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Breaking Bad - Final Season. Spoilers...Tread lightly.

Mya Stone

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Perhaps Todd's guys try to get Walt to come tutor Todd, Walt tries to scare them off, "No Way! my brother in law is all over my ass, just waiting to arrest me, you don't want any of that," and when Lydia hears that Hank is close enough to endager her freedom, she has the Nazi's send him to Belize.

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I don't think Walt would do that. Hank is family, and letting a bunch of ruthless Neo Nazis know about him isn't a smart move at all.

I know tutoring Todd isn't really an option, but why doesn't he do it? Just slip away for a day, tell him what he's doing wrong, and get those maniacs off his ass and deal solely with Hank. Maybe Walt does agree to it, but during one of the tutorials things go south and Todd gets the worst of it (death, or serious permanent injury). Then that leaves only Walt and Jesse as cooks, and neither want to work. And maybe the Nazis think Walt killed Todd, leading to a whole other shit storm.

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I assume Lydia already knows about Hank, not that he is after Walt, but that he is DEA. She knows Heisenberg's real identity, she knows about the car wash, I think she is paranoid enough to want to know everything about people she works with.

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I don't think Walt would do that. Hank is family, and letting a bunch of ruthless Neo Nazis know about him isn't a smart move at all.

I know tutoring Todd isn't really an option, but why doesn't he do it? Just slip away for a day, tell him what he's doing wrong, and get those maniacs off his ass and deal solely with Hank. Maybe Walt does agree to it, but during one of the tutorials things go south and Todd gets the worst of it (death, or serious permanent injury). Then that leaves only Walt and Jesse as cooks, and neither want to work. And maybe the Nazis think Walt killed Todd, leading to a whole other shit storm.

I could see Walt using it as an excuse to get Lydia off his ass. Basically saying "I need to take care of things on my end first." But Lydia, being the paranoid nut she is, will realize that Walt is then a loose end with Hank investigating. So rather than kill her biggest money-maker, she has Hank killed. He had nothing but his own suspicions; when he is gone, the investigation is as well.

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I've been re-watching the series with my brother, who is new to the series, and we finally just got caught up.

I didn't notice this the first time, and I'd love some feedback from any of you guys who might have heard it as well.

In the intro to "Blood Money" when Walt is walking through his house, after he bought the M60, when he looks into his kitchen where the island should be, I heard the sound of chainsaws, very subtle and somewhat quiet (basically just one rev of the engine). You can also see a bit of the frame of the island poking out of the floor a bit, which looks like it's been cut down. Now the chainsaw sound is very quiet, which is why I'm asking if anyone else here heard it or not; but it's almost like when Walt is looking into the kitchen he's remembering the event and hearing the chainsaws. Also his house doesn't exactly look like it was raided by the police, more like a crazed group of skinheads ripped the place apart. I've replayed the scene multiple times since I first noticed it, and I can't help but hear chainsaws when he looks at the island, I'm totally convinced the sound is there.

After I heard it, I started to get a panicky feeling, some real bad shit is going to go down at the White residence. I know I should expect it, but at the same time I actually felt bad for Walt, I fear his family died in whatever shit storm hit that house.

Here's a link to the intro if you don't have access to it...

It's pretty shitty quality, but the best I could find. He looks at the kitchen and the destroyed island at around 2:50 in.
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I could see Walt using it as an excuse to get Lydia off his ass. Basically saying "I need to take care of things on my end first." But Lydia, being the paranoid nut she is, will realize that Walt is then a loose end with Hank investigating. So rather than kill her biggest money-maker, she has Hank killed. He had nothing but his own suspicions; when he is gone, the investigation is as well.

I think Hank will make it far enough to build a case and get Heisenberg out there. I could also see Lydia taking him out (killing him, not dinner - or could it be both?). Only problem is, she mistimes her hit, and it happens after Walt is outed by Hank as the Great One (Heisenberg, not Littlefinger).

I really hope Hank doesn't die, I mean he's the closest thing to a hero on the show. If he absolutely has to go, it should be after he builds the case and gets the manhunt for Walt started.

