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How do you feel about Cersei?

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i love cersei...she is everything in a woman i love...strength of will and direct goals...she recognizes her skills and faults and secures aid in areas where she is weak...she was going to marry for love but once thwarted she used her circustances to achieve power...though she is in straights at the end of ADwD..she will overcome it and i believe will be victorious right up until she is beaten by the "little brother" which i believe is Jamie...not tyrion...

...ok have at me...


I wouldn't call it love... It was more about fulfilling her naive fairytale ambitions (like Sansa) and having something/someone that everybody else desired.

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I do have a love/hate relationship with her. She is extremely entertaining, yet, she is also my most hated character in the series. Thinking now, I really don't want to see her die just to get entertained from her more, yet, when I am on the process of reading/rereading her chapters, I wish her a cruel death like at least two times per chapter.

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Anyway, rewatching the series, and for the first time I kind of like her. She's capable of kindness, as seen with Sansa when she gets her period, and even Tyrion says her love for her children (and cheekbones) are her only redeeming qualities :).

I wouldn't really relate show Cersei with book Cersei. She is basically a completely different character in the show.

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How do I feel about Cersei?

She's enormously entertaining.

Think of this question,

What would "A Christmas Carol" be without the

Ebenezer Scrooge character?

When Cersei speaks I'm

always hanging on what she's going to do next?

And I know that its because she has an unflinching capacity

to do "ANYTHING" to get what she wants and not even blink

an eye over it. I really enjoy that in a character.

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Walder Frey is somebody 99.8% of the world hates and my desire for his death gives me life.

Have you seriously ever experienced a Walder Frey defender? I mean one who wasn't trolling to get your goat?? I still think Robb breaking his promise was really messed up, but Frey's reaction was over the top. He got 3 matches from better houses in return.

You should start a thread for Frey love so everyone will know who the .02% are and they can be flamed.

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I wouldn't miss her chapters for the world, but gods do I want to see her die.

I don't want to see her die. I want to see her suffer.


Totally on both of these. I can't explain why I kind of like her, but still would feel gratified to see her suffer and die. That's pretty messed up; I don't feel like that about anyone in real life.

Who knows, though. I used to imagine there was NOTHING GRRM could do to Theon that would be bad enough, and now I feel so sad for the guy. I think if Cersei got tortured enough and I read some horrible stuff, I'd be like, "no! George! I take it back! That's enough, just please stop!"

OTOH, I think there are worse characters whose extreme suffering would give me satisfaction:

-Ramsay Snow

-The Mountain

-Walder Frey (as previously mentioned)

-Roose Bolton

Some of the above may be close to the same level of heinousness with Cersei, but I think Ramsay might be the one that I've hated more than anyone so far. No grey there, just pure black evil. I don't see how anyone could possibly hate Cersei more than that guy, but I'm sure they're out there.

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I was so annoyed with her first chapters. But then I found out, how hilariously entertaining she is.

She is a *****. But I don´t think she should die. It would be more fitting, if she actually "looses all she holds dear".

Just imagine beggar queen cersei watching another woman becoming queen. I would love her reaction to dany or even better: Arya/Sansa becoming queen.

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At least she's a strong female character for the feminists.

I disagree, I think she hurts feminism. She's the kind of woman who makes people think feminist/strong women are bitches. I think there are better females for "the feminists". Dorne not a character, but they are progressive when it comes to womens lib. Danny, Arya, Cat, Margaery would be better role models IMO.

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I don't see how anyone can like/defend a person who kills 10's of innocent children simply because they disliked their father

That's not why she killed them. It was because they were a threat to Joffrey because as Robert's bastards they looked like him, her kids didn't. This was what both Jon Arryn & Ned discovered which led to their demise. I'm pretty sure only one of those bastards knew Robert was their dad- the kid he'd visit once a year, I forget his name but Stannis almost killed him.

This doesn't excuse baby killing, but for her safety, she felt she needed them gone because they posed a serious threat to her family.

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My problem with her is that the redeeming relationships (with Jamie and her kids) feel to me like they stem from projected narcissism. Of course her favourite people in the world are the people who look exactly like her. Her kids are the perfect answer to a narcissist who can't actually do parthenogenesis. Her behaviour towards Tommen certainly did not convince me that she feels genuine affection outside of recognising that he is the base for get power. The thing about Cersei is that she is a reliable narrator of even her own life because she is delusional and has subzero self-awareness. Examples:

- the Bronn hiding Tyrion thing. She suddenly proclaims that she always knew he wasn't hiding him and that Taema was right in pointing out that he is very clearly not hiding him. Translation is: someone she likes told her something obvious and to not feel stupid, she convinces herself that she was aware of the very obvious evidence.

