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Once Upon a Time (It's very own thread)


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I wouldn't say the Neal = Bae thing was completely expected for everyone. What I have observed among my friends that watch the show is that only those with the obsessive tendency to formulate theories on every little detail expected this, the others were utterly shocked. Kind of like the R+L=J theory in the ASoIaF fandom, actually.

Anyway, I'm glad Neal was Bae; it would have been incredibly frustrating if they simply brought a stranger to be Rumple's son for nothing more than shock value, when whatever small evidence there was pointed to Emma's man.

I personally think this was one of the worst reveals I can remember, although I still really like the story. I kind of fell like the production beat us over the head with the B=N thing. It was the ONLY solution the narrative could have given.

R+L=J is much more subtle and there are several paths that could possibly lead away from it.

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re: the whole Bae could be Pan theory

Bae's mom is killed by his Dad as a result of her involvement with Hook. Pretty traumatic event. Would not be a stretch to point to this as a factor which heavily contributes to his stunted emotional state and leads him to become Peter Pan. Only this Pan would have 2 arch enemies - Hook and Rumple. :dunno: Just throwing it out there.

Things are gonna get deliciously messy in Storybrooke. \m/

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Bae's mom is killed by his Dad as a result of her involvement with Hook. Pretty traumatic event.

But that happens after Bae leaves FTL. As far as we know, he still doesn't know she actually abandoned him and probably believes Rumple's story that she died.

Am I the only person who really hopes Hook is actually eaten by a crocodile? I just can't stand his character. He's such a pompus self-rightous little bully who hates it when the formerly powerless and weak fight back.

:agree: :bowdown:

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But that happens after Bae leaves FTL. As far as we know, he still doesn't know she actually abandoned him and probably believes Rumple's story that she died.

:agree: :bowdown:

Thanks for setting me straight. :) Unlike LOST, I'm not keeping a timeline for this one.

So Bae left at the same time as August and Emma, right? I have to look up when Hook lost his hand. I thought the FTL flashbacks happened before the Curse. And I thought the Curse was rolling in when Emma was sent off in the magic tree. I'm so confused... I must have mushed 2 separate events together.

I knew I should have kept a timeline!

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I watch this show on my phone, i download from google $2 an episode. Im a few episodes behind so I dont want to read too much of this thread but I just watched the episode where Rump met Hook.

Is the Game of Thorns flower shop supposed to be homage to ASOIAF?

Yeah it is. The show tips it's hat to a few shows actually. 'Lost' being the most common one. But that was definitely a GoT one.

Guys I'm really sad. I know I'm probably alone in this. But I was really into Regina's redemption. I wanted it so bad.

I feel like the chump who believed a family member when they said they were done with drugs for good and just needed a place to crash until they are back on their feet. Only to wake up in the morning and find they took everything for drug money. And they don't even give a shit.

I seriously feel broken. Devastated even.

And now I'm worried that when Regina finds out that Rumple is Henry's Grandfather.. Let's put it this way.

She knows now that Emma has magic. And she has special knowledge of how powerful Rumple is. (Although he wasn't when Bae was conceived)

I wonder if she will try to coax magic out of Henry. Corrupt him with it like her mother and Rumple did to her.

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Guys I'm really sad. I know I'm probably alone in this. But I was really into Regina's redemption. I wanted it so bad.

I feel like the chump who believed a family member when they said they were done with drugs for good and just needed a place to crash until they are back on their feet. Only to wake up in the morning and find they took everything for drug money. And they don't even give a shit.

I seriously feel broken. Devastated even.

And now I'm worried that when Regina finds out that Rumple is Henry's Grandfather.. Let's put it this way.

She knows now that Emma has magic. And she has special knowledge of how powerful Rumple is. (Although he wasn't when Bae was conceived)

I wonder if she will try to coax magic out of Henry. Corrupt him with it like her mother and Rumple did to her.

I know the feeling, I was disappointed about that too but the thing is, this season I'm much more worried about the whole Rumple/Bae storyline, and with the possibility my Swanfire ship might be already sinking since

apparently, Bae is engaged to another woman :eek:

. And, I don't know, I'm still so certain that Regina will have her redemption that I can't find myself carrying about what she does in the meantime, though it does seem like it's ruining all her chances of becoming a better person - especially if she does what you fear and tries to corrupt Henry. I don't think she would do that on her own; the problem is if Cora convinces her that is necessary for some reason. Not that she wouldn't have it in her to do that by herself, it's just that it seems to me she tries to respect certain moral limits, but it's basically that person that tries to do that all the while hoping someone will arrive with a good reason why she shouldn't give a damn about it.

