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Most Charismatic Character in Asoiaf

Frey Pie

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During the five books of asoiaf we've seem many Charamatic leaders. Due to the nature of the story many of these are military leaders. Some have risen to great heights, some have fallen, and some are still clinging on. Who is the most charismatic leader in Asoiaf? In world who has inspired the greatest following? And as readers who's example would you follow and chose to make your king or queen?

A few to think on:

Daenaerys Targaryen- last of the Targaryens. Mother of Dragons. Despite some of her controversial decisions it's clear that in world she is a leader on the up. It's hard to remember that she is still so young when she is conquering cities and forming a horde of followers who truly worship her. She has the devotion of many, foremost among them Barristan the bold

Renly Baratheon- youngest of the Baratheon brothers. Handsome, tall, well built, he looks the part. Politically he is astute and using his power and influence won a great family over to his side during the war. It's clear to see he is a very charismatic man, looking at the adoration he receives from the people of KL and his easy manner

Robert Baratheon- First Baratheon king. He won many families over to him during the rebellion which would later be called after him. Made friends of enemies on several occasions. Open handed and generous to the point of stupidity. Never the less possibly his greatest contribution to the rebellion were his personality and leadership skills, considering the low number of men he brought with him to the fight. Ruled for years with only one short regional rebellion. Declined with age

Jaime Lannister- like Renly, the man looks the part. Tall, blonde, easy smile. One of the strongest men in Westeros. Youngest knight to be initiated into the KG. Murdered the mad king giving him the name Kingslayer. Leads by example, being possibly the greatest knight of his generation. Defeats the riverlands army in a dashing display of ferocity and valour. Feared for his reputation, respected for his battlefield ability

Robb