-Robert/Rhaegar: she says that she never forgave Robert for killing Rhaegar... Problem is, that is after she has revealed that she was in fact attracted to Robert (whether it was because she was officially queen that might or it was Robert himself that turned her on, she felt attracted to someone against whom she supposedly held a grudge) on their wedding night and her arousal only abated when he spoke Lyanna's name. It's a little convenient that she starts reminiscing on Rhaegar after she starts to realise that she is truly losing her hold on Jaime. Not saying she didn't feel attracted to him, or that being his queen wasn't more of a draw (heck even being Robert's queen had more of a draw then being freely happy with Jaime, i.e: running away together) but I just find it hard to believe that Cersei looked that favourably on a man she would've perceived to have rejected her twice over. Especially with the second time being in favour of a wild scrawny 14 yr old, the very same woman who is haunting the current man who seems to have zero enthusiasm in being married to her. Rhaegar is the "what if" when she is faced with how unfavourable things have turned out for her and so she retcons this whole longing for him thing as if he was the love of her life or something. That's also what I believe she does with her children. She acts like Tommen is a pest that just needs to sign off on her strokes of genius and is a rival when it is her "turn" to rule. I suspect she really liked when Joffrey was King because he only cared about torturing people. Then when she is imprisoned, all she is about is how Tommen needs her. Her "protecting" him when it is in their best interests for the Tyrells to have Tommen as happy and secure as possible shows that really it's all about her and the fear of the YMBQ taking her power away.

When she needs to justify her actions, she will suddenly think about Tommen's safety 10x within like 5 min and then not think about him for a long while. Every villain is the hero of their own story, and even someone as crazy as Cersei knows what she's doing is not great. She has to create those justifications otherwise looking in the mirror would be devastating.

In response to her being stupid. It's not just the game of thrones, it's the actual management of the Realm (a different matter from the Game itself) and the fact that she has zero awareness. Cersei thinks running a kingdom means doing what you want. She has never learnt the concept of responsibility and accountability to anyone other than Tywin. The fact that she actively names incompetent people as members of her council so they will just parrot her shows she is stupid. She doesn't know the difference between advice and defiance. That is a problem for a grown woman, highborn at that, who has been at court from a young age and Queen for nearly two decades.

Sympathetic would be an exaggeration oh how I feel towards her but pity does arose especially when thinking about the fact that her total sum of her life is pretty much a giant fail. Failure as a mother, a sister, a lover, a daughter and a ruler. I find it sad that there is probably a part of her that is aware of that fact and her only recourse is denial. If she faces everything she's done, I don't think she would stay functional.

I mean, talk about be careful what you wish for... Robert dies, she has power for a second and then Tywin and Tyrion undermine her authority. There is finally peace but then Joffrey dies and she realises the Tyrells are holding the cards. Tywin dies, and instead of it being the advancement as the leader of the Lannister clan, she is ostracised.

The problem is that a lot of her problems were of her creation or could have been prevented if she pulled her head out of her arse. The Tyrells killing Joffrey? Well, she basically encouraged his psycho tendencies and excused his ignoble acts. Of course nobody would want their child married to that. Her power struggle with Tyrion? She mistreated him his whole life and he could've been her best ally. Jaime? She took all he had to give and is shocked when he finally gets tired of being her servant. Uncle Kevan? She just took for granted that Tywin's authority was hers even though she had done nothing to earn it. Basically she always said that being loved was useless. Well her allies became foes she had no one else to blame for her fall.

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Can't tell of this was sarcastic or not, but Cersei is about as far from a feminist role model as can get. She hates being a woman, and wishes she was born a man.

She does inspire a lot of feminists to write walls of text about her, that's for sure.

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I find the power dynamic at Kings Landing, post WOS,

to be most intrigueing.

Tommen is still King so Cersei cannot be taken for

granted as a "fallen or discounted" figure just yet.

Bloodied, yes,

but as long as she still has her neck she will

go right back to scheming eventually. It's just going to be

a matter of time before she hatches her next f#@ked up plot imo.

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