of a token soon not so great. And the Blood Princes will be here next week with the chance for Keleseth's Seducer, and if our other Enhancement shammy is still dealing with his IRL stuff then that'll probably come my way, digging the hole still deeper, lol.

What are you guys finding problematic on the Professor? We 1-shotted him this week on the 10-man and as I mentioned earlier pretty much 1-shotted him on the 25 (first attempt doesn't count because of mass lag). Once the execution of the tactics is down it doesn't seem to be too hard of an encounter. The key thing is to be able to stop dps when appropriate so you have no adds up going in to the phase transitions. Mind giving me an overview of how you're doing it? Maybe I can help iron out some kinks in your plan :)

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Told my officers that I'm quitting. Even 8 hours a week just doesn't work any more.

It's a tough thing for me, and tougher than I thought it would be. A lot of my personal time and energy was spent on this game, and giving it up feels like something of a waste and something of quitting a race before its over, but it's the best move. Still, I'm kinda bummed about it.

Good luck all. :)

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Told my officers that I'm quitting. Even 8 hours a week just doesn't work any more.

It's a tough thing for me, and tougher than I thought it would be. A lot of my personal time and energy was spent on this game, and giving it up feels like something of a waste and something of quitting a race before its over, but it's the best move. Still, I'm kinda bummed about it.

Good luck all. :)

Sorry to hear Kal,

You are always welcome to come back and putt around as a social member. Our 2 year anniversary is coming up this week.

1/22/08 Stegho, Baelor, Allasakar, Felhoof, Silena, and Ezrie reroll level 1 toons on QD and form Fire and Blood a couple of days later.

This list makes me a bit emo

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What are you guys finding problematic on the Professor?

People being bad. Malleable goo fails is the worst part. 2 players got hit 30 times or more in the 10 attempts. 20 people were in double digits.

Personally my biggest issue is my dps is terrible on this fight. Mobility fights arent a strong suit for me. Ability prio is harder to maintain as cooldowns cant be watched as closely. Magma totem is terrible on this fight. Thinking about dropping searing here instead. and then time on target is bad as well with all the add chasing. I took too many goos as well , and also got hit by flasks a few times.

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Yeah it sucks to be enhancement in this fight. Just throw your totems down in the middle and ignore magma totem unless the prof is going to be still for more than 10 seconds or so.

I only pulled a piss-poor 6.5K dps on our first 25 man kill :S

Getting hit by Maleable goo that often is bad though. A few people getting hit once in a fight is ok but if the whole raid is constantly taking those hits I pity your healers. At lest noone is dying to flasks?

Are you saving your Bloodlust for P3, because you'll need it then.

You'll get it eventually though - if you can get past Festergut and Rotaface then your raid possesses the necessary skills for the professor.

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And in the world of mundane WoW news, I spent this weekend wandering zones on the old continent, due to the fact that I was tired of the constant grind thing, and wanted to get my appalling Herb Gathering and Alchemy stats where they should be.

It is not only serving as a very necessary change of pace and allowing me to pursue a worthy goal, it is also allowing me the enjoyment of revisiting all of the places and creatures that caused me so much grief all those years ago and just destroy massive swaths of them with impugnity.

In other words, I am having a lot of fun. And exploring areas that I never went into before.

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It is not only serving as a very necessary change of pace and allowing me to pursue a worthy goal, it is also allowing me the enjoyment of revisiting all of the places and creatures that caused me so much grief all those years ago and just destroy massive swaths of them with impugnity.

Isn't it grand! Good luck with the Alchemy btw, it's a fun profession that I still enjoy quite a bit.

My guild decided to finally start knocking down old Ulduar bosses. We really sucked around the time it came out and didn't start getting good raiders or a core group until about...a month ago. So we're going back and hitting Ulduar Hard Modes and ToGC. We've grabbed a few fun achievments and have climbed our way to 2nd place on our realms 10 Man Strict Progression. I honestly have no idea if there are more then 4 other 10 man strict guilds on my realm, so I don't know how prostigious the rank is, but's it's nice to see nonetheless.

