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Do you have any idea how absurd all this sounds to someone who never touched the game?

Yeah, I've got a pretty good idea, but this thread isn't for people who never touched the game, so I imagine it doesn't matter much, eh?

In fact, most threads on this board make no sense if you don't know the source material, so I hope you'll be cross posting this.

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Took advantage of the holiday to play some catchup. Had to spend an hour or so mining to replenish my chalcedony supply (now at a whopping 5), because for some reason it has become rare, but highly in demand (needed a skyflare diamond, and it's popped in the last 4 jewelcrafting dailies).

But my DK finally got the 245 triumph dps helm (which she could almost afford a full week ago, but she didn't get played because other characters took priority), a couple of Glory of the Hero achievements are knocked out for my paladin, and the 25 man got Saurfang down.

Granted, I am agreeing with those who last week were furious with the paladin tank there. This is the paladin tank who insisted that the ret paladins take Consecrate, and later Divine Storm, off their bars because "they were hitting the blood beasts and keeping them in melee". Of course, when someone had the sense to look at who had been damaging blood beasts... ret paladin #1: 0 damage. ret paladin #2: 0 damage. Prot paladin yelling at the ret paladins: 14%. The raid leader failed to state anyone as MT, though I ended up main tanking Marrowgar and Deathwhisper, since all my guildies were feeding me tricks & misdirect. The prot paladin was slow to react to movement, yelling at me for "pulling aggro off of him when not standing on top of him" on non-cleave fights (not to mention the part where he decided to turn one of the big bone guys after the melee had already run behind him), and is just pissing me (and others) off. And I was dpsing Saurfang. Why? Because both the bear and this prot paladin's offspec gear is worse than that of my second alt's. (That is to say, the raid leader asked both of them before he asked me, and in my opinion I'm a better tank than either of them.) And the strategy involved letting the first two people marked just die. But the healers didn't seem to want to let that happen. It was a very sloppy run.

My girlfriend, however, did very well; she got enough emblems for her trinket, and picked up the dagger off Deathwhisper. Post-raid, we regemmed her gear so she could continue using the mirror of truth (like me, she's bad about Use trinkets), and replace the expertise trinket instead, and I'm not sure if she was using the new dagger unenchanted, but she was top damage and dps on Saurfang, so it's looking like all the advice has made a big difference.

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Took advantage of the holiday to play some catchup. Had to spend an hour or so mining to replenish my chalcedony supply (now at a whopping 5), because for some reason it has become rare, but highly in demand (needed a skyflare diamond, and it's popped in the last 4 jewelcrafting dailies).

I had this very issue last night with Dark Jade. It's up to 25G uncut on the auction house, presumably just because it's been in so many JC dailies in a row. I mined for like half an hour and got a vast stockpile (two). At least this makes it easier to justify having a profession with a mostly useless bonus on my hunter, since I absolutely cannot go without an 80 with mining at those kinds of prices.

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The Icy Prism recipe is the STUPIDEST thing I've seen in awhile.

Seriously Blizzard, why did you design JC's daily recipe to massively drive up the price of 3 basic gems and massively drive down the price of the other 3.

The only things on my server that sell for more then Chalcedony are Epic Gems.

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It's naturally going to vary by server and market fluctuation, but when I've run the numbers on Icy Prism for my server it's basically worth exactly the material price, or slightly less (before even taking into account the potential loss from undercuts or AH cuts or the items just not selling). I certainly never make mine and I haven't heard of any other JCs making theirs, aside from using it to skill up, which isn't all that effective what with the cooldown but is okay for that one point daily.

After I wiped the raid twice due to massive fuckups on Festergut, then we one-shot Rotface with several people who hadn't seen it before, Putricide is looking much better this week. I was pretty surprised by how ridiculous the slime pools get during phase 3, though. Observe: image

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A WoW thread eh. You know, back in my day, things weren't so easy. You grinded all day to make pots for raids, and then spent two hours wiping, only to have your weapon taken by a hunter with higher DKP. Then you got sick of PvE, and decided to PvP. And we didn't have those fancy arenas you fellers got now. No sir, we had to form 15 mans or 10 mans and just farm BG's all day. That's right, 24/7 there was a group up, and some dudes were constant, pulling 3 million honor a week. Can you imagine that? The way it worked back then, everyone was matched against the highest earner, and that's how much further into your pvp ranks you went. No-one but the hardcore pvp'ers could get past rank 11. I only ever made it to rank 13, warlord, because I had to sleep, and I had no one to take over for me. Those were the days, before casual epics. Had to actually do every raid in order to gear up for the newest, instead of just jumping into the newest one after a week of heroics.

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Yeah I played back in those days. Hell, I knew a guy who went and got Grand Marshal. He hated himself afterwards. Though we used a loot council rather than DKP.

