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Did the TV series change your opinion of any characters?


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Jaquen H'gar and Bronn are so much more present in the show and changed my opinion of them to the better. I didn't mislike them in the books or anything, but they are brilliant in the show.

Apart from that, the rest is nearly the same. I'm just sad that Stannis is so poorly handled. I don't get why they change his scenes so much to the worse. :dunno:

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I hate ​everything the show portrayed in the whole 'beyond the wall' story, the characters(Jon, Ygritte, Tormund, Mance, Orell/Varamyr and especially their lame version of an Other which is nothing like GRRM portrayed)

I wanted to see the haunted forest as a truly dark and scary place, I wanted to see Whitetree, I wanted the see huge rocky mountains and the frostfangs that Jon almost dies in... and the weather was too nice there, it's supposed to be a terrible place with terrible weather... but I guess even Iceland doesn't have what it takes to make it look like in the books :(

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Show Sansa scenes are really hard to watch, she's like an empty shell on the show. I think I'll just skip her scenes this season.

Don't give up on poor Sansa, she needs as many supporters as she can get !

They definitely screwed her characterization up in season 3, but I thought it was rather alright (and sometimes great) in season 1 and 2, so they might get it right this season (I know, I'm so naïve).

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Thanks! She's one of my favorites in the books. It was just hard to watch her so empty, and I think we'll see more of the same. I also think they will do the same with Brienne. I don't know why they'd rather use them as props for other characters, when they have their own interesting stories to tell.

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For the bad:

Cersei - She's like a completely different character in the TV show. Where's the batshit psychotic bitch? I can't see how Lena Headey can portray AFFC!Cersei with her current performance.

I'll have to disagree. I think she's great.

But some of his behaviour as we know is based on many thoughts. Benioff/Weiss need some techniques to make it appear.

Spoiler from Season 3

She walks with Margaery and tells she will suffocate her or something like that if she calls her "sister" again.

They need this kind of stuff in the show, so you know how she hates the future young queen.

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It's a shame they had Show!Jaime murder his own cousin. How do you redeem yourself after murdering members of your own family? Stupid move.

Show!Davos made me actually interested in Book!Davos. The actor playing him has real talent.

I really don't know why they bothered to cast an actor in the role of Rickon. He never had a big role in the books, true, but on the show, he's been almost walking scenery.

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It's a shame they had Show!Jaime murder his own cousin. How do you redeem yourself after murdering members of your own family? Stupid move.

Show!Davos made me actually interested in Book!Davos. The actor playing him has real talent.

Agreed on both. I think the book Jaime wouldn't do that. But I think the actor is doing a great job.

I have a problem on this because I started reading the other books (ACoK) just before season 3 started. I ended ASoS while season 3 was still going.

I was running against time because I wanted to read before the story happened. And I succeeded in some aspects but was defeated by others. The chronology was not the same of the books. I saw the Red Wedding on TV first :@ And I understood the subtle spoilers :@

I think most of them are great. Small characters grew in the story on the show.

Bronn is one of my favorites. Maesters Aemon and Pycelle are fantastic.

But, as I said, most of the characters were created in my mind in the show first :(

I'll make good comparisons when Martells start to appear.

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Biggest change so far for me is Jaime. He is my favourite character from the books and I just started watching the series around two weeks ago. The actor seems made for the role, and show Jaime and Viserys look exactly as I had pictured them.

But after seeing the scenes with Jaime he always comes off as the biggest douche on the planet, granted he was a douche in the first books aswell but it seems to me the series goes out of his way to make him unlikable.

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Tywin Lannister- good in the books amazing in the show,mainly because of Charles dance.

Jorah Mormont- I prefer the show version,both in character and appearence.

As for the bad, every character they try to make more likeable cersei, cat, etc.

You're contradicting yourself here...

As for the question - no, either they portrayed the character faithfully, or they changed the characterization, or badly wrote the character; there is no reason for me to change the opinion on any of the characters. I just have the actors' looks and mannerisms in my head when I read, except in the cases where they're nothing like their book counterpart (Renly, Jorah...). In some cases, the actors have become completely inseparable from the characters in my head (Jaqen, Varys... and yes, Sansa).

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Thanks! She's one of my favorites in the books. It was just hard to watch her so empty, and I think we'll see more of the same. I also think they will do the same with Brienne. I don't know why they'd rather use them as props for other characters, when they have their own interesting stories to tell.