My priest is just about level 50 and healing BRD lately. I realy never thought I'd be corpse running through that place again, but, well...here I am launching myself into lava only to run back up the chain to guide other ghosts back to their bodies. I'll be happy to leave Azeroth behind (for the 3rd time).

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Yeah - we only got Insanity a couple weeks ago, and it was our 3rd or 4th actual kill of Anub. Odd, but after we killed him the first or second time we went and worked on Yogg0 for a while, and it was more important to us to get that bit of progression than it was Insanity.

At least we got it. :) And our kill was really ugly too; 5 people were dead and the add tank was almost toast.

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My priest is just about level 50 and healing BRD lately. I realy never thought I'd be corpse running through that place again, but, well...here I am launching myself into lava only to run back up the chain to guide other ghosts back to their bodies. I'll be happy to leave Azeroth behind (for the 3rd time).

I just got through the BRD levels on my warrior, too, who is leveling essentially exclusively through random dungeons. The blizzard gods took pity on me for the repeated BRD runs by granting me an Ironfoe. Winner.

Then I hit level 58 and my heirloom jumped from 3 dps below to 7 dps above Ironfoe and now I'm sad.

Putricide was pretty tough for us and I'm not entirely sure where our failure was relative to groups that kill him. My original impression was that our DPS was really low since we never get the adds down before they do their nasty whatever (the first time), or before the Abom snare fades, but it sounds like other people here aren't either, and we never even got close to the enrage on Festergut. It might be our high proportion of melee over ranged, or just that we didn't have the 'right' people online (primarily in that we only have one really strong, high-attendance healer, and our Festergut kill included a strong rare spawn imbaladin as the second healer.)

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Honestly my experience with PP is that if your DPS is low, it's not because of bad DPS (or at least not mostly) - it's because you're not minimizing movement and maximizing how you DPS.

For instance - as said above, when melee go to beat up the green ooze make sure they're facing away from the green ooze spawn point so when they blow up they all blow up in that direction.

Have your locks and mages and hunters position themselves in range of the green ooze spawn point so that they can start DPSing immediately; if they happen to be targeted by the volatile ooze they can blink/teleport/FD and be fine.

Have your raid move to the center of the room on the brown ooze spawn instead of all the way across the room so that you don't have to run as far.

Or, you can do the 'have all ranged on the table and have all melee stack on the green ooze/putricide' strat.

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Damn. Took our last three attempts on PP and the best we did was 7%. Unfortunately we wasted one attempt with an early phase 2 screwup, and then our last two attempts, the other tank first walked way too slow and caused DPS to die to gas bombs and slime pools, then on the final attempt he walked way too fast and ranged the healers. Hopefully next week we can find the happy medium. But, a couple of people who haven't even seen the Plagueworks yet are going to be in the raid and I don't feel great about our chances to down Festergut and Rotface to begin with - not to mention people will be wanting to try the new wing once we start wiping. I guess we'll see.

For those of you who've killed PP, how often were you swapping the tanks? I thought 2-4-6 would work but people seem to think 5 is the point of no return and I'm not sure for myself since I was so focused on tanking.

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We swapped tanks every stack on 10 man. Eventually he got DR, but we killed him after only like 7 stacks total. So it wasn't a big deal.

You can't allow more than 4 stacks; at 5 stacks he does 15k a tick.

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Ugh. 90 seconds to do 3.4 million. I think we can probably stretch out 5 stacks if need be, but that's still 110 seconds max... that's a lot for us to pull off, even saving BL/cooldowns, because there's so much movement. We were really doing fantastic with phase 1 and 2 in most of the attempts but that's really a lot of burst. Damn. I guess we'll see what we make of it next week. Thanks for the tip.

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