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Walking Dead: Show and Graphic Novel Comparison

Young Wolf

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So, the dead woman on Tyreese's group was Donna, the son is Ben, and the husband is certainly Allen - does that mean this Ben is as much of a psycho as the kid from the GN, even without the other twin? Because it seems to me we were looking in the wrong direction all this time, with prisoner Axell and is creepy mustache, and that Ben might be the one to cruelly murder (or attempt to) someone in Rick's group. My guess would be either Judith or Hershel's daughter.

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Did anyone see the preview clip on Talking Dead?

The two white dudes are in the courtyard watching Carol and Carl and they mention how they can overtake a kid, two girls, and a one legged man. Tyrese and Sasha are not on board and try to talk them down and say these are good people. I don't think either of those two will be around long.

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Really solid stretch of episodes this season. I'm really happy about Tyreese making his appearance and I hope he lasts longer than he did in the comics - I'm sure I read somewhere that Kirkman regrets killing him off so this is a chance to not repeat that mistake. His sister/girlfriend made a good first impression too. Not sure how caring it was to "handle their own affairs" when it comes to being hammered to death over a bullet in the head. The bitten woman was still alive at that point, right?

It's becoming an uncomfortable joke with the curse of Two-Dogg and it may go stale if Tyreese dies just before Morgan returns. As I said on the TV thread it reminds me of how the slayers worked in "buffy the vampire slayer".

It definitely looks like Merle is being pushed into joining the old crew again. It's just a shame he tortured and almost killed Glenn because thinking back on it, he never did anything that bad to the group before the chained him to a roof. You could argue he was justified in his anger - even though he wasn't worth keeping in the group, I think Merle would have to save Maggie somehow to make up for what he did to Glenn.

What Michonne did to the governor was interesting in that I would say the balance tips onto her side as being the aggressor now and that the Governor is justified in taking his revenge. It could turn into an interesting dynamic where both are as much to blame as the other a bit like the rivalry in "the prestige" and bewtween the aryan and hit and run killer in "oz"

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Merle didn't have the chance to do anything terrible to the group. Things were moving fast, IIRC, and there wasn't time for him to do much harm besides making the obligatory racist comments to T-Dog. But you could tell that he was going to be T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

The problem is, how do you get rid of Merle without alienating Daryl? I'd kinda like to see Carl be responsible for taking him out in some sequence of events. Daryl thinks of Carl as his little brother, right? Hmmm....

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What Michonne did to the governor was interesting in that I would say the balance tips onto her side as being the aggressor now and that the Governor is justified in taking his revenge.

I can't agree with that. She was the aggressor in that she went back to kill him and take her revenge but the only reason she did that is because he sent Merle and the goon squadout to murder her. If they had left her alone, she never would have had a reason to go back to Woodbury. No reason to lead the Grimes gang there and no reason to ditch the group to go try to kill the Governor.

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I can't agree with that. She was the aggressor in that she went back to kill him and take her revenge but the only reason she did that is because he sent Merle and the goon squadout to murder her. If they had left her alone, she never would have had a reason to go back to Woodbury. No reason to lead the Grimes gang there and no reason to ditch the group to go try to kill the Governor.

I just think that it's escalating. I agree if the Governor had leave her be she wouldn't have come back but she came back with an invasion squad, killed several of his men, undermined his control and killed his daughter (which is how the Governor sees it) and stole his eye for good measure. she got a bullet in the leg. So I think it's only to be expected that the Governor will come back at her now in a way that will make his initial attempt seem like a picnic date. In fairness to Michonne she would have killed him and that would have been the end of it but then Andrea came along and guaranteed things will get a lot nastier now. Good to watch though :)

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She came with a squad because he was holding two people as prisoners and as it turns out was torturing them and about to kill them. Outside of the Governer himself, I don't think anyone with all of the information can reasonably say that he is in the right.

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She came with a squad because he was holding two people as prisoners. Outside of the Governer himself, I don't think anyone with all of the information can reasonably say that he is in the right.

I'm not saying he's in the right, he's a piece of shit, but because she failed to kill the Governor that was a pretty harsh thing to put him through.Yes, he's bad and deluded but she "killed" his daughter in front of him. And we all know how a madman will behave when they have been hurt/undermined. So from his POV his response will be perfectly justified.

I hope none of you guys are Judges - felons' family better watch out :P

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Hmmm. While I do miss T-Dog, if I were to take that poll seriously, I'd vote for Lane Pryce. Now, that was some tragic stuff right there.

I wouldn't know, I don't watch the other shows, and between T-Dog and Lori, hers might have been more grotesque, but his was certainly the most tragic. And we all know TWD won't manage to win next year, even if they killed Rick, Carl and Daryl all on the same scene.

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Just passing by to mention T-Dog is running for most tragic death. Come on, people, the greatest superhero in TWD has to win this!

Holy Crap, put a spoiler warning on that shiz, yo! It's literally almost every death of a major character from every TV show in 2012. You totally ruined Grey's Anatomy for me. Gah!

I keed. I keed.

But people should go here and vote for Carl and Arya as best kid characters. Arya is down by way too many votes. (Hit refresh and you can re-vote as many times as you want.)

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I can't watch this show. I started watching it, they didn't kill Shane, I'm not ok with that.

My friend who I introduced to aSoIaF keeps raving about it. I read the comic (I quit that too around #70), and have lost interest in the property, can't really explain it other than I think I got burnt out on it. I think it's a great character study of surviving and the best example of zombie apocalypse story telling. I just don't want or need to go there any more.

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Glen Mazzara is leaving TWD

Not good. Not good at all. I know most of us freaked out too soon when Darabont left, but this soon after the last time? And what are the chances the new showrunner can make something as brilliant as what Mazzara is doing this third season, especially with a material that is not as great as the Prison/Governor saga?

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