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Queen Cersei is wrongfully maligned

A Highborn Maid

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Thanks for the apple. :)

Meanwhile, Cersei Lannister has regained the Regency. She's sure to slay Daenaerys and her maggoty dragons any day now.

C'mon George, get the next frakking novel ready.

The threads some folks here feel compelled to open out of sheer boredom are embarrassing!

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She is a kind mother who wanted her kids to live and prosper in a world without morals.

Ned Stark foolishly threatened to expose her, and she kindly offered him his life so long as he would "bend the knee". He refused.

She was nice to Sansa, shared womanly wisdom with her, and allowed her to live as a highborn maid in court, a very prestigious honour.

King Robert raped her in her sleep yet she NEVER complained. She carried the burden silently and with good grace.

She had a loving relationship with her twin. It is a heart-warming and loving thing to see.

She was kind to Tyrion some of the time. Even though their relationship turns sour, I think pre Joffrey's death, she harbored a hate/love affection for him. The fact that she dreams of him biting her tits hints that she might even be attracted to him.

She is a good mother to Tommen, provides him with much needed discipline. I think she learned her lesson from spoiling Joffrey and nourishing his sociopathy.

She is the strongest of the Lannisters - she touches the Lion in the basement of Casterly rock when Jaime is too frightened to. She walks the walk of shame with her head raised. In terms of sheer brazen strength, she outdoes even her father. She's also the most emotionally honest Lannister - she acts by her emotions and intuitions, even when they are wrong. Not always prudent, but at least deserving of respect.

She's hot.

She's an incompetent Queen Regent, but she still poses a threat and may yet redeem herself.

She feeds people to Qyburn. This isn't a good thing - but it does make me laugh.

Just a troll thread or a complete moron thread

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Being serious now, most of these points are either downright false or skewered to make her look better (aka white washing.) Cersei is a vile, cruel, sexist monster and has no defense or redeeming qualities.

Relevance. This has none.

But she is smoking hot.

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The sympathy for Cersei is only warranted to a very certain extent. I do believe sh is somewaht the product of her environment, also growing up without a mother.

But that's where it ends. She became power hungry all by herself.

She was 9 when her mother died, most of her personality was formed by then. Though I do wonder if Joanna might have been able to counter some of Cersei's faults a bit.

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Cersei did not murder her friend at age eleven. There's not enough evidence in the books to support that claim. She merely discovered the corpse.

And some people here claim Cersei raped a woman...ha! She conducted a lesbian liaison, and fantasied about raping Taena Merryweather (who enjoys it), but she didn't go through with it, because she herself admitted she couldn't find inflicting pain on a woman pleasurable, and she even compared herself to Robert, and how he used to rape her. The rapes unhinged her. it was a kind of sick post-humous empathy for her dead husband's sadistic tendencies. She is a victim, not a villain.

She also expressed guilt and disgust when she saw Qyburn torturing the singer...if she was really a sociopath as some people argue, she would not have felt that.

Much of Cersei's flaws can be blamed on Maggie Frog. That disgusting old woman scared the hell out of an innocent child and warped her. It should also be noted that aside from Jaime and her kids, Cersei has nobody. She is a lonely woman who secretly despises herself. She deserves compassion, not your rank judgements. Show some respect.

Subjects of Westeros - pay homage to your Queen!

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There is something about her smile though. You'd expect it to be always fake, instead is described (usually by Tyrion) as radiant and lovely (at lest the genuine ones).

A well masked psychopath looks completely charming, generous, having a real smile. Even experts sitting in front of one for an assessment interview and dossier in their hands that says 'most probably psychopath' can be tricked by the mask.

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Cersei did not murder her friend at age eleven. There's not enough evidence in the books to support that claim. She merely discovered the corpse.

And some people here claim Cersei raped a woman...ha! She conducted a lesbian liaison, and fantasied about raping Taena Merryweather (who enjoys it), but she didn't go through with it, because she herself admitted she couldn't find inflicting pain on a woman pleasurable, and she even compared herself to Robert, and how he used to rape her. The rapes unhinged her. it was a kind of sick post-humous empathy for her dead husband's sadistic tendencies. She is a victim, not a villain.

She also expressed guilt and disgust when she saw Qyburn torturing the singer...if she was really a sociopath as some people argue, she would not have felt that.

Much of Cersei's flaws can be blamed on Maggie Frog. That disgusting old woman scared the hell out of an innocent child and warped her. It should also be noted that aside from Jaime and her kids, Cersei has nobody. She is a lonely woman who secretly despises herself. She deserves compassion, not your rank judgements. Show some respect.

Victimhood doesn't turn you into an awful personality. Psychopaths prefer to make themselves out a victim and have it be the reason they turned out as they did. But genuinely loving, empathic people with a conscious who lived through abuse and trauma in their childhood, let alone their adulthood, won't have their personality warped because of it. They might have identity issues, they might have protective boundary issues, but their personality won't turn for the worse. On the contrary: they tend to self-blame even more, become so empathic that it becomes sacrificial. Only a minority of the abused become abusers themselves: because genetics factor in. And if parental abuse can't turn a normal, empathic, loving person into an abuser, then certainly one evening encounter with a fortune teller can't.

On the rest: not all psychopaths are sadistic. The sadistic ones are the minority. They don't all derive any particular pleasure out of physically hurting someone. Most don't kill either and would consider it messy. They simply lack the inner mechanics to care whether someone else hurts or not, which is why when someone is regarded as an obstacle and they think they can get away with it, the risk of an 'accident' increases.

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That was then, this is now. Please reread the Walk of Shame section where the commoners comment on her appearance.

I doubt if she'd be looking her best in that situation. By comparison, Dany is beautiful, but I doubt if she looked very attractive by the end of her last chapter.

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She is a kind mother who wanted her kids to live and prosper in a world without morals.

Ned Stark foolishly threatened to expose her, and she kindly offered him his life so long as he would "bend the knee". He refused.

She was nice to Sansa, shared womanly wisdom with her, and allowed her to live as a highborn maid in court, a very prestigious honour.

King Robert raped her in her sleep yet she NEVER complained. She carried the burden silently and with good grace.

She had a loving relationship with her twin. It is a heart-warming and loving thing to see.

She was kind to Tyrion some of the time. Even though their relationship turns sour, I think pre Joffrey's death, she harbored a hate/love affection for him. The fact that she dreams of him biting her tits hints that she might even be attracted to him.

She is a good mother to Tommen, provides him with much needed discipline. I think she learned her lesson from spoiling Joffrey and nourishing his sociopathy.

She is the strongest of the Lannisters - she touches the Lion in the basement of Casterly rock when Jaime is too frightened to. She walks the walk of shame with her head raised. In terms of sheer brazen strength, she outdoes even her father. She's also the most emotionally honest Lannister - she acts by her emotions and intuitions, even when they are wrong. Not always prudent, but at least deserving of respect.

She's hot.

She's an incompetent Queen Regent, but she still poses a threat and may yet redeem herself.

She feeds people to Qyburn. This isn't a good thing - but it does make me laugh.

Please tell me you are trollling.The only thing that stands out is


She's hot. :agree:

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My biggest problem with Cersei is not that she's an evil woman, but that she completely lacks self knowledge and knowledge of her enemies and the world around her as a whole. She's completely delusional, and is constantly projecting her insecurities onto everyone around her.

A great comparison is how she feels/acts towards Margery and how Jamie feels/acts towards Loras. The parallels and contrasts are striking, and they really illustrate how the two characters are going in completely different directions.

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