Hopefully as Brienne is going to do her own stuff they'll give her more background (though I fear they'll most likely cut a big chunk of her part). I'm actually more satisfied with Show!Brienne, partly because I think GC is amazing (and just so we're clear, so is ST), but also because, unlike Sansa, they didn't really give her bad material - they just didn't give her enough.

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Show Sansa scenes are really hard to watch, she's like an empty shell on the show. I think I'll just skip her scenes this season.

ITA. My favorites were the ones who suffered the worst adaptation on the show (Cat, Stannis, Sansa)... For shame.

I do love show!Osha and show!Bronn, they're fantastic. Bran is a bit underused. Also, I kinda appreciate book!Daenerys now, the show version and actress are just....horrible.

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A lot of the characters I like less, I do so because they were POV characters whose inner thoughts we had access to, but on TV there's none of that. So I like Jaime and Sansa less, Cat and Tyrion a tiny bit less, and Stannis and Jon a LOT less.

The characters I like more were basically wallflowers in my imagination, but were more vibrantly portrayed on the show. Folks like Beric Dondarian and Thoros of Myrhh, Quaithe, Osha, and Jorah.

My biggest disappointment has been Asha/Yara. The character just seems depressed. Like it's an overall bummer to be Ironborn. I guess I pictured a stereotypical pirate queen, cuz in my imagination she was practically Wonder Woman, so that much is my bad. But she lost a lot by not showing the camaraderie she has amongst her men. And I miss the finger dance.

The biggest improvements in my opinion have been Tywin and Loras. I always felt Tywin was not long for the world, so I never got attached to book Tywin, but I like Charles Dance's version so much more. I'm invested in him now. And Loras, I hated him in the books- he came off more arrogant than Jaime. But I am a huge fan of Finn Jones- he softened the character up for me. Although he does NOT come off as much of a BAMF as he is in the books, I like him better now.

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You can't blame the writing when an actor/actress can't deliver. Every single character on this show has had bad lines they've had to deliver and most rise above it.

Sophie Turner is the weak link in the main cast. She has failed to create chemistry with Sean Bean, Maisie Williams, Rory McCann, Jack Gleeson and Peter Dinklage (the most important characters so far in her story). She has partial chemistry with Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey so she's capable of creating it sometimes. But mostly she fails.

She also has zero screen presence and zero charisma. When she and Finn Jones were doing their scenes, it was like watching two bowls of oatmeal.

If Sansa is meant to be important in the future they need to recast.

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Sophie Turner is a very good actress in my opinion. I can't remember a single time she was off in a scene.


:agree: Can't think of a better person to play Sansa. She does the whole stoic/icy-wall courtesy thing really well. Ever since she has started, i can't picture anyone else. Though i do feel she is not given enough. Atleast when she is one of the two POV's in king's landing .

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Hopefully as Brienne is going to do her own stuff they'll give her more background (though I fear they'll most likely cut a big chunk of her part). I'm actually more satisfied with Show!Brienne, partly because I think GC is amazing (and just so we're clear, so is ST), but also because, unlike Sansa, they didn't really give her bad material - they just didn't give her enough.

I agree, Gwendoline Christie is fabulous, probably my favorite actor in the whole series.

Sophie Turner is the weak link in the main cast. She has failed to create chemistry with Sean Bean, Maisie Williams, Rory McCann, Jack Gleeson and Peter Dinklage (the most important characters so far in her story). She has partial chemistry with Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey so she's capable of creating it sometimes. But mostly she fails.

I agree, she wouldn't be my choice for the role, but the writing for the character is the main problem.

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I forgot... I guess you could say that Stephen Dillane changed my opinion in the sense that he convinced me that Stannis can indeed be sexy, something I would have never imagined based on my impression of the character in the books. :D

Also, in the books I was not sure if Jaqen was creepily sexy or just creepy, but Tom Vlaschiha made it clear it was definitely and totally the former. ;)

A lot of the characters I like less, I do so because they were POV characters whose inner thoughts we had access to, but on TV there's none of that. So I like Jaime and Sansa less, Cat and Tyrion a tiny bit less, and Stannis and Jon a LOT less.

The characters I like more were basically wallflowers in my imagination, but were more vibrantly portrayed on the show. Folks like Beric Dondarian and Thoros of Myrhh, Quaithe, Osha, and Jorah.

My biggest disappointment has been Asha/Yara. The character just seems depressed. Like it's an overall bummer to be Ironborn. I guess I pictured a stereotypical pirate queen, cuz in my imagination she was practically Wonder Woman, so that much is my bad. But she lost a lot by not showing the camaraderie she has amongst her men. And I miss the finger dance.

