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Small questions v.10015


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I have a few general questions, i hope this is the right place :).

1. I've watched the show but never read the books. Instead, i've read basically every major/semi major plot point/event that has occured via wikipedia including past events like some of the Targaryen King's history and Free cities. So basically i know everything that actually happens in all the books, i just didin't read it myself and get all the dialouge etc. My question is, would it honestly be worth it to still read the books? I feel like i would get bored since i know everything.

2. Are the Lannisters generally "bad guys"? The show makes it seem that way except for Tyrion. Are they truly the most hated house in the westeros world? If so, were they always hated or was it Tytos-Tywin-Cersei-Joffrey that made everyone hate them?

3. I'm playing the Crusader Kings II Game of thrones mod as Edric Dayne, Lord of Starfall. This is a silly question, but lore wise would it make sense if he married a Stark or Lannister (Sansa,Ayra or Myrcella) if the opportunity arose?

4. Were the Boltons always going to betray Robb? The show dosen't really show or explain when they decide they will it just sort of happens.

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It's absolutaly worth reading the books, the show is not half as good as the books.

In the books Tyrion is also a bad-guy btw.

I never got Tyrion being a bad guy, Killing shae maybe, but her testimony put his head on the block, and in westerosi society revengewould be seen as acceptable. It is how life works there.
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"Wed Hizdahr zo Loraq and make a son with him, a son whose father is the harpy, whose mother is the dragon. In him the prophecies shall be fulfilled, AND YOUR ENEMIES WILL MELT AWAY LIKE SNOW." (Empasis added.) What prophecy was Galazza referring to?

I started a thread on this and got like for responses. I'm guessing I'll get more here...

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I understand that some of the chapters happen at the same time, and some happen before some other chapter, but are placed after that chapter (if you can understand what I mean).

I doubt however that George Martin would put a Jon chapter in aDwD, and then place a chapter that takes place before that Jon chapter in the next book.

Martin already stated that WoW would start 5 minutes after the ending of aDwD, so I doubt that the Theon sample chapter takes place before the last Jon chapter.

He has done it before, don't know why you would think he wouldn't do that again.

Did the Rainbow Guard operate with the same rules of the Kingsguard? I am wondering why Lord Caron would choose to give up his lands and titles to protect Renly.

I don't think we ever learned much about what Renly and his Rainbow guard rules where. He did have Brienne as a member, so he was "a little more open"

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ð Edit: I don't know what has come of my smiley faces, since I updated my phone with this ....ing iOS7, but I meant this was fun!

it looks like a penguin in the right light :p

How large is the Stormlands? When I looked at it on a map it seemed pretty small, which made me a bit confused as to why Stannis was annoyed with Renly getting the Stormlands. Maybe I am just looking at the map wrong

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it looks like a penguin in the right light :p

How large is the Stormlands? When I looked at it on a map it seemed pretty small, which made me a bit confused as to why Stannis was annoyed with Renly getting the Stormlands. Maybe I am just looking at the map wrong

The Stormlands are indeed one of the smallest region of Westeros, but on size it compares with the Westerlands, the Riverland and the Vale. Dorne is only a little bot bigger, whilst the Crownlands are smaller. The Reach and the North are much bigger.

Stannis probably was so upset about Renly getting the Storm lords, because he felt that they should belong to him, just as the he felt the crown belonged to him, and not to Renly.

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In the end of book 4 Sam arrives in Oldtown, in one of Jon's first POVs of book 5 Sam is still at the wall. (hope this is not a massive translation mistake again.)

Those two books occur side-by-side, see: "Meanwhile, back at the Wall" at the end of Feast. But to complicate matters further, halfway through Dance, the story moves past the end of Feast

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In the end of book 4 Sam arrives in Oldtown, in one of Jon's first POVs of book 5 Sam is still at the wall. (hope this is not a massive translation mistake again.)

That's because entire book 4 happens during book 5, the characters were split geographically here. Only somewhere in the later half of aDwD do all the characters appear again, indicating that we have passed the point where aFfC has ended. If you re-read the first Jon chapter in aDwD and the first Sam chapter in aFfC you'll notice the same scene, only seen from a different perspective.

So that is not it, because George said he wouldn't split characters again in WoW

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Why was the son of the lord of a Tiny holdfast on the tip of the smallest branch of the Fingers, in the far east of the Vale, doing being a ward at the Lord Parmount of the Riverlands Seat of power in Riverrun? If this has been answered elsewhere, I did not find it and your dubious efforts would be appreciated here.

During the war of the ninepenny kings, hoster and petyr's father became friends and so the lord paramount of the riverlands accepted to ward the son of the lord of a Tiny holdfast on the tip of the smallest branch of the Fingers

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Why was the son of the lord of a Tiny holdfast on the tip of the smallest branch of the Fingers, in the far east of the Vale, doing being a ward at the Lord Parmount of the Riverlands Seat of power in Riverrun? If this has been answered elsewhere, I did not find it and your dubious efforts would be appreciated here.

I believe you are talking about LF. If that's so, the answer is in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. During the war, LF's dad did a particular service for Hoster Tully(saved his life maybe). As a reward, he asker LF to be taken as his ward which he accepted.

My question: what do you think is the existence cause of Jhalabar Xho(is that right spelling)?

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