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Straight up Poll - Jon dead or alive?

Bear Island Bruiser

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Yeah I thought the prologue kinda took all guesswork out of it. At this point I'm more interested how his chapter titles will read. He's one of the few characters who's always retained his name for the heading. I'm really looking forward to the Jon/Ghost duality of his coming chapters.

"The Ghost in the Darkness"

Ok that's lame and almost a Michael Douglas movie but it's appropriate.

I'll think up some shit later.

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He cannot be dead

- His arc is far from finished, still don't know who is mother is (even though some people seem to be a bit too sure)

- Mellisandre the most talented Red priest that we know is near him and already expected it to happen and we know by now that red priests can bring people back from dead.

So I say 100% not dead

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I've done a quick tally and, possibly including people that voted twice as I didn't check, we have 21 for dead and 64 for alive. Fairly comprehensive then.

I voted for his body being dead (but he probably either warged or will be resurrected), however if this counts in the alive category then I would change my vote to alive (if it does not, then I would keep vote as dead). He is almost certainly not permanently gone, but it seems more likely than not that his body has died.

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If he's dead its figuratively for whatever reason (as in he becomes King in the North - so the NW's man dies, or finds out he's legally not a bastard anymore, or the man rises and the boy dies, a lot of people seem to like that saying in the book)

So I'm going with alive, it didn't say anywhere in aDwD the sentance 'Jon is dead'

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Jon's alive. Why? Because every time GRRM kills off a major character, it is obvious and usually a clear narrative of a book.

Ned, Joffrey, Robb, Cat, Lysa, Big King Bob, Renly, Quentyn, Tywin, Viserys, etc.....

Then compare all the end of book dead/alive cliffhangers we've seen:

Arya (AGOT): Alive

Davos (ACOK): Alive

Theon (ACOK): Alive

If Jon Snow was dead after five books where he was a major POV character, then his fate wouldn't have been left hanging.

Maybe he 'dies' and comes back to life or something, but I don't see unJon or anything like that happening. Mostly likely he's attacked by the NW, saved by wildlings and wakes up changed.

Just like Jaime is going to have a couple chapters, at least, in TWOW. He's also hanging off the cliff right now but I don't think he's figurately hanging from a tree.

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Didn't Melisandre say he will be a man, then a wolf, then a man?

I hope someone can answer the bolded question for certain.

Found it in AWDW, Melisandre 1, pg 408:

"His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again."

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I'm actually still pretty uncertain. There is a lot of arguments and future possibilites that are all up in the air. Jon's outcome might be even something that hasn't been thought up yet.

But, if I absolutely have to choose, I'll lean more towards the alive category.

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