Banged out two randoms and called it a night; the poor death knights gets to linger behind when I'm raiding or D&Ding.

I stopped with Icy Prisms a week or two after epic gems came out, when I just didn't have the supply of the three uncommons to support it (or frozen orbs), and I'd gotten something like one epic in a week and a half of daily prisms. Now I'm just doing the JC dailies so I can get dragon's eyes and the occasional pattern that someone wants. Fortunately my mining is on my warrior, who does benefit from the health. I guess the prism is worthwhile when the alternative is titanium for skillups.

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Any of you Americans had attempts at BQL yet?

On 25, not yet though one of our 10 mans went through last night and got her down. Course, the correlation between 10 and 25 isn't necessarily a good bar to use (see hard mode, Anub), but it seemed like they did not have as much issue with it as they did on 10 man Poot at first.

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I'm not sure if we'll be sticking with Plagueworks or heading to Crimson Halls tonight. Or tomorrow. I'm also not sure what time we're finishing the raid tonight or if we're going to go kill Razuvious.

Any idea how much trash is in Crimson Halls? Raid leader was asking my advice, and given that we might need to end relatively early tonight, if Crimson Halls have less trash than Plagueworks I may suggest we head there.

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It's about the same as Plagueworks, save that there's no miniboss thing. But there's only one boss to get before the limited attempts, so that kinda sucks.

CS got Putricide down with only one attempt lost, leaving 14 for BQL. She doesn't appear to be that hard; the hardest thing is being aware of how the bite mechanic works and how to best exploit it. The blood princes appears to be pretty insane.

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A WoW thread eh. You know, back in my day

Been there, done that. After 4+ years of playing I'm personally happier with the more casual atmosphere.

Finally knocked out 3DSarth and won the drake in the same night. My guild runs it weekly for the mount collectors but I ever managed to make it.

We tried to go back in and knock down Rotface only to find out that our Earlier crew had saved everyone and their mother to a different raid ID. Guilds in a bit of a messed up shape at the moment. We recruited a bunch of people for reasons I can not discern and it's turned our Core Group of raiders into two different 10 man groups who are both struggling to fill spots. It's getting frustrating and I'm hoping we can work it out, I'd rather not App to another guild and fight for a raid spot again.

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Been there, done that. After 4+ years of playing I'm personally happier with the more casual atmosphere.

Absolutely agreed.

If Crimson Halls trash is similar in volume to Plagueworks, I think I'll suggest we stick with what we know. If we make decent time we should be able to down Festergut tonight and save tomorrow for Rotface or Crimson Halls. As much as I'm interested in the shoulders the princes drop... I'd rather stay focused on what we've already tried. And see if tomorrow we can down Festergut. Though even brief surveys make me think Blood Queen will be easier for us than Putricide.

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Been there, done that. After 4+ years of playing I'm personally happier with the more casual atmosphere.

+1. I might whine and bitch and nostalgia-trip, but I'm happier now than I was then.

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Ran some 10 mans tonight; Killed BQL and got a load of achievements too. We went to the Crimson Halls first though which was a mistake. After we killed the Blood Queen everyone seemed to fall asleep so we didn't get the achievements for Putricide or Rotface.

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Been there, done that. After 4+ years of playing I'm personally happier with the more casual atmosphere.

Rob Pardo talked about this in an interview he gave. Hardcore gamers like to distance the gap between them and the more casual players, and when that gap shortens they get raged. He says that Blizz's development started out catering to the hardcore, since they were all hardcore EQ veterans, but over the years, they've soften, obviously, and realized that the hardcore demographic is a minority of their players.

But, personally and for a lot of my vanilla guild-mates and friends, one of the big drives in getting gear, was to go pvp, and then smash scrubs to death in like 3 hits. I remember, going into a BG as a raid & pvp geared dps warrior. It was amazing. All of the dudes you were facing were wearing greens. You could just slap them all down, and it felt awesome. A lot of the really hardcore crowd from Vanilla I knew have quit. Some really good players, dudes from Ropetown, which used to be like 3rd in the world for World Firsts, they all quit, especially when PvP and PvE were separated with resilience. Even Rob Pardo in the aforementioned interview says that arena was a mistake, but there's no going back now.

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My gut feeling tells me that whatever their next big MMO is, it's going to be very much more pvp-focused and bifurcate wow and it along those lines. They've consistently been against the pvp angle and felt it was grafted on wow clumsily and painfully; this would allow them to go to that sort of thing without continually hurting wow.

Or more accurately, the next thing will be much more in a fps mmorpg vein and have more focus on small unit tactics and smaller fights, and wow will be the big battleground pvp and pve setting.

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