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Trivial complaints about your life

Mack Kilimaro

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With the understanding that any complaint made in this thread is being done so by a person who is in generally good health, probably has nice family and/or friends, has a roof over their head, food to eat, clothes to wear and sufficient luxury of a first-world existence, and even though none of it actually matters in the grand scheme of human existence or the universe... you know, sometimes you still feel like complaining.

I recently made the acquaintance of a nice young lady. I am terrible at breaking the ice, but it so happened that we were both contestants in a sports-related thing here in Baltimore. In her introduction post for this thing, she wrote of analyzing sports with "a Vulcan mind" and used the phrase live long and prosper. I decided I had to introduce myself. Historically in my life I would agonize over this for a month but I just went ahead and got it over with. I was rewarded with a prompt reply.

We exchanged e-mails over a couple of weeks. She described a day where she wore a Starfleet uniform to work just to mess with people and put the current Star-date on all her work that day. She also said "Energize!" a lot. Did I mention that in addition to this she shares my extreme (occasionally crazy) passion for local Baltimore sports teams? Earlier this week part of the contest involved all the people gathered in one place. I chatted her up a bit there. She is cute and seemed into talking to me and laughed at all of my jokes.

So, the Orioles are in town this weekend, and I was feeling lucky. I e-mailed her to see if maybe she would like to get to know one another a little better outside of the competition and catch a game in the process?

"Just to be up front, I am in a fairly new relationship..." because of course.


Well, it's not so bad. One of my rules for life is you can never have too many nerd friends. But I admit I had a little higher hopes. So, you know.


Thanks for listening. Now it's your turn!

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Guest Raidne

Wait wait a minute there. Why would she tell you it's a fairly new relationship? You can't let that fucker win!

I have no trivial complaints at the moment, honestly. It turns out that you get all your money back if everything goes wrong with your wedding, allowing you to both throw your hands up and tell everyone you tried your hardest while only recouping a significant amount of your expenses. Bonus.

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Wow, rough. Sounds like she was buttering you up to keep you as her backup, which is a shitty thing to do.

Um let's see.

I hate the carpet in the bedroom of my apartment. It's brand new, but has already gotten matted and uncomfortable - and this is just with normal or even less than normal usage. So yeah, cheap shit.

Also, it annoys me to end that when I signed my lease, I was told that the complex has 1 guest space for every 1.5 resident spaces, and this was a factor in my decision. Well, the place was under construction at that time so it was impossible to check. Fast forward to now - the complex has around 120 units, and TWELVE guest spaces, seventeen if you count the ones outside the gate in the hood. Bastards.

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Wow, rough. Sounds like she was buttering you up to keep you as her backup, which is a shitty thing to do.

Not necessarily. She mentioned she's in a new relationship, which implies more than just dating. She likely didn't expect herself to be completely exclusive.

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Guest Raidne

A suggestion: it is possible for a woman to know that you are romantically interested in her without it making her feel awkward. You just straightforwardly, but with humor, let her know that that's fine, it's her decision, and you're going to absolutely respect her wishes but probably never give up hope because how could she not eventually come around to seeing how you are destined to be together? Or, at least, in recognition of how many guys there are out there who like Star Trek, at least how destined you are to be with her?

That way, it's always out there that you actually like her and you even get to openly make jokes about it but you still get to hang out together without you getting put on the back bench as that guy "who is so nice and such a good friend."

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That way, it's always out there that you actually like her and you even get to openly make jokes about it but you still get to hang out together without you getting put on the back bench as that guy "who is so nice and such a good friend."

If you like being the humiliated, awkward person in a friendship, feel free to do what Raidne suggested.

Otherwise, tell you were romantically interested and then wish her well. Done.

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Wow, rough. Sounds like she was buttering you up to keep you as her backup, which is a shitty thing to do.

I'm not sure if my post came across that way, but I don't believe that she was doing this. To the contrary, I appreciated that the first time I made an advance beyond just talking about random stuff, she let me know what the score was. I have not always been afforded that basic courtesy in other potential romantic situations in my life.

I am a bit frustrated about it - only at my own luck, though, and not at the actions of any other person. This is a shake my fist at the heavens moment.

