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Could Jon Snow be Uncle Brandon's son?

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Wasn't Brandon known for taking what he wanted? Ashara Dayne is rumored by some to be Jon's mother, and the two did meet. Though, Ned may have wanted Ashara, so I don't think Brandon would do this. Doubtless someone has thought of this before though.

Note: RLJ is the theory I actually believe.

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Ser Baristan says that Ashara Dayne was "shamed" or something like that by a Stark from Winterfell, I think it was Bradon if anyone at all. Ned is too humble and honorable, especially in those days when he was the "second" son. Ned would not have asserted himself on a noble woman and such. Edric Dayne is probably the true child that Ashara had. Jon is Lyanna and Rheagar's, I would say with 99% certainty.

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Well, Brandon convinced Ashara to dance with Ned, everything else is speculation. But, in any case, the timing doesn't seem right, Jon would be about half a year older and that would probably be noted.

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Wasn't Brandon known for taking what he wanted? Ashara Dayne is rumored by some to be Jon's mother, and the two did meet. Though, Ned may have wanted Ashara, so I don't think Brandon would do this. Doubtless someone has thought of this before though.

If that were the case then why would Eddard have to hide that fact?

The only reason he hides Jon's true parentage is because if it was revealed that Jon was the offspring of Lyanna and Rhaegar then Robert would want his head. For the sake of Jon's life and the promise he made to his sister, Ned cannot tell a soul. Although I'm unsure as to whether or not Benjen knew/knows?

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Wasn't Brandon known for taking what he wanted? Ashara Dayne is rumored by some to be Jon's mother, and the two did meet. Though, Ned may have wanted Ashara, so I don't think Brandon would do this. Doubtless someone has thought of this before though.

1. Jon was born in 283, and the last time Ashara and Brandon met was in Harrenhall in 281. Of course, unless you think Ashara was pregnant with Jon full two years :)

2. Barristan has claimed that Ashara got the stillborn girl

3. As far as any theory about Jon, yes, people have thought of this too, but it proved wrong.

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Ser Baristan says that Ashara Dayne was "shamed" or something like that by a Stark from Winterfell, I think it was Bradon if anyone at all. Ned is too humble and honorable, especially in those days when he was the "second" son. Ned would not have asserted himself on a noble woman and such. Edric Dayne is probably the true child that Ashara had. Jon is Lyanna and Rheagar's, I would say with 99% certainty.

I'm almost certain that what Barristan actually thinks is that Ashara "turned to Stark" after she was shamed. Not that she was shamed by a Stark.

The only acceptable theory about Jon`s parentage, which I think by now should be a fact, is R+L=J.

I agree.

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Timeline problems are difficult to resolve. Brandon appears to have died before Jon was conceived.

The weight of evidence also shows Lyanna to be Jon's mother. Brandon most likely wasn't attracted to his sister, nor forced to rape her.

Jon's father remains in considerable doubt, since GRRM has provided little/no useful data about the circumstances of Jon's conception -- where it was, where various potential fathers were, etc.

I'm still waiting for some sort of actual evidence to show that Rhaegar and Lyanna went somewhere together before Jon was conceived.

As far as I know, this idea boils down to "it's generally understood by the population of Westeros." The only useful fact along these lines is that Lyanna eventually died, months later, in a tower owned by Rhaegar's family.

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I'll take your word for it that the text mentioned Brandon taking what he wanted, but

.......what does that have to do with Jon? He swore a vow of abstinance the first chance he got. He was voted LC through the machinations of his friends.

I don't know what "taking what he wanted" would have to do with Jon in any way whatsoever.

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Exactly. What the hell else was Lyanna making Ned promise? And Why was there kingsguard there? To much evidence.

I believe R+L but I don't buy the whole KG argument at all. Quite simply Rhaegar himself is part of the royal family and has just kidnapped a member of one of the greatest houses in Westeros. This is enough reason for the KG presence IMO.

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KG first and foremost task is to protect the King. Keeping orders of dead men would not stay them from trying to reach the rightful King on Dragonstone. But in conversation with ned, they explicitly stated they are keeping their oaths and that the knight who fled with Viserys to Dragonstone is a good man, but "not of Kingsguard".

As for "who knows", I think Benjen is the only manto whom Ned could (and has to) tell.

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The reason RLJ makes sense is it solves the answer of why Jon's mom needs to be a secret and why ned has to lie to Catelyn. If Jon is Brandon's bastard, Ned can just tell Catelyn.

I would actually kind of disagree with that.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm a firm believer in R+L=J.

BUT IF Jon was actually Brandon's, that could theoretically be a dangerous situation for Ned and Catelyn's kids because Jon would then be the firstborn son (albeit bastard) of the original heir to the North.

One of the reasons Catelyn didn't like having Jon around was because she feared that Jon or his future offspring might prove dangerous to Ned's legitimate children. IF Jon was actually the son of Brandon, that potential danger would be even more prominent, in theory anyway. So keeping his identity as Brandon's son a secret would make sense from Ned's perspective, IMHO.

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