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WoW - March to Gnomer


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Well, it's training wheels for Spriest, at the worst. If I don't like Ele I'll just main spec Resto.

Ele/resto sounds fine, it's what I plan on doing with my shaman when I dual spec him (he's MS resto right now), but why do you think you need training wheels for an spriest? I'm still not clear on this.

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Ele/resto sounds fine, it's what I plan on doing with my shaman when I dual spec him (he's MS resto right now), but why do you think you need training wheels for an spriest? I'm still not clear on this.

R'holler originally said:

so I can get a grasp on healing and Caster DPS, then upgrade to Spriest.

Shaman heals and caster DPS are noticeably easier to get a handle on then Priest mechanics.

Shaman Heals: Chain Heal spam

Shaman Caster DPS: Lightening Bolt Spam

Especially if you've never done either before, I imagine it's easier to go in with a smaller back of tricks and work your way up.

Though if you're going to level a Shaman would level as Enhancement until Outland when you finally get geared itemized for you.

Mostly I only hate other hunters, and sometimes rogues.

If hunters stopped rolling on every 1 handed weapon when they have a superior polearm they would have no reason to hate rogues.:lol:

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Right now I hate one dps and the other "tank".

Pugged VoA25 hoping for tank pants. Didn't get any, of course, unsurprisingly. So I'm the second tank invited, after a while, we fill up. Start pulling trash. Ok this is fine, plenty of dps, looks good.

Get to the Toravon trash and then wonder why there's an Emalon trash now in the raid. Ok, pick him up, worry about the lack of heals for a bit, then kill it. All good, right?

Hey some guy is running up to Toravon's trash now. I think I see a shield, he must be the pally tank. So I pick up the second mob. We wipe quickly, because that wasn't the tank, he was a dps. The tank is trying to figure out the teleporter into the fortress.

I had to make a macro to tell the idiot when to taunt (at his request), and then his buffed hp was about the same as my unbuffed. Died again on Toravon, but at least we downed him in one. Ugh, pugging.

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Sometimes Phelan it almost sounds like you're on my server.

I had a pretty similar experience last night pugging VoA as heals, it was only 10 man though.

I zoned in and as I passed Emalons room three people up ahead died. Suddenly around the corner comes one of his trash adds (from Toravons room just like you). He two shot me and then starting attacking the tank who was behnid me who starting saying "Reincarnate and rez me!"

Evidently he forgot that the adds explode and kill everyone, thankfully I didn't wast my cooldown.

In fact this entire week had been filled with the most fail VoA Pugs and BG's I've ever seen.

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VoA pugs are the best espically when your a holy paladin pugging the fire giant dude (forget his name) with supposedly a disc priest and a resto druid raid healing, to only realise that both of those died by not moving from the fire when you were saving the tanks who were also not moving from fire and then systematically having recount open and making on the fly decisions on which dps you have to save due to yet more fire and which you are going to have to chance them being still alive when you do get a free gcd for them, all I can say is thank god for Beacon and how hard it was for paladins to go oom.

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If hunters stopped rolling on every 1 handed weapon when they have a superior polearm they would have no reason to hate rogues.:lol:

Just stop rolling on my trinks, rings, necks, and we should be fine.

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I just dual specced my tree to bear. Tell me if this stuff is accurate? It's what I've been told.

- Bear gear is cat gear, except gemmed and chanted for stam, and tanking necks, rings, cloaks and trinkets.

- My only real job on regular/heroic trash is to spam swipe. Maybe macro (and glyph) maul to it.

- Single target: mangle and FFF on cooldown, keep lacerate at five stacks, swipe at all other times.

Is that pretty much accurate? How do you not die of boredom?

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Crazy good night for my shaman.

Pugged VoA and got my Sanctified healing gloves. Then ran ICC 10 with the guild and got a new mace, chest, bracers and gloves for my enhancement set. Switched to my rogue for Rotface and PP. Finally got my Plagueworks achievement but both bosses dropped more mail and both also dropped healing necks.

Maybe tomorrow Princes, BQ and Valithria will all drop leather and daggers?

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- Bear gear is cat gear, except gemmed and chanted for stam, and tanking necks, rings, cloaks and trinkets.

Get Rawr. Use it. Win.

- My only real job on regular/heroic trash is to spam swipe. Maybe macro (and glyph) maul to it.

- Single target: mangle and FFF on cooldown, keep lacerate at five stacks, swipe at all other times.

Is that pretty much accurate? How do you not die of boredom?

There is always some DPSer trying to top meters who will manage to peel mob(s) off you and make your job more interesting. Given the overwhelming amount of trash packs that folk just AoE their way through, this can happen frequently.

Don't forget use of barkskin on CD, and get ready to hit berserk during heroism/bloodlust.

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Don't forget use of barkskin on CD, and get ready to hit berserk during heroism/bloodlust.
These are exactly the wrong things to do. Don't listen to that.

You use barkskin when you're in danger or might be in danger. You don't use it on every chance.

Using berserk with bloodlust is worse than using them separately due to how berserk works (you'll more likely be rage starved due to faster mauls). Use them separately. Ideally, use berserks at the start of a boss pull for massive early threat.

Also, keep this in mind: maul is 50-70% of your single-target threat. You should always be mauling. Always. If you have bad threat, it's almost certainly because of bad mauling. All of your attack abilities (mangle,FF, lacerate, swipe) should be a macro and look like this:

/cast maul

/cast swipe


/cast maul

/cast mangle

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LK 25 Down!

