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Canadian Politics II: The Polite War

Lord of Oop North

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This tickles me, for some reason. I, too, am curious what solo is doing in Ottawa. I can only assume he came to Canada to see me, but seriously misjudged the size of the country. Realizing his mistake, he ought to go to Zaphod Beeblebrox to see a show, and experience the height of Ottawa night life before returning to the relatively dim lights of N.O.

Could do worse. Oshawa springs to mind as a wellspring of culture.

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Could do worse. Oshawa springs to mind as a wellspring of culture.

solo would probably enjoy seeing a Gens game, being called "fag" and fighting his way out of town, don't you think?

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solo would probably enjoy seeing a Gens game, being called "fag" and fighting his way out of town, don't you think?

You're talking to some one who went to school in the Shwa. I am so glad I escaped with my life.

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My best friend's daughter is going to university in Oshawa. :uhoh:

But that emo is really for the latest fun times in the Senate. God bless The Duffer for coming out swinging. I really couldn't believe my ears as I listened to his speech today in the Senate. Maybe the folks in the PMO never worked for a corporation and didn't have a complete understanding about the concept of emails as records, but Nigel Wright should have gotten that memo somewhere along the line. And then Senator Patrick Brazeau showed up on Evan Solomon's Power & Politics show and said he was being targeted because he had asked the PM why there was no inquiry into missing aboriginal women, that Marjory LeBreton doesn't like aboriginals, and then apologized to the aboriginal people of Canada for trusting the Conservative party too much. And after he left, Power & Politics got an email from a chief from out west that basically said Brazeau could go (insert word) himself if he thought after 10 years of neglecting his people he could float by with an apology.

Whether or not the three of them did something dishonest, all of them deserve basic justice, a chance to hear what the charges are against them and an opportunity to answer those charges.

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First the trial and then the hanging. If we get the order wrong, we could end up looking like idiots. And I promise. No more Oshawa jokes. I have an exchange student from last year, going there too.

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The most hilarious thing about all this: if the PMO had done nothing, nobody would've cared. The money would get paid back eventually, and the 3 senators could've continue to do nothing until the senate investigation finished.

Instead, they bungled it up with Duffy, who's ego wouldn't stand for being a mouthpiece, and now he's crying from every belltower what happened. You have people wondering what else did the PMO has been doing behind closed doors. The Teflon on Prime Minister Harper might be scoured away by a scandal in which no money is actually missing.


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See? This is what happens when you put minor leaguers into the big game. A big league political hack would have found the money quietly, and if by chance he or she was caught, kept their mouths shut, knowing a bigger payoff will eventually come. Overreaching don't pay.

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2 cheques, eh. I never thought I'd ever be caught dead saying this, but "Go, Duffy, Go!"


There's something else on that page.

New Zealand singer Lorde sings a parody version of her song "Royals": Tories

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Interesting commentary on the CBC tonight.

The Conservatives had two paths to take - open up or go into denial/attack mode. The point being made was that the bright lights in the PMO (who have been attacked as handling the scandal badly) have made a professional judgement that whatever the fall out is from taking the course they have taken, the fall out would be worse if they came clean. The assessment of the pros is that there are facts that may come out in the next few weeks (days?) that are going to be worse that what has already come out, and that the fall out from admitting the truth would be far worse than the fall out they are taking now.

One wonders why they have decided to go on full out attack against Nigel Wright, the man they praised left, right and centre as a man of the highest integrity back in May, the person who's resignation was accepted by Harper "with great regret", who now apparently was dismissed for his bad judgement.

Does anyone wonder if Harper was misleading Parliament back in May?

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Former PM Jean Chretien was in PEI yesterday for a fund raising dinner, and The Huffington Post linked this PEI story under the headline "Chretien Burns Duffy", but that's very misleading. Chretien simply says he's very happy he's not the one who appointed him to the Senate, and that Duffy must have asked him a hundred times to appoint him (I'm ready! I'm ready!) and it actually crossed his mind, but since he was living in Ontario Chretien found it problematic to appoint him as a senator from PEI. Unlike Harper. He wouldn't comment further.


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