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Hobbit movie discussion (incl merged Hobbit text deviation thread)


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Well shit!!! I went to see it with low expectations thanks mostly to you guys, but hoping, hoping that I would be pleasantly surprised. But for every good scene, there were at least 3 bad or mediocre scenes. For the entertainment value it is good... enough, but for the story value, nah. I remember seeing online a sketch they had made with how the battle was going to happen, and it mimicked the book. Someone must have thrown that paper in the trash.

Hell, based on what we got, the Orcs should have won the battle. There were way too many Trolls and their initial assault was so overwhelming that I have no idea how the good guys bounced back.

And Legolas, thanks for ruining him right there at the end Peter Jackson! And thanks for Beorn's role in this movie, or lack of it!

Also more geographical butchery by Peter Jackson and friends. To find the Dunedain, apparently one must go north from either Erebor or the Woodland Realm, no sure which. Gandalf's secret to fast travelling is not teleportation as I had suspected, but really fast horses that do no tire. Apparently the elves also know this, and the same can be said of the armies of Gundabad.

The one positive note of the movie was Bilbo, which technically should not have been a surprise, but it was, and it was a pleasant one. The scenes with Bilbo were the best.

Smaug was also good, but all that part should have been in Desolation.

The plot of the movie is hilarious, especially having in mind insertion of love motive in Tranduil's story with him bringing the army because of a NECKLACE. Necklace, FFS. Not Arkenstone, but necklace.

That is correct though. Thranduil did not want the Arkenstone, he wanted the jewels that shone like starlight. In the end, I believe, he gets the necklace of Girion. And speaking of that, though I liked that the end with Bilbo, there was no aftermath to the battle at the mountain. No burial for Thorin, or distribution of the wealth. Hopefully, the 30 minutes in the extended edition will add some much needed substance to this story.

Bilbo and most of the other dwarves really do not have anything to do in this movie. It's all Thorin, with a little Balin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili towards the end. Dwalin magically disappears during the battle, for no reason. Nice point - when the Dwarves get kitted out in armour in Erebor, Gloin is wearing the gear that we see Gimli wearing in LotR.

I am going to disagree with you on Bilbo's part.


Tauriel should have fucking died. If not killed by Bolg, then at least dead of grief. Elves do that.

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The decision to go from 2 to 3 films was not forced upon Peter Jackson. It was his and the screenwriters own desire to do so, because they felt they had so much more story to tell. They've gone on record about this several times. Many of the bad things in this trilogy are not down to studio pressure.

Where did I say it was forced?

(answer, btw, is "nowhere")

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I wonder if there are people, among these who complain about TBotFA, who thoroughly enjoyed previous two Hobbit movies. I'd start to worry if there were, but not sooner, sorry. I'll be seeing this in a week and I hope to enjoy it as much as I enjoyed AUJ and DoS.

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More crappy CGI rabbits pulling CGI sleds and CGI mountains knocking the crap out of each other! More Legolas with the funky CGI facelift, more CGI barrel riding, more dwarves fighting dragons in CGI slapstick style! More CGI sandwoms!

We all love the CGI New Zealand we've seen so much of in this trilogy. What's not to love? ;)

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That is correct though. Thranduil did not want the Arkenstone, he wanted the jewels that shone like starlight. In the end, I believe, he gets the necklace of Girion. And speaking of that, though I liked that the end with Bilbo, there was no aftermath to the battle at the mountain. No burial for Thorin, or distribution of the wealth. Hopefully, the 30 minutes in the extended edition will add some much needed substance to this story.

Yeah, I remember that... I read Hobbit long time ago, so I might be mistaken here, but the necklace wasn't his wife's, right? Yes, I remember that he gets the necklace of Girion. Bilbo gave it to him, IIRC. And, Thranduil's main motivation was to aid Bard. Oh, God, I need a reread of Hobbit...

I wonder if there are people, among these who complain about TBotFA, who thoroughly enjoyed previous two Hobbit movies. I'd start to worry if there were, but not sooner, sorry. I'll be seeing this in a week and I hope to enjoy it as much as I enjoyed AUJ and DoS.

Well, I found first one bad, second one tolerable, this one was just mess.

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