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I saw this movie a couple weeks ago but didn't post my thoughts because the thread was already at 10 or so pages by the time I saw it. Though now, seeing as its still alive..

I liked it. When I was a kid I played with transformers and watched the cartoon from time to time. Even still, I had absolutely no expectations for this movie at all. I saw it with a buddy of mine to kill some time before a baseball game. Having gone in with no expectations, I was actually kind of pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Yea, it was dumb and kind of corny, but its not like its the only movie like that that I've enjoyed. See: Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, especially Commando.

I laughed pretty much the entire time. I thought Sam's quest for Megan Fox's character was hilarious and it reminded me a lot about what it was like to be 17. Not to mention that she is extremely hot. Additionally I like the opening scene in Qatar with the fight at the military base. I thought it was cool that as soon as that thing landed it immediately started fucking shit up. Thats what I'd do if I was an evil autobot.

The only thing I really didn't like, which has been pointed out, is that it was hard to figure out what the hell was going on during the fight scenes. Way too much shaky camera. I would've much rather seen the camera set back a bit so that we could really watch them duke it out. Other than that and the overall silliness of it, I thought it was a cool movie.

I can see how if you go in expecting or hoping for something specific you might be disappointed but that wasn't the case for me.

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Blaine, usually, you are fairly astute on entertainment stuff, but I think you miss the boat here.

I went to see it with the same buddy I saw the original movie with, on a bit of a lark. Going in, I thought it would be a nostalgic waste of 9 bucks. After the movie, we both would have been in the other group of your friends. We thought it was a very enjoyable summer action flick with some clunkers (aussie chick, minimal characterization, camera angles).

Fair enough. But for craps and giggles, check back with me in a year when the whiz-band newness of the effects isn't so great. I really think this is one of those movies that people will laugh at how badly it holds up.

And as for kids digging it... I thought MegaForce was a pretty cool movie when I was 10.

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Fair enough. But for craps and giggles, check back with me in a year when the whiz-band newness of the effects isn't so great. I really think this is one of those movies that people will laugh at how badly it holds up.

To be fair, I think the effects are gonna hold up for quite a while. I honestly thought this was probably the best CGI on film to date. It literally was photo-realistic and meshed perfectly with the real world sets and backgrounds. That said, Bay made extremely poor use of this near flawless CGI, which definately hurt the film. But the look was amazing, though not necessarily the actual designs, the direction, or the action.

But there are very few CGI heavy films where I can buy that I'm watching anything other than a high priced video game. Star Wars Prequels? Absolutely not. But this one? Yeah...I bought that I was actually watching 40 foot robots on screen. Unfortunately nothing in the film (outside of maybe Cullens voice) convinced me that I was actually watching 40 foot Transformers on screen, just robots.

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Oh I agree it may end up like that Blaine, just saying that I think it'll be a pretty good while before the actual effects are surpassed. But yeah, it is amazing how forgettable ID4 has become. Myself, I was blown away at the theatre (for ID4) and still think it was an enjoyable film. (Absurd plot devices excepted). But its not one that I ever have any urge to watch again. (and if it happened to come on...I'd probably look for something better)

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I thought the movie was incredibly lame. I couln't really relate to anyone in this movie. I don't really feel like we got to know the characters that well. Also the movie was incredibly confusing when the ending fight started. And "bumblebee"? What a stupid name for a giant robot. Everything about the movie was implausible. An hour and a half into it, I thought, this movie will end in a half hour right. It kept going for an hour long. It dragged on so much. Maybe the movie wouldve been better if I had watched transformers when I was younger.

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Come on guys, did everyone seriously expect characterization from Transformers? Even the original cartoon didn't have much, beyond some basic character archetypes and "Starscream and Megatron don't get along".

To some extent, this is true. I'm dreading this film even more now because the comics had much better character-building and mythology in them than the cartoons and the film scriptwriters did consult with the comics writer and ultimate 'formers guru Simon Furman, but it seems they ignored any advice he gave them (coincidentally Furman has been penning a new comics series which resets the action to modern-day Earth which, frankly, sounds much better than the movie).

Despite all of the reservations, I'm probably still going to see the movie (although I'll probably see The Simpsons film first, which comes out the same day).

Yes, that seems to be about the correct target audience for this film.

Really? When the rating is PG-13 in the USA and (I believe) 12 in the UK?

From the sound of it the makers of the film have taken the view that there is a central, marketable 'cool concept' in Transformers but, with typical Hollywood hubris, they've decided that they know how to handle it better than the people who made it an enduring success 23-24 years ago, ignored all the advice from the fans and experts but made sure to include some bones to throw to the established fanbase (Cullen's presence, the character names) to rope them in whilst marketing the film mainly to kids (who paradoxically can't even legally see the film due to its high rating) and the action movie fanbase who are satisfied by anything with big explosions in it.

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The more I think on it, Transformers and Independence Day (ID4) are pretty analogous.

Amazing effect sequences that redefine summer blockbuster CGI? Check for both.

