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Most Charismatic Character in Asoiaf

Frey Pie

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Euron easily. He represents so many things which the ironborn either abhor or are wary of, yet they still side with him and elect him their king because he's just that boss.

LMAO at daenerys being charismatic. Not too hard to get people to follow you when you've got dragons and when they themselves are former slaves, rejects, and invalids. :'D
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Ivan Drago is in ASoIaF?? How did I miss this? :P

You've reminded me...in a Name That GoT Character quiz gone bad, someone mentioned Carl Drago.  A couple weeks ago I found out there's a doctor in our region whose name is...I kid you not...Carl Drago.




Yea....he's the pit fighter in Mereen that, kind of like Hodor, only ever says "I must break you"

And that reminds me...anybody want to put in a vote for Strong Belwas?

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Charismatic leadership requires more than inspiring loyalty among people who know you well. It also includes such things as inspiring devotion among people who only see you at a distance, winning over enemies, persuading people to overturn existing ways of doing things out of loyalty to you.

So, the charismatic leaders are Dany, Renly, Robert, Oberyn, Euron, and Mance.
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I thought about including Ned at first, especially given "for Ned's girl" being the rallying cry of the North at the moment but I realized that is from the loyalty Ned inspired, not because he is charismatic. Ned is not charismatic. Neither is Stannis or Tywin. They are great leaders and may inspire loyalty but they are not charismatic. That's a personality trait you either have or don't. Oberyn probably was but we are not given any insight into his interactions with his men so he can't be included.

I want to say Ned he's well respected outside the North also.
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Oberyn, Mance and the High Sparrow! Regardless of the HS's end game he has risen to power very quickly, has a very devoted following, and has ignited a movement of the common people in King's Landing and I don't think you can do all of that without charisma!
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Yep, Mance is the correct answer. Not even Renly won the Reach on charisma alone, he had to marry Margaery, who in turn only married him because he had a claim to the throne. Mance had none of that, and he still managed to unite the most disparate people in Westeros with the promise of a pipe dream.

However, to answer the OP's second question, that's not who I would follow as king. That's Edmure. Floppy Fish 4 Life!
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Yep, Mance is the correct answer. Not even Renly won the Reach on charisma alone, he had to marry Margaery, who in turn only married him because he had a claim to the throne. Mance had none of that, and he still managed to unite the most disparate people in Westeros with the promise of a pipe dream.

However, to answer the OP's second question, that's not who I would follow as king. That's Edmure. Floppy Fish 4 Life!

Maybe I got the wrong idea on my read through but the book appeared to make Mance look more like a conquerer. I believe they talked about him and Tormund fighting like 3 or so times before he yielded.

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Since when is Stannis charismatic?


He's got a good core of really loyal men around him. He has managed to get people to follow him through incredible swings of fortune.





Whatever doubts his lords might nurse, the common men seemed to have faith in their king. Stannis had smashed Mance Rayder's wildlings at the Wall and cleaned Asha and her ironborn out of Deepwood Motte; he was Robert's brother, victor in a famous sea battle off Fair Isle, the man who had held Storm's End all through Robert's Rebellion. And he bore a hero's sword, the enchanted blade Lightbringer, whose glow lit up the night.


Therns in bronze scales, they were running. Mance was gone, someone was waving Harma’s head on a pole, Tormund’s lines had broken. Only the giants on their mammoths were holding, hairy islands in a red steel sea. The fires were leaping from tent to tent and some of the tall pines were going up as well. And through the smoke another wedge of armored riders came, on barded horses. Floating above them were the largest banners yet, royal standards as big as sheets; a yellow one with long pointed tongues that showed a flaming heart, and another like a sheet of beaten gold, with a black stag prancing and rippling in the wind.
Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was “Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!”


Stannis has won over quite a few people to supporting him incredibly well. I wouldn't have a beer with the guy (I think he only drinks lemon water anyways) but he has pretty overwhelmingly got the support of his men.


I would say Rhaegar was charismatic; he was handsome, a musician, skilled fighter, the small folk loved him, he had Cersei and Jon Con in his fan club, and whilst Rhaegar had all the potential to be a capable (and sane) leader,his whoopsie was pursuing his own self interest (or perhaps in his terms his 'destiny'). 


Lol no. The guy sat alone playing sad songs at feasts. He was basically the death of the party, not the life of it. He was fairly-well respected, but not charismatic.


Rhaegar I like to think of as the guy who walks in and everybody who doesn't know him is excited that this handsome prince is there, and then after about 10 seconds everyone realizes he's depressing as hell and isn't fun at all and is just kinda like "Hey Rhaegar..." *Whispers to their friend* "who the fuck invited this guy?"


Mance is a great call. Id out hin up there with the top, seems to have a charm that most others don't, which wouldn't be unusual for his two professions- king and bard

Speaking of Nights Watch anyone from there? Jon is the obvious one, he seems to inspire personal devotion in friends. He leads by example. Dance Jon though seems to be cutting this from himself with the whole kill the boy and distance yourself from your men...awful move imho. The only other I could think of would be perhaps Benjen Stark (hard to say) and Halfhand


Jon is not charismatic. Inspiring devotion in your friends isn't a mark of a charismatic person. Inspiring devotion in people who don't really know you or aren't your friends is the mark of a charismatic person. Jon alienated 90% of the Watch so hardly a charismatic person.


Benjen Stark is a good call though (in AGOT Jon mentions that Benjen was always surrounded by people who were laughing and having a great time with him)

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