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Video Games Megathread Number A Billion


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Another FPS that brought something genuinely new and great to the table was Farcry2.

The only thing new to me was the fact that I played the game through and had absolutely nothing positive to say about the experience that I had. I don't know how I put up with that piece of shit game for that length of redundant, shitty gameplay but I did. What a waste of time and money.

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Agreed that the latest COD games are massively overrated.

Extremely linear single player with infinitely respawning enemies. Hooray. Makes any tactic other than run forward and shoot redundant. Couple that with pretty uninspiring storylines and I'm at a loss to why they are so popular. I guess the pacing is decent? Shrug.

Same on the multiplayer side. Generic uninspired fps mechanics which we've had for over a decade. Only new thing really is the levelling system. And if I wanted that I'd play an MMO.

Also gotta agree that Farcry 2 sucked balls.

Best ever FPSes for me has to be Doom if I'm going oldschool. Half-Life (the original) deserves a mention for completely shaking up the genre. And (for me at least) Far Cry 1 was probably the most fun of the relatively recent releases just due to the decent challenge and the massively open maps.

Oh and portal. But that's not really a shooter I guess.

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I know I'm late to the party, but I've finally started Ninja Gaiden II on the 360. I picked the higher difficulty setting of the two, and I'm getting raped by the first fights.... WTF? And I hear there are TWO higher unlockable difficulty settings? I thought I was decent at gaming (I think Demon's Souls and Borderlands are too easy), but that's ridiculous. I must be doing something super wrong. I frequently get my ass kicked despite blocking (it's like blocking hardly does anything, really), and the camera is really utter shit and I almost always die because of it. Is the whole game this annoying? I ragequit super early in the game, I think I got no more patience for button smashers. :( I might try it again on the easy mode, but then I'd feel like a silly n00b...

Yeah, Ninja Gaiden doesn't fuck around. It's probably not anything you're doing, it's just hard as fuck.

I don't understand it when people say NG II is too hard. I played the game on Path of the Warrior (normal?) difficulty and got through the whole thing with relative ease. Granted, it's harder than your average hack 'n slash action game, but it's mostly fair and doable. Also, compared to the first NG, the boss battles are really easy.

Morrigan, the key to surviving combat is not so much blocking as dashing and moving constantly. Once you get the flow of combat down, it all becomes a lot easier.

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How is the answer not System Shock 2 or Deus Ex every single time the "best FPS ever" discussion comes up?

Because neither are in the FPS genre? SS2 is an FPS-RPG hybrid and Deus Ex is a straight-up RPG played from a first-person viewpoint.

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Because neither are in the FPS genre? SS2 is an FPS-RPG hybrid and Deus Ex is a straight-up RPG played from a first-person viewpoint.

Where do you draw the line? For example, is Bioshock an FPS or do the gene tonics, moral choice system, etc. make it an RPG crossover?

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How is the answer not System Shock 2 or Deus Ex every single time the "best FPS ever" discussion comes up?

Because the actual shooting parts were amongst the worst parts of the game.

Where do you draw the line? For example, is Bioshock an FPS or do the gene tonics, moral choice system, etc. make it an RPG crossover?

It's an FPS. There's nothing at all that makes it an RPG, definitely nothing like Deus Ex's skills, experience, and inventory management or SS2's classes. Bioshock is just an FPS with a few tricks stolen from RPG's.

Also, as said, SS2 and DE aren't particularly good at the whole shooting parts.

For my money, I'd nominate the original Half-Life as 'teh best fps evar.' I still find it immensely playable these days. Some may say HL2 is better and I'd disagree. I think there's a lot more variety in the original; more enemies, more unique bosses, better level design, better pacing, and better weaponry. Yeah the original HL has the Xen levels, which were not that good, but HL2 had plenty of moments that get more and more irritating every time I play it: Nova Prospekt, the car level, infinite rocket crates, gunship fights, and plinky weapons. I also prefer the confined atmosphere of Black Mesa to the environments in HL2 and I am frequently amazed at how each level is unique and yet still feels like it belongs with every other level within Black Mesa.

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Brotherhood came out today! But today I was also fired. That's what I get for buying TFU2. That add-on, however, may be my consolation prize.

But now AC:B is on my most anticipated games... once I finally get it.

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This is the best post and has revolutionized how I play League of Legends:

Vincent Valentine posted:

The people I play with are all bad. I am bad. Being at 1400 means I am terrible.

Once I accepted this fact, LoL became significantly more fun. I'm just really fucking bad at the game, it's cool, no worries. Oh no, I went 1/4/0 as Garen and I have no pubby to blame! Must be because me and my friends are super bad at video games. Oh well, next game i'm picking Evelynn because fuck it, right? I'm already bad so I can dick around and have fun and not care.

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Looks like we're getting a new Bioware game announcement on Dec. 11 during the Video Game Awards. Here is a short video with a brief look at what appears to be part of a Blur trailer.

So far the guesses on the Bioware forums seem to be either a multiplayer game set in the ME franchise or a new Shattered Steel game.

Speaking of Bioware I'm currently playing through Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition while I wait for Fallout: New Vegas to come out with their more 'comprehensive' patch. I can't believe how much content I missed during my first full playthrough (as well as several attempted) of the game. For example, did you know there was a tavern in Redcliffe? Cause up until yesterday I sure didn't :P

The one thing I don't like about the Ultimate Edition: The DLC I've played is terrible. Both Liliana's Song and The Darkspawn Chronicles are utterly devoid of meaningful content. The Darkspawn Chronicles in particular feels like something a programmer whipped up on a whim one afternoon. They should have been released for free ala some of ME2's less remarkable DLC.

Here's hoping Witch Hunt and some of the other DLC is more entertaining.

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Half Life and HL2 are not even in the running for best FPS ever. Sorry.

FEAR would have to be it, as i don't give much credence to games that pave the way. I might post a longer post reasoning why, comparing it to other games, and i might not, because i just got back from Mexico and i'm tired.

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Half Life and HL2 are not even in the running for best FPS ever. Sorry.

FEAR would have to be it, as i don't give much credence to games that pave the way. I might post a longer post reasoning why, comparing it to other games, and i might not, because i just got back from Mexico and i'm tired.

I see. And you came off medication when, exactly?

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