Witty, charismatic lead performance by an up and comer? Check for both Will Smith and Shia LaBouf (who really carries the turd as far as he can on charm)

Absurd military fetish subplots? Check and double check. The sheer dumbness of leading enemy monsters into a crowded city can only be matched by letting a drunken Randy Quaid pilot a jet. With the president as his wingman.

Hammy awful acting from established actors? John Turturro and Jon Voigt got nothing on Robert Loggia and Bill Pullman.

Really dumb smart people? The king of dumb smart people Jeff Goldblum must hand over the crown to Anthony Anderson and his sheila hacker pal.

Terrible directors who really should work as effects DPs? Emmerich and Devlin and merely weaker clones of Michael Bay.

Unrealistic, poorly realized aliens? Yep yep.

Insanely contrived climax that really doesn't make much sense? Piloting an enemy ship and uploading a virus with a Macbook is only slightly dumber than the "hey, what if I stick the Allspark in Megatron's chest instead?" ending.

The only thing that Transformers brought to it was an established nostalgic license to be debased... and Megan Fox. One of those is a good thing. The other... not so much.

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First, why exactly did this movie warrant a PG-13? Minimal blood, minimal language, and the sexual undertones were of 80s sitcom level of intensity.

Second, one thing this movie has wayyyy over ID4 and Armageddon and Matrix is the kid appeal. Something that none of those mentioned blockbusters has is a toy tie in that will get kids into the stores from now through Christmas. I think this is what moves Transformers out of the generic blockbuster genre and into the Spidey, Harry Potter world. Maybe as a junior member, but in that crowd.

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Blaine, you forgot 'secret underground facility storing hidden alien technology'.

Touched on 'Wacky outsiders showing up government experts'

As for why all the Cube-sparked devices turn evil. WARNING: Geek speculation. (semi-confirmed by the writers who may or may not have been just going along with fan rationalizations)

Since all modern technology was 'reverse engineered' (lame throw away line that served no purpose) from Megatron, it is all inherently evil. That's right, you heard it, technology is inherently evil.

Slightly better theory is that newly concscious machines are for all intents and purposes infants. Incredibly strong and potentially destructive infants who, since they haven't been socialized or civilized in the least, just throw a city destroying tantrum when they're 'born'.

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Have to say I don't dig either of those rationalizations.


If you expect the film to maintain any of the comic book mythology you will be even more disappointed than I was, because it simply does not.

I think you are correct btw in saying that it seems Bay and the producers have only engaged in throwing small bones to the fans. Let me be clear, I did not expect them to do more in that vein. It's their budget, their film. However where at first I saw the casting of Peter Cullen as the voice of Prime as a sure sign that Bay intended to stay faithful to the idea of the Transformers, while updating the look of them, now having actually seen it I cannot but admit that the casting of Cullen is pretty much the only thing that feels faithful to the cartoon that was so succesful.

Main problem is just what others have pointed out, it is a film with Robots in that feel nothing like actual Transformers. I was mindboggled by their foolishness, their decisions and by how little I cared when one of the Autobots was killed. Amazed that there is no room for Starscream at all, that Megatron was now a Lord and that during his pursuit of Sam he could only spout out corny lines about how he'd come and eat him. And that is aside from all 5 Autobots trying to hide in Sam's garden because of his parents. It's just made for a younger audience than I thought it would, and that would indeed be the 5-15 age group.

I still hold that their new designs look great though.

Blaine:That cracked me up :D

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Now that I finally have seen it I have to say that I can't see what the vast majority of people here are bitching about.

I certainly remember the show but I was much more of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles man was never heavy into the transformers.

I had a great time now come to think of it I relexed turned off my nogin for a few hours and had some fun. The special effects were good and the acting was not nearly as bad as I was prepared for.

I think i'm going to use "Sam's Happy time" as my next pickup line (even though there is no way in hell that is going to work)

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Just found this on a friends myspace.. some pimp ass costumes going on here.

I have to say Prime and Mixmaster were the best. Prime actually rolls, heh.

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Since all modern technology was 'reverse engineered' (lame throw away line that served no purpose) from Megatron, it is all inherently evil. That's right, you heard it, technology is inherently evil.

Slightly better theory is that newly concscious machines are for all intents and purposes infants. Incredibly strong and potentially destructive infants who, since they haven't been socialized or civilized in the least, just throw a city destroying tantrum when they're 'born'.

EHK, I kinda want to have like ten thousand of your babies after having read every post you made in this thread.

Just saw it today. I had gone into internet hibernation to avoid any trailers, teasers, gossip, or reviews of this movie. Knowing that Michael Bay was directing was prejudice enough going in.

Most of my opinions have been stated numerous times above with far greater eloquence:

Shia LaBeouf rocked. His love interested was smokin hawt.

I've had a hardon for Anthony Anderson since his turn in the Shield, I was highly embaressed by his part in this movie. " Only ONE hacker in the world can solve this! Luckily he lives just around the corner." Could have lived without him and also smokin hawt Aussie Chick.

The biggest disappointment for me BY FAR was the lack of Starscream love.

I don't feel Michael Bay raped my childhood with this movie. It was more like he gave it a halfhearted handjob for 9 dollars.

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