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I really didn't get any of Snow's and Charming's "explanation" of Henry's family tree. did I got it right?...they said Regina is his grandmother and adoptive mother,now cmon,how?

I too agree Hook should be killed asap.Yes he's hawt but we could have his poster pop up every now and then for the ladies to enjoy and that would be enough.

Regina and redemption...no! The whole story was contrived and forced. Nothing there that made me believe any of it.

Gold will never get his son back,he killed his mom,end of story.I feel sorry for poor Gold :( No son,no Belle).

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So, apparently, Sebastian Stan is not returning as the Mad Hatter and, from what I understand, they mean to cast a different actor for both OUAT and a spin-off they're planning. A pity, really, his Jefferson was brilliant. I think they should just forget about the Mad Hatter on the show, since his story was mostly solved, at this point, even though there was the potential for more. As for the spin-off, so far I'm not looking forward to it not with a different actor playing that character. Unless the actor is so brilliant he makes us forget Stan was the Hatter first, which I doubt.

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I haven't watched this show since Hook was introduced, but to me, Regina = Ben Linus. I think there's redemption somewhere waaaaaaaaaaay down the road. But it won't be easy.

I like this comparison.

I've come around a bit with this episode. It's not enough that the people of Storybrooke feel Regina is evil and have a really hard time forgiving her. But I think the audience has to feel it too. If Regina goes down the path of redemption it will be harder. Much harder. She has to see in herself what others see. She has to want to change. And she has to work at it for all of us, for all of them and for herself.

So it will have to be more than a few lonely tears and an awkward dinner party.

As much as I wanted to deny it. And wanted her to be on the path of good. She still had people locked up. She still has the hearts of many victims stored in her fathers tomb. She is still strongly connected to the evil Queen part of herself.

This episode. *Spoilerish*

So what I found strange is the amount of people just flippantly aware of The Rumple dagger. I'm wondering if it's because of Henry's story book. It was Mary Margaret's first.. But she had it when she was under the curse.. Cora was Rumple's apprentice as well as Regina. It's possible they know about it because they were connected to him. But I honestly thought Rumple was better at keeping important secrets.

The Bae/Pan theory.. Seems pretty likely. I think the other Neil reveal has already been talked about. But I still ship it.

WTF Johanna... Ok I realise it was strongly suggested that Cora wants to corrupt Snow. I may have missed it. But is Cora and Snow's mother Siblings or something? Cora's actions - while obviously are driven by the want of power. There is a very deep level of personal vendetta pumping there. At least that is the feeling I got.

I immediately liked Johanna. So I definitely was affected by what happened.

Was Gold seriously blaming Henry for Hook? I mean - between you an I - I kinda wanted to give him a clip under his ear for the way he spoke to Emma. Sure he has a reason to be hurt. Let's just say when I was a kid I would have coped far more for far less than that.

But when Gold grabbed Henry and told him it was all his fault. I mean that is a leap (and pretty messed up) and as far as I can tell he is basing this only on what the seer told him.

Also Henry didn't lead him there. Gold lead them. I just think it's weird.

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Yay, Evil Snow! Finally a version of the character I might actually like!

Still trying to decide who's more stupid for trusting Cora - Snow or Regina. Poor Mrs. Patmore...

I had forgotten how annoying Kid Snow was; the most serious moments would only make me laugh at the faces she'd make. I'm curious now to learn about what exactly happened between Cora and the girl's mother. And no surprises in Rumple's reaction to Henry - self-fulfilled prophecy part 2 it is, then. I think his being stabbed by Hook, and Bae revealing he has a fiancée, would have had more impact if not for all the teasers and leaked spoilers, but oh well, that's life. I wonder if the fiancée is from FTL or not. Most bets seem to be on Tinkerbell or Tiana.

I like this comparison.

I've come around a bit with this episode. It's not enough that the people of Storybrooke feel Regina is evil and have a really hard time forgiving her. But I think the audience has to feel it too. If Regina goes down the path of redemption it will be harder. Much harder. She has to see in herself what others see. She has to want to change. And she has to work at it for all of us, for all of them and for herself.

So it will have to be more than a few lonely tears and an awkward dinner party.

As much as I wanted to deny it. And wanted her to be on the path of good. She still had people locked up. She still has the hearts of many victims stored in her fathers tomb. She is still strongly connected to the evil Queen part of herself.

I agree, but at this point it's getting harder and harder to see any way she could redeem herself other than stopping Cora, and the only way Cora could be stopped is by death - but killing her own mother hardly seems like a redemption.

Also Henry didn't lead him there. Gold lead them. I just think it's weird.

Henry led them back to the apartment to get the camera, that's probably Gold's logic.

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