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The Anti-Monarchy Thread


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Just in time to clash with Her Maj's glorious Jubilee (thanks for the extra day off work, now get a job, you parasite!), time to get those flaming torches and pitchforks out for a good royal roasting. Having a hereditary head of state in this day and age is just embarrassing, but no-one seems quite bothered enough to do anything about it.

El-Ah aside, any royal supporters? And if (when!) we finally oust the chinless scroungers, what would we replace em with? I vote President Attenborough. *firm nod*

Yeah, with an elected-but-powerless figurehead as HoS, we may run the risk of President Beckham or President Adele. But would they really be worse national representatives than, say, Prince Philip?

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I quite like the monarchy, well better than I'd like another pointless politician glad handing their way around the world on my money. I say keep the Queen as long as she pays her taxes, an doesn't burn down too many more uninsured castles.

Also if we become a Republic, then I am going to vote for ethier President Blair, or Boris Johnson. If they are not available then the guy in the penguin suit will do.

Frankly if we get President Jordan I'd be in hysterics. Considering who we could get Philip's not so bad.

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Becoming Head of State could become an annual lottery prize, that would be fun. Woman from Redcar promises that becoming head of state will not change her life. Man from Wolverhampton vows to spend, spend, spend.

Anyhow it seems the Heavens aren't in favour of monarchy any more - they are forecast to weep and wail on the day.

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Becoming Head of State could become an annual lottery prize, that would be fun. Woman from Redcar promises that becoming head of state will not change her life. Man from Wolverhampton vows to spend, spend, spend.

Anyhow it seems the Heavens aren't in favour of monarchy any more - they are forecast to weep and wail on the day.

thats cos they made it a bank holiday.

which gives me an idea, any time water company's deciede they need to impose a hosepipe ban, we should all be granted extra bank holidays.

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The gods of Bank Holidays are more powerful than any earthly monarch. Let that be a warning to all who seek temporal power!

lol cross-posted with pebs

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I'm not British, but I live in another constitutional monarchy. I say we keep the royal title and the succession order, but with the addition that every king or queen has to be executed 5 years after they are crowned, regardless of whether they abdicate or not.

I could see this expanded to parliament as well. Would keep all the careerists away.

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I'm not from the UK but I live in the Commonwealth and am quite happy with keeping the monarchy as a head of state. Having a king or queen is so much cooler than having a President.

A scene from Unforgiven with Richard Harris sums it up quite nicely!! :)

English Bob: [discussing the assassination of President Garfield] Well there's a dignity royalty. A majesty that precludes the likelihood of assassination. If you were to point a pistol at a king or a queen your hands would shakes as though palsied.

Barber: Oh I wouldn't point no pistol at nobody sir.

English Bob: Well that's a wise policy, as wise policy. But if you did. I can assure you, if you did, that the sight of royalty would cause you to dismiss all thoughts of bloodshed and you would stand... how shall I put it? In awe. Now, a president... well I mean...


English Bob: why not shoot a president.

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I don't have any strong feelings either way for The Monarchy, they actually make the Country more money than they cost apparantly, they also don't have any real power anymore, it's more symbolic, the decision making is through the House of Commons and House of Lords.

At the same time I couldn't give a flying fuck about 'Wills and Kate' getting married or the Queen sitting on the Throne since the 50s, I feel absoultely no national pride for them whatsoever.

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Yeah, with an elected-but-powerless figurehead as HoS, we may run the risk of President Beckham or President Adele. But would they really be worse national representatives than, say, Prince Philip?

Wow, think of the awesome songs she'd write. Songs of power and loss and getting fucked over by so-called allies.

And, btw, seems to me that Queen Lizzie is the hardest working octogenarian I know. Not taking sides or anything, just saying.

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Hmm. If we made a whole bunch of old biddies in their 80s Queen then we could do a comparative analysis on how hard they worked.

I reckon that if we did a trawl through some old folks homes we'd easily come up with a few dozen ancient old birds who'd be right keen to slap on a tiara, sit in a carriage, wave at foreigners and read speeches to parliament.

Maybe this is the answer - we need to replace hereditary monarchy with geriatric monarchy. Oldest gets to wear the crown till they pop their clogs.

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We don't even get bank holidays to eh... "Celebrate" our royals... :(

I like the lottery idea Lummel! Combine that with the geratric monarchy idea and you have a win-win situation. The old folks get a lottery (is there anything more appealing to most elderly people?) and the people get a dignified monarch at all times. Well most of the time, hopefully. There is a better chance of it... Maybe.

Perhaps a screening would be advisable before letting anyone enter the lottery...

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I love the Royal Family, though I'm always telling myself that I shouldn't. I love Old Dear Liz, and Phillip is just hilarious. I also like how communities get together in their honour, when usually we just peer at our neighbours suspiciously through netted curtains. But I don't like the idea of classes.

So really, I just see them as a tradition. They don't do much anyway, except make me laugh and give me days off.

In the interest of curiosity, what would getting rid of the monarchy mean for England?

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In the interest of curiosity, what would getting rid of the monarchy mean for England?

Constitutional upheaval. Replacement with an elected head of state would be more than a cosmetic change. It would require a complete overhaul of the nature of government and the relationship between Parliament and the head of state.

The middle road would be an "appointed" head of state as in Germany, which allows the head of state to retain a ceremonial function without interfering in the mechanism of government.

Personally, I'm a monarchist.

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We don't even get bank holidays to eh... "Celebrate" our royals... :(...

That's just crazy. What's the point of having a King if you don't get the odd day off on his account? Although I suppose it is kind of handy to have someone you can sacrifice when the harvest fails ;)

...In the interest of curiosity, what would getting rid of the monarchy mean for England?

Well for a start we'd get a royal palace each (at least) and then some extra days off including freedom from tyranny and oppression day, yorkshire pudding day and florence nightingale night.

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Constitutional upheaval. Replacement with an elected head of state would be more than a cosmetic change. It would require a complete overhaul of the nature of government and the relationship between Parliament and the head of state.

The middle road would be an "appointed" head of state as in Germany, which allows the head of state to retain a ceremonial function without interfering in the mechanism of government.

Personally, I'm a monarchist.

The middle road sounds good, but who would appoint them? Couldn't we just have our Queenie do what she does now, but without the official title of being head of state?

Well for a start we'd get a royal palace each (at least) and then some extra days off including freedom from tyranny and oppression day, yorkshire pudding day and florence nightingale night.

I'm all for yorkshire pudding day, plus having a palace wouldn't go amiss, but freedom from tyranny and oppression? Under the Tories? You must be mad, sir :laugh: Or would the entire government change as well? And what would we do with old Liz & co.? Put them in a palace and forget about them, until they end up as old people in a home raving about how they could have been king or queen of England?

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