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What name from ASoIaF would you name a new pet/baby?


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My fiance and I are expecting our first child in 3 months. I'm planning on naming him Reek but she insists on Moon Boy.

We're going to have a drinking contest to determine the winner tonight,

Maybe you could compromise with "butterbumps"

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This question has probably been asked before, but since I'm new to the forum I thought I would try to get some feedback. I will soon be getting a new puppy and I'm thinking of names for it, I don't know if it will be male or female, but I would like to name it after a character from the series. I have thought of naming it after one of the direwolves or one of characters like Tyrion, or Rayder after Mance. So what would you name a new pet or even a baby? Or maybe somebody already has and what is it?

I would never name a baby after a book character unless the name by itself, on the kid, would not be so unusual as to be considered peculiar when the kid is in school. Also, consider the last name for a kid. Jon Johnson would be a bit much (unless one is in show business), while Jon Taylor or Jon Goldberg would not. Daenerys O'Reilly could get the kid laughed at more than Dany/Danielle; but Lyanna O'Reilly or Lyanna Jones would be more acceptable. Also, do you want to saddle a kid with a name that he/she is going to have tell his/her peers was a character in a famous fantasy series every time they ask? For the record, I'm not in favor of some names that entertainers/actors inflict on their kids; and wonder why Gwyneth Paltrow would name her daughter Apple, or about Frank Zappa's child Moon Unit Zappa, and David Bowie's son Zowie Bowie (now a middle-aged man who, I believe, had his name changed awhile ago). Male children would have no problem with being called Ned or Robb; more if the former's actual name is Eddard. A girl child named Margaery wouldn't be too unusual either, at least not extremely so.

You can be more adventurous when naming pets; but if the name has is unusual, one that others haven't heard or are likely to mis-pronounce trying to repeat it, you will be asked about it. If you don't mind explaining that your puppy Nymeria or Tyrion is named for GRRM's characters, go ahead. I'd personally, if I wanted to name a dog after an ASoIaF character, go with Sam, Ghost, Shaggydog, Greywind, Lady, Sun-and-Stars (which is a bit pretentious unless it's a purebred from a prestigious show kennel) Robb, Sandor, Jaime, Daenerys/Dany, Arya, Asha, Benjen, Bear (for the Mormonts). Of course, when naming a dog, you should pick something that you will either shorten into a nickname or that doesn't take too long to yell when Puppy is doing something it shouldn't, or you want it to come. (the name also shouldn't rhyme with No). 'Daenerys, come!' is a bit much; you'll end up calling 'Dany, come!'. I suppose, if the pup is dark-colored, you can amuse yourself by naming it Darkstar and telling your friends that he/she is Of The Night; or calling it Balerion the Black Dread...

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My fiance and I are expecting our first child in 3 months. I'm planning on naming him Reek but she insists on Moon Boy.

We're going to have a drinking contest to determine the winner tonight,

That is wrong on so many levels. Kudos to you.

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Female dog, goes by another name, bit#$.... if it's a female dog, name it Cersei! If you get a dog to breed you could name it Gatehouse Ami? If you buy a male horse, name it Tormund since they have something in common!

If you buy a rat there can only be one name, Littlefinger.

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