Raids, to answer your question, I think that would be among the worst things I could ever inflict upon myself. Heh. In letting me know she was in a relationship she also said she wasn't sure if she was misreading the situation, so I wrote back and said, no, she was correct and I appreciated that she let me know where things were. I also said that nerd girl Orioles fans don't exactly appear in my life very often, so, y'know, I was intrigued.

Now I curse my luck and move on. Probably we will occasionally interact in the sphere of Orioles fan writers on the Internet and that's fine. If a couple months down the road things haven't worked out with this other guy and she remembers I found her interesting and she gets back to me, that wouldn't suck, but I'm not going to spend any thought past right now wondering if that will happen. If it does, hey, cool. If not, I'm back to the drawing board.

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Dude, that sucks, halfway through your post I was starting to fall in love with her too. While I don't love Trek like I used to, I still have a sweet spot for it and just about anything sci-fi. I could even live with it if she liked the Ravens instead of the Redskins. I'm not into baseball but if I have to have a team it's the Orioles.

I got parent issues, lots of 'em but they most all apply to the trivial complaints.

I hate that I can't throw away a Windex bottle or if something comes in a tin - gods help me if I toss it! If I do, while not getting mad I have to hear from my mom over and over in a melancholy tone the things that tin or empty spray bottle could have been used for. She's not a horder per se, she has no trouble getting rid of a lots of junk, but there are the things she sees intrinsic use for that she has to keep around collecting dust.

I hate that I have to watch movies and TV alone. No body around here likes the same stuff I like. If it's not Home Alone for the 100th time, America's Funniest Home Videos, or Two and Half Men...or Steven Seagal/Jean Claude Van Damme/Chuck Norris in my Dad's case, it's boring and/or unnerving crap to everyone else but me.

This includes shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Firefly, GOT (gasp!), or even The Office and Community.

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One of my boss' is dating a coworker who hates my guts, because i think she's a rat faced coke whore.

I've been going to the doctor to find out if I have something seriously wrong with me, so far heart valve replacement and heart failure have been ruled out, but now they are testing other crap. If they tell me something like "you just need a new mattress," I'm going to blow my load.

No one will help me paint my house/redo my kitchen.

I hate most people I see on a daily basis, like a good 96%.

I need a new car.

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I hate that I have to watch movies and TV alone.

This is how I prefer it, actually. But I get what you're saying, dude. Just be happy you have better taste than everyone else. It could've been the opposite and that would seriously suck.

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Me and my friends were planning a trip to my summer cottage in the mountains to visit a famous gorge in the region. Poop - a relative is already there and it's not appropriate to visit until he's gone (the house is shared between several relatives).

No problem, another of my friends has a cottage nearby ... it's occupied as well by his folks.

Now we have to settle for Plan C - go to another mountain region to a third summer cottage - no gorge to see there, just food and alcohol. My life sux! :D

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You need to tell this Trekkie chick that to win her heart, you are willing to violate the Temporal Prime Directive and will travel back to just before her previous relationship. She'll come around LONG before you finish your time machine.

Oh, and I hate when people walk diagonally across the street.

It is legal in downtown San Francisco. The lights in some major downtown intersections are timed three ways. Most of those streets are 'one-way'. In the first cycle, street A goes. In the second, street B goes. In the third, all car lights are red and all pedestrian lights are 'walky dude'. In those intersections, the red hand 'signal of forbidden ambulation' remains illuminated for pedestrians who would interfere with legal turns during the 'cars can go' cycles.

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You need to tell this Trekkie chick that to win her heart, you are willing to violate the Temporal Prime Directive and will travel back to just before her previous relationship. She'll come around LONG before you finish your time machine.

I think I lack the panache to pull it off, alas. Maybe if I got my hair cut like Q? You made me laugh, though. Bravo.

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Its hot. Like 90 and I hate it. I am also too cheap to turn my AC under 70 and at night that is too warm for me.

Are you a dude? If so, have you shaved off your chest hair? You'll feel amazingly cooler.

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Sportscenter is nothing but baseball (the most boring of all sports) highlights.

The era of bliss is upon us. No dreadful NBA talk or highlights. Pure delightful baseball.

Baseball highlights are great. This cannot be argued. Whether the stuff between highlights is watchable is a different story and there we must differ.

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