The biggest improvements in my opinion have been Tywin and Loras. I always felt Tywin was not long for the world, so I never got attached to book Tywin, but I like Charles Dance's version so much more. I'm invested in him now. And Loras, I hated him in the books- he came off more arrogant than Jaime. But I am a huge fan of Finn Jones- he softened the character up for me. Although he does NOT come off as much of a BAMF as he is in the books, I like him better now.

If by "improvement" you mean "I like the character better because he seems like a nice and harmless idiot". Loras is one of the worst show to book transitions. They turned him from a cocky, passionate young knight who will kill the men he blames for his lovers' death, and who happens to be gay, into a nice harmless stereotypical gay man who's the punchline of 'gay' jokes.

Jorah is not "more vividly portrayed", he's completely changed. He looks and behaves nothing like the book Jorah, they made him not just a lot more attractive but a lot nicer and more appealing as a person. Book Jorah is a very morally grey character, but the show does its best to gloss over all his unpleasant and problematic traits and actions. Again, this is a case of going for easy likability over complexity and moral ambiguity.

You can't blame the writing when an actor/actress can't deliver. Every single character on this show has had bad lines they've had to deliver and most rise above it.

Sophie Turner is the weak link in the main cast. She has failed to create chemistry with Sean Bean, Maisie Williams, Rory McCann, Jack Gleeson and Peter Dinklage (the most important characters so far in her story). She has partial chemistry with Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey so she's capable of creating it sometimes. But mostly she fails.

She also has zero screen presence and zero charisma. When she and Finn Jones were doing their scenes, it was like watching two bowls of oatmeal.

If Sansa is meant to be important in the future they need to recast.

:huh: Really?! I think she's one of the best cast actors on the show, and one of the best of the younger actors. She has been fantastic. Maybe Sansa is unconvincing at those times when they wrote her like an idiot, after more than a season of the same character obviously not being an idiot, but it's not Sophie's fault that the writing made no sense and was such a weird regression for the character. She is so good with conveying emotions in a subtle way in facial expressions, since Sansa can't openly talk and show her feelings. The scene in the season 1 finale when Joffrey makes her look at Ned's head and when she tries to kill him particularly stands out, the look on her face was perfect. Her face in the Blackwater scene with Sandor was so meaningful and conveyed a lot of things that the dialogue itself did not.

She had a fantastic chemistry with Rory McCann every time they were actually allowed to share a scene together, which made up a lot for the lack of many book scenes. All her scenes with Jack Gleeson were fantastic. Watching her troll Joffrey was great. I'm not sure what you're talking about when you say that she has no chemistry with Peter Dinklage. Sansa and Tyrion are not supposed to have any chemistry. Every scene between them in the books is awkward and uncomfortable.

My problem with TV Sansa is her appearance. She looks quite old so it is much easier to hate her for being a stupid idiot.

TV Sansa comes across as a moron, not a confused little girl.

Sansa is not a "stupid idiot". If she comes across as one, it's the fault of the TV writing - and oddly enough, they only decided to make her look like an idiot in season 3. She was well-written in the first two seasons, particularly the season 1 finale and in season 2 (even though they did rob her of some of great Sansa moments, like the "He was no true knight" scene with the Hound). She's naive and deluded in most of season 1/book 1, but she's 13 (in the show) at the time, and she didn't look much older than she was at the time (I believe she was 13 when she was cast and in the pilot, and 14 when season 1 was shot). She had fantastic scenes in the season 1 finale and in season 2 she came across like a smart and more mature girl who has to play the role she's given to survive, the scenes where she's trolling Joffrey were particularly enjoyable.

Sansa is supposed to look quite mature and "womanly" for her age based on her description in the book, she is supposed to have grown in height and her face has become more mature while she's in KL. That's why she draws so much sexual attention from older men. I don't think she was ever meant to look like an average 12-year old, or that all of these dudes are supposed to be pedophiles. We know that Tyrion, for starters, gets horny for every good-looking woman, but not for children.

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i had a grudging respect for book tywin but charles dance has made me luurve tv tywin. he's sexy, witty and no nonsense while in the book i just thought he was no nonsense and hard as nails. the show definitely made me like him more. on the flipside, while i don't like either version of theon, i thought of book theon differently. more mature and definitely more attractive. i think alfie is doing a great job "acting" like theon but his looks throw me off at times and he's no where near as cocky or confident as book theon. he's just not what i ever pictured and it makes me dislike tv theon at the start of his arc a bit more. however, i'm equally sympathetic to them after they've been delivered to ramsey. and i love tv shireen while book shireen left me indifferent.

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