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Not sure if this was mentioned in a previous thread: Has anyone else noticed that Walt started a criminal fashion? People are shaving their heads and scaping their beards like him. Kind of fits with the "Heisenberg" scrawled on the wall - the man is slowly gaining legend status.

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Not sure if this was mentioned in a previous thread: Has anyone else noticed that Walt started a criminal fashion? People are shaving their heads and scaping their beards like him. Kind of fits with the "Heisenberg" scrawled on the wall - the man is slowly gaining legend status.

God, that look is horrible on most people. Bryan Cranston is one of the very few who can pull it off.

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I pull it off just fine. I've had the same scaping for around 14 years with nothing but compliments.

"You mean that walking right up to two people who know that you want to kill them and who are better killers than you is a rational move? Especially when you will fucking die afterwards because you're facing off against a ruthless and rich drug lord with a bunch of competent lackeys, having achieved nothing but some transient revenge that neither the boy nor his family will know -or care- about right after your partner went to bat for you? Oh, and if you run, who is the only link to you? Who will potentially suffer because of it?"

Oh, I realize all of that. Which is why I conceded the act was stupid. It wasn't irrational from Jesse's point of view. Those guys had to go ... period.

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A couple of things...

I have been watching the series again since the week long waits are torture! So here are some things I've noticed and some new predictions:

1. Those two brothers with the ax are about as terrifying as any "bogeyman" I've ever seen on screen. Don't know what it is, but they are the stuff of nightmares. And the background story behind them, their family, though only shown in snippets, seems very rich and complex. It actually elevates the silliness of Tucco's over the top nonsense. Their standoff with Hank was as tense as any scene I've seen in film or television.

2. Walter White will be shot three times in the abdomen. I don't know if this has been discussed before (I've avoided these threads like the plague while catching up) but in the episode where Hank has Walter and Jesse trapped in the RV, when Hank pulls the tape off three bullet holes in the RV door it illuminates three bullet holes on Walter's stomach. Seems like classic foreshadowing (still, I'm never right in my predictions with this stuff).

3. I think Hank's partner (can't remember his name at the moment) is a cartel mole. For awhile I just thought Hank had horrible luck, but something stood out to me in one of season's 5 episodes. When Walter is removing the bugs from Hank's office, doesn't it show him doing so through the perspective of a security camera? At the time I thought that's how Walter would be exposed, but instead Hank put it together differently. I suppose that footage could still come back, but I'm wondering if somehow Hank's partner/friend is running interference for the cartel. I can't believe they're out of the picture yet.

Could Walter and his machine gun be intended for the Cartel and the Hank's partner--who probably kills Hank? That's what I think. The partner's behavior also seems more and more suspicious the closer Hank comes to piecing everything together.

I don't know, just some thoughts.

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A really good article written by Anna Gunn where she address all the Skylar hate. It was good, and very well written. She seem like a smart lady.


That she feels she needs to write this is a bit sad though, and it shows that all the Skylar hate has been way too much. Seriosuly, how old are some people that are watching this show?

I liked the Carmela Soprano and Betty Draper comparison though, and I think it's true. Their men are infinitely more worse persons than they are, but they are their men's antagonists, and therefore become antagonistic in the audience eyes, even if that's a bit weird.

I for one loved the Carmela character. I haven't seen Mad Men, but I know Carmela is by far the least morally good character of those three, and yet I almost always felt she was right when she argued with Tony. One of the things I felt would have made the show better would have been if she actually would have slept with Furio. But maybe they wanted to show that Carmela can control that line of herself, and that she choose to do it.

Anyway, that article had made me realise I may have judged Skylar too harshly. I still don't think all she has done has been right, and she is at times hypocritical, but she is still a good character. Anyway, all viewers should read the article linked above.

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The bullet hole thing is a great catch.

I doubt Gomez is a mole. He has always seemed like Hank's best buddy, genuinely, and I agree it'd be late to do that. Also, I think the cartel is out of the picture; Gus took out all the higher-ups and opened the door for his expansion (and in turn, Walt's).

