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God - do you believe?

Jamie's left hand

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Is there really anything more to be said about this topic that hasn't been said before?

Given that many of the people posting in the thread haven't participated in past discussions on this topic, probably a lot.

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Given that many of the people posting in the thread haven't participated in past discussions on this topic, probably a lot.

This. Do we need to add this to every OP on popular topics to avoid complaints about how stale the issue is? Newflash, the universe did not begin with you and it doesn't stop for your life, new people are born and they learn new things and find these things interesting. They *gasp* want to discuss these things. This solipsism is ridiculous, if the topic is so old, then don't participate. Yet every thread we have a few people who are convinced that being jaded makes them cool walking in to school us on how played out this whole religion thing is.


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Perhaps it is indeed only due to the sins born from Eve's atrocity that we are fixed in an endless cycle of bloodshed

This is why I will do unspeakable acts of violence against God if He were real.

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<Snorts> He's trolling you big time.

I don't think so. I think he is sincere in what he wrote. But you could be right.

Still, do you doubt that there are actual people who do believe in that line?

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The concept of original sin itself is what I object to, but the sexism that gets layered on that is just the shit icing on the crap cake.

I'd also point out that while there are nutbars in every group, atheists included, and that there are sexists in every group, atheists included, there is a qualitative difference between having the sexism and nuttiness enshrined and endorsed by the alleged supreme being of the universe and, well, not. If God is the highest authority and God says women are the roots of our downfall, then hell, there's nothing we can do about it now is there? Compare to, say, sexism in other contexts where it is not endorsed by divine beings, I'd think we'd have a better shot at combatting the latter and not so the former.

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The concept of Original Sin itself is, arguably, worthy of criminal charges and possibly the death penalty. Wouldn't it qualify as a crime against humanity?

Hey, go for it. Drag those bastards who wrote that part of the bible to court, and everyone who has followed it ever since. Execute the whole lot of them. The planet could do with a few billion people deleted from the face of the earth.

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No, I think it just shows once again how men can't look in the mirror and see their own failures, they need to blame someone else. Paradise was lost? Blame some woman who broke the rules. They executed a prophet? Hell, the belly dance wanted his head. King David sinned - if only that Bathsheba wasn't around. The Greeks did it too - Helen of Troy must have been some hawt hawt babe. The world is full of treacherous women who betray men and cause their downfall, whetherthe story involves religion or conquest.

I don't thing it was a woman who wrote the story of Adam and Eve and the snake, and God intentionally putting temptation up for plucking, and blamed the loss of paradise on womankind. Do you think it was a woman who wrote the story of Pandora's box? I doubt it. And it really has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with the nature of men. You bastards, you! :lol:

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I guarantee Terra would agree with you. I know I do. Men bridled female bodies and sexuality via scripture across many, many faiths.

(Though IIRC in Islam Adam and Eve share the sin that leads to exile from the Garden?)

I was responding to the idea that a being called Yaweh - God, a god, or perhaps a deceptive demiurge if you follow Gnosticism - was the author of the Original Sin curse. [As in, the crime is the curse itself, not the placing of the lion's share of blame on Eve.]

I find using the actual names of deities that people have identified with the supreme "God" makes things less confusing. At minimum, both Yaweh and Krsna have been "God", and the Dogon tribe is at least henotheistic last I checked.

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This. Do we need to add this to every OP on popular topics to avoid complaints about how stale the issue is? Newflash, the universe did not begin with you and it doesn't stop for your life, new people are born and they learn new things and find these things interesting. They *gasp* want to discuss these things. This solipsism is ridiculous, if the topic is so old, then don't participate. Yet every thread we have a few people who are convinced that being jaded makes them cool walking in to school us on how played out this whole religion thing is.


Whoa, calm down there buddy. I take your point though.

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