Of course I was having a 4/20 party so I wasn't in attendance, but its good to have that stumbling block out of the way. My guild got him on the last pull before raid time would've been over, so it was apparently a quite awesome experience.

Puts us in 3rd for 25 man progression on the server. We'll probably make our first real goes at ToGC 25 tonight, as we've never down the Twin Valkyr.

The man dropped the Caster Mace, and the Caster Staff. I would've killed for either, but didn't have the DKP as I spent something like 250 on the offhand from Sindragosa last week (Sundial of Eternal Dusk).

I think the Mace went for 280 and the staff for 312. I'm so glad that he's down. It was driving the officers crazy, and no one likes wipes on progression. Stuff like LK progression for 3-4 weeks really tests how strong your guild is for sure.

In other news my pally hit level 46. He has like 8 pieces of gear from Maraudon that he can't equip until 48, and I would do anything a Crusader Strike in ret, or Avengers Shield in prot. Judgement, Holyshield, consecrate is gettin boring!

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Puts us in 3rd for 25 man progression on the server. We'll probably make our first real goes at ToGC 25 tonight, as we've never down the Twin Valkyr.

You can pretty much gear through this stuff now, if you have gear from ICC 25.

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Wipes on progression are much better than wipes on farm content imo.

Sometimes its just bad luck, but usually when you wipe on farm content is because people are half assing things.

Granted, continually wiping on progression feels like beating your head into an iron spike. I still hate Yogg, and I have nightmares about Heroic Anub. LK was only like 4 weeks of wiping on him for us. Thats pretty doable.

We still need to go back for Heroic Anub. I'm not looking forward to it, but it needs to be done.

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These are exactly the wrong things to do. Don't listen to that.

You use barkskin when you're in danger or might be in danger. You don't use it on every chance.

Using berserk with bloodlust is worse than using them separately due to how berserk works (you'll more likely be rage starved due to faster mauls). Use them separately. Ideally, use berserks at the start of a boss pull for massive early threat.

Also, keep this in mind: maul is 50-70% of your single-target threat. You should always be mauling. Always. If you have bad threat, it's almost certainly because of bad mauling. All of your attack abilities (mangle,FF, lacerate, swipe) should be a macro and look like this:

/cast maul

/cast swipe


/cast maul

/cast mangle

And I think this may be the answer to why my guild leader says her threat sucks as a bear. I'll ask her if she's mauling on everything ever or not.

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These are exactly the wrong things to do. Don't listen to that.

You use barkskin when you're in danger or might be in danger. You don't use it on every chance.

Using berserk with bloodlust is worse than using them separately due to how berserk works (you'll more likely be rage starved due to faster mauls). Use them separately. Ideally, use berserks at the start of a boss pull for massive early threat.

Also, keep this in mind: maul is 50-70% of your single-target threat. You should always be mauling. Always. If you have bad threat, it's almost certainly because of bad mauling. All of your attack abilities (mangle,FF, lacerate, swipe) should be a macro and look like this:

/cast maul

/cast swipe


/cast maul

/cast mangle

I will do this, thank you. Is there ever a case where I don't want to be mauling, such that I should maintain a second set of unmacroed bars? (It seems like no, I pretty much shit rage in Northrend.)

EDIT: Jesus, you were right. This isn't even a little like trying anymore.

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I swear, I can't catch a break in this game. :rolleyes:

I ditched my old guild a few months ago because it was never going to get anywhere. Just after joining my new guild I end up selling my house and needing to take a few weeks off. I let them know ahead of time and they tell me it's fine. It also happens that my computer is on death's door, so I'm pulling a max of 12 FPS in raids. Obviously, my DPS is not great because of this. Towards the end of my trial period they tell me I need to be hitting at least 8k DPS to be promoted.

At about this time I need to take those few weeks off. While I'm moving I get a brand new computer that runs everything wonderfully. I come back and they've recruited another boomkin in my absence. My first raids back and I'm pulling 8-10k DPS, depending on the fight. Even in my crappy gear I'm outdamaging much better geared main raiders. Unfortunately, they really don't want two boomkin so they have written me off. They won't promote me, and they've been snubbing me at every opportunity. They won't allow me upgrades, bench me, tell me my DPS still sucks even though I'm hanging around the mage officer on the meters (sometimes even beating him). Now I'm back to guild shopping. I hope the next one ends up a better fit, so wish me luck!

At least I was there for our first LK kill. ^_^

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I will do this, thank you. Is there ever a case where I don't want to be mauling, such that I should maintain a second set of unmacroed bars? (It seems like no, I pretty much shit rage in Northrend.)

I in theory have a way to not use maul on my macros, but I can't honestly think of a situation where I'd not want to use maul. I can think of some where I'd not want to use a glyphed maul, but I carry around a stack of maul, growl and mangle glyphs and use them as I need for specific fights, with the maul glyph being the default.

On progression kills vs. not - it really depends on the fight for me. Wiping over and over on Archimonde was not fun; dying because of one person doing something stupid sucks. Dying when one person isn't perfect is better, but that's the difference between a fight like Teron and a fight like Yogg or Anub. Both don't have a lot of room for error, but there's a difference between messing up something hard and messing up something trivial.

Once we got past the phase 1 stupidity of clouds, Yogg0 was one of my favorite fights ever. Similarly, once we got past the burrowing stupidity I really liked Anub. I'll never like Teron, I'll never like Archimonde. And I'll probably not like Sindragosa for that reason too.

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