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Anna Gunn does make some great points in the article, and it's definitely well written. I just think she should've addressed some of the legitimate reasons people dislike her character (I can't think of any off the top of my head, but they're out there).

Anyway, I don't think there's any legitimate reason to hate Skyler after her character arc in season 5. I don't see her doing anything else, really.

And there's no way Gomey is a mole. The show hasn't focused on his character at all, presenting him as the trusted sidekick. It'd be a massive stretch for him to be anything more than that.

And as for the grand scheme of things, I think it's largely predictable what could happen (Jesse being kidnapped, Lydia sending hits out). I don't so much mind the predictability, but as long as it's done in true breaking bad fashion I'll be more than happy. Take last year for example. Many posters here, including myself knew that Walt would take care of Mike sooner rather than later. The writing was on the wall for that. But when it happened, they did a fantastic job of the scene and in the way it happened. Walt realized that it was pointless, then Mike wanted to die in peace and it was followed by the usually beautiful camera work as Mike dropped dead. That's the BB way, and that's the only way it should be done.

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That's Gomez or "Gomey." I hadn't heard that theory. I have a hard time seeing it. It seems like a big thing to introduce with so little time left.

The bullet hole thing is a great catch, or sounds like one. I need to go back and see that scene.

The bullet hole thing is a great catch.

I doubt Gomez is a mole. He has always seemed like Hank's best buddy, genuinely, and I agree it'd be late to do that. Also, I think the cartel is out of the picture; Gus took out all the higher-ups and opened the door for his expansion (and in turn, Walt's).

Yes, Gomez! How could I forget his name?

I agree with you both, it's a pretty big stretch on my part and would feel forced if not handled right, but man does he start giving some suspicious looks in season 3 when Cartel stuff is mentioned. There is really no evidence for it though, unless it's really subtle.

And it sure seems like the Cartel has been taken care of...

The bullet holes thing reminds me a lot of Cool Hand Luke and how sometimes when Luke was testing the boundaries too far you'd see him reflected off the sunglasses of the warden with the gun, but specifically the right (as opposed to the left) lens of the sunglasses, which was the warden's firing eye.

Still I figure I'll be proven wrong on both those predictions. I think this show is way too clever for me to figure out.

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I think with Gomez the writers were thinking about making him a mole, and started dropping ambiguous hints, and then decided against it. Cuz he certainly acted a bit shady at times in S3.

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I don't think any of the cartel stuff will come back, personally. It seems like they pretty neatly tied that stuff up in season four, and we already have skinheads and mysterious Czechs in the mix. Bringing the cartel in again would seem a bit superfluous at this point. I'm honestly hoping that the Neo-Nazi and/or Czech mumbo-jumbo serves its purpose story-wise relatively soon, only because I'd rather have the last few episodes deal purely with the conflict between Walt, Hank, and Jesse, which I think is really what everyone wants to see. Neither of the two crime groups have been built up enough for me to really care that much about them (which includes Lydia -- I actually like the character and actress quite a bit, but she's hardly a match, presence-wise, for the big three, if only because she's too new in the show and thus less developed). None of them are anywhere near the sort of animosity there was with, say, Tuco, or even the twins, let alone Gus. The beauty of having everything come down to Walt, Hank, and Jesse is that a lot of different people would like to see all three of these characters "win" or "lose", which is fairly unique. That's a really powerful storytelling device, rather than just having some mysterious band of assholes that no one has anything invested in whatsoever.

I do hope Jesse gets to kill Todd though.

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You know, if it weren't for the whole child-killing thing, if I were Walt and still in the business, I would like to have Todd around. He's loyal, quick to learn, has connections that have been proven to be greatly helpful, and is a soldier through and through. He reminds me of Wee-Bey from The Wire. He seems so comfortable and at ease with his environment, and that's something we haven't really seen from any other character on the show. Not sure whether he's a sociopath or not, although the "shit happens" line was pretty damn unnerving.

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