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Once Upon a Time (It's very own thread)


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I hate how Regina is just as easily manipulated after so many decades as she was as a young girl.

They just didn't want her character to do something meaningful plotwise until the middle of the season and they obviously never intended her to be good,and you can't just make her disappear so they thought good solution would be to insert this "I'll try to be good" filler that didn't work at all. It's story worth a whole season at least,it was rushed,contrived and bit meaningless.


Next episode's promo.

Okay, what are the chances the guy who is supposed to be Bae running from Emma isn't Neal? At this point, I'll be very pissed if that's just a red herring...

I agree,he MUST be Neal.

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It's not surpise, it's :ack: I really hoped they would pull a Graham again...

Think about it - there's always an alternative: Bae could be dead, and that part of the map that flashed was just where he was buried. Neal could be his son, to whom he told all about Rumple and FTL.


Yeah, I don't really believe that. Neal = Bae! :bowdown:

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So I enjoyed that Jack was a girl (full discloser my name is Jacqueline, one of my nicknames is Jac, so I always kind of love when my name gets used in entertainment), and that she was nefarious. I'm a little said that Jack the giant killer only got one episode, as that was always one of my favorite fairy tales and one of my favorite characters, but I think it's an interesting to have Jack and the Giant in reverse roles. Tiny's the hero, Jack the killer who only gets mentioned in regards to how Tiny is affected by the character.

A solid episode for sure.

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Spoilers for 2x14

OMFG! Sorry for the tumblr language, but there's no other way to express my reaction to this episode: ALL THE FEELS! :wub: I knew this would be good, but I didn't expect this level of perfection in one episode! Season-finale level of perfection, that is. And ah, how satisfying to know I was right! YES!!!

I think I might have cried during 70% of this, seriously, from the opening scene with Rumple and Milah sharing all those hopes and dreams that we knew would be crushed, to that ominous ending. Will he actually kill Henry, especially now that he knows who the boy is? Will he be stupid enough to turn what the Seer said into a self-fulfilling prophecy once again? Eiher way, Rumple's bonding time with Henry was the sweetest thing about it.

And Bae! :bawl: :crying:

Once I have slept and become able to think rationally about all this I might write something more coherent, but right now I just feel like we could just jump to season 3 and enjoy the ride. :bowdown:

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Spoilers for 2x14

OMFG! Sorry for the tumblr language, but there's no other way to express my reaction to this episode: ALL THE FEELS! :wub: I knew this would be good, but I didn't expect this level of perfection in one episode! Season-finale level of perfection, that is. And ah, how satisfying to know I was right! YES!!!

I think I might have cried during 70% of this, seriously, from the opening scene with Rumple and Milah sharing all those hopes and dreams that we knew would be crushed, to that ominous ending. Will he actually kill Henry, especially now that he knows who the boy is? Will he be stupid enough to turn what the Seer said into a self-fulfilling prophecy once again? Eiher way, Rumple's bonding time with Henry was the sweetest thing about it.

And Bae! :bawl: :crying:

Once I have slept and become able to think rationally about all this I might write something more coherent, but right now I just feel like we could just jump to season 3 and enjoy the ride. :bowdown:

Totally agree. Loved this episode.

But that's not the last one is it?

I'm going to have to re watch this ep. So many squee moments that I lost track of somethings.

Why would he have to kill Henry. I mean the seer might have meant that he would be the undoing of his darkness... At any rate. He is a clear lead in to get reacquainted with Bae. Bae might not go to Storybrooke for his dad. But he might for his son. That's a way to have access to him.

Plus Gold has to recognise that if he killed his Grandson he has lost his son forever.

And you'd think Gold might have had a "Henry is my grandson? My blood" type moment. UGH! I can't wait for the next episode

It was a bit weird that that number was kept in Belle's bag so conveniently.

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Wow. Robert Carlyle that man can act. There is no way Rumple will kill Henry. I think someone else is going to end up as the Dark One. Someone like say... Cora.

Also, Bae might not be able to overcome his anger on his own, but for his son? We'll see. Our story has ever been a generational one. We now get to see if the abandoned children can overcome their past to be better than they knew they could. That's what this whole thing is about can the future be willed to change?

