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Trivial complaints about your life

Mack Kilimaro

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I have nothing to do today, I am getting worried about not talking to somebody even though I know it's fine...I still worry and can't sleep properly. -.-

Feel super stupid, probably am.

+ Also, some doucher on Draw Something couldn't guess my incredible Jimmy Hendrix drawing.

The cheek.

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I was playing soccer late last night and had to start today with a 7:00 conf call. I'm going to be tired all day will that delightful gritty feeling in my eyes.

I'll probably have to spend most of the weekend catching up on MBA homework after being sick for a few days.

And, more generally, most of the things that Solo posted.

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I'm confused. Since these are "trivial complaints" to me that means "small things to complain about"...which means "small things to blame on something"...which would mean "blame small Pod".

Is this like an around the corner announcement for something?

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I'm confused. Since these are "trivial complaints" to me that means "small things to complain about"...which means "small things to blame on something"...which would mean "blame small Pod".

Is this like an around the corner announcement for something?

At some point lad u must stop blaming Podric and take responsibility of your own life.Good luck.

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I want to go home but it's only five pm.

I want to go home but it's only 9:30am, and I've only been in the office for an hour.

Other small things

- I hit a wrong key and lost the post I was writing in this thread last night

- My toenails still haven't grown back all the way since losing them in January

- Presenteeism

- My job is just really weird at the moment

- I am not progressing nearly as well as I'd like on my pullups

- I am getting something unsatisfying like 5 hours of sleep a night for no real reason

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I'm at work.

I miss my boyfriend and cat. I'm moving to Ohio to be with them in 50 days. The wait is killing me D:

Uhauls are fucking expensive!

My stuff is spread out between 3 relatives houses.

I have physical therapy for my hip today, because of a car wreck that wasn't my fault. I'm 23! Having hip problems? Ugh.

I ate too many cashews/almonds and now I'm not hungry for my lunch.

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So the air conditioning on my car makes it too cold, and then I have to turn it off, and it gets too warm, so I have to turn it back on again. That cycle repeats itself every single day it's hot. *sigh*

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So the air conditioning on my car makes it too cold, and then I have to turn it off, and it gets too warm, so I have to turn it back on again. That cycle repeats itself every single day it's hot. *sigh*

This happens to me too! Just point the vents away from you so the air isn't directly on you, and turn it down a notch.

They should really put vents in vehicles that aim at your back or self cooling seats, so you're not sticking to the seat or your clothes or suffering from swamp ass when the rest of your body is freezing!

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The bowl of my salad spinner got slightly distorted in the dishwasher last weekend, probably due it being nestled up against a hot metal saucepan when I left everything in the machine to cool down. The lid of the salad spuinner now no longer fits, so I can't spin salad leaves to dry them.


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Was it one that you could have recovered with the "undo" function by hitting control + z? I used to lose posts by hitting the wrong key all of the time before I learned that trick, but yours could be one of a different nature.

Sadly not. I was doing.. I don't even remember what, and I managed to hit one of the "back" combinations on the keyboard. (In this case, cmd-leftarrow.) I tried to hit Escape to stop, but wasn't fast enough. So when I went a page forward again, the browser had decided not to store my post draft.

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this reminds me of the friends episode of where ross is upset because rachel and julie both want him. chandler says 'Oh, I know, this must be so hard. Oh no, two women love me. They're both gorgeous and sexy. My wallet's too small for my fifties AND MY DIAMOND SHOES ARE TOO TIGHT'

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