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I have slept, been fed, and become a rational human being once again, so now I can actually think about that episode, though I still need to re-watch it. I forgot to mention a few things - I just loved Snow and Charming discussing this mess, that was basically the best executed example of fanservice I have ever seen. Who didn't do the math of Henry's crazy family at some point? :cool4: They forgot to include Cora as his step-great-great(?)-grandmother, or something, and adoptive grandmother. Poor kid, what a mess. And my poor Rumple! Trying so hard not to be like his father, and look what happens. :crying:

And something else that makes me abandon the idea that Hook is Peter Pan and return to my previous theory that Bae is Pan, or at the very least one of the Lost Boys: when he tells Rumple that he's had nightmares about the moment he was abandoned for longer than he could imagine, or something like that. There's also the fact that he behaves in a very childish manner, very immature, really, which is particularly clear when he's standing by Henry's side. If he was in Neverland for decades, maybe over a century, as a 14-year-old, that would explain why his manners are still that boyish. There's also the small detail that time-traveling when going through that portal doesn't seem to make that much sense, in a way. Finally, in theory, at least if we think about the original story, Neverland is connected to our world, which could explain how he could have gotten here without another bean. Let's not forget the potential for even more drama with unbearable Hook if they already know each other,

which seems a possibility, considering that Canadian promo for the next episode


That's what I'm thinking, too. And how did they know what that number is all about?

I think it's even worst that he would just leave a map of how to find the one object that can kill him in a not that hard to find gap between books in the library. That would be too arrogant, whether or not people actually use that place.

Why would he have to kill Henry. I mean the seer might have meant that he would be the undoing of his darkness... At any rate. He is a clear lead in to get reacquainted with Bae. Bae might not go to Storybrooke for his dad. But he might for his son. That's a way to have access to him.

Plus Gold has to recognise that if he killed his Grandson he has lost his son forever.

And you'd think Gold might have had a "Henry is my grandson? My blood" type moment. UGH! I can't wait for the next episode

I think the Seer's words could be interpreted either way, but the fact that he showed no emotion when he understood Henry was his grandson leads me to believe he just might have concluded he will need to kill the boy. I'm here hoping that, even if he considers the possibility, he will end up doing the honorable thing when the time comes.

Wow. Robert Carlyle that man can act. There is no way Rumple will kill Henry. I think someone else is going to end up as the Dark One. Someone like say... Cora.

I would be cool with that; the problem is if Rumple actually has to die for there to be another Dark One. I mean, yeah, the show has gotten a lot better recently, but Robert Carlyle is still the best thing about it.

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There is no way Rumple will kill Henry.

Regina won't allow him. They gonna be at each other's throat.

I think it's even worst that he would just leave a map of how to find the one object that can kill him in a not that hard to find gap between books in the library. That would be too arrogant, whether or not people actually use that place.

LOL! True. He could just tell Belle about the secret and not write it down. Maybe in case one of them forgets?

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The whole Neal identity reveal has to be the worst kept secret known to man. I think everyone saw this one coming - to me, it would have been far more interesting if Neal wasn't who he turned out to be.

Regina running back to her mother didn't shock me. Things with Henry haven't been as easy as she would have liked so she's falling back on what she knows - namely, getting magic to do what she can't. This can't end well.

That aside, as a Robert Carlyle fan it was a great episode.

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I just watched the preview for "the Queen is Dead". If these people would just kill the bad guys or let Rumple kill the bad guys (the hated Hooky) many of their problems would disappear, you know like thst asshole Hooky.


based on the Canadian preview I do think Bae is Peter Pan

So he and his Dad should have something to bond over.

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I really enjoyed this laast episode. Yeah, at this point it was no shock to find that Bae is Henry's father but I still loved the moment of revelation between Emma and Neal/Bae, though. I loved all the flashback scenes and Robert Carlyle freaking rocked the shit out of this one. Between his sweet pre-dark one scenes and his current ones were all great. He was pretty scary when he flipped out on Emma for hiding something from him,

That's what I'm thinking, too. And how did they know what that number is all about?

My wild guess is that Belle is known for her love of books and she is in charge of the local library, so that is how she was sure with the Dewey decimal thing.

I am a little disappointed Regina is back to being a pawn of her mother. I love Regina best when she is bad, but I don't like how they are going about it. I hope she has something under her sleeve and finally defeats her mother. I am not a fan of Cora. WOW. Hook has become sort of a joke, huh?

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I wouldn't say the Neal = Bae thing was completely expected for everyone. What I have observed among my friends that watch the show is that only those with the obsessive tendency to formulate theories on every little detail expected this, the others were utterly shocked. Kind of like the R+L=J theory in the ASoIaF fandom, actually.

Anyway, I'm glad Neal was Bae; it would have been incredibly frustrating if they simply brought a stranger to be Rumple's son for nothing more than shock value, when whatever small evidence there was pointed to Emma's man.

Hook has become sort of a joke, huh?

The only moment Hook wasn't a joke in OUAT was when we first saw his picture and thought him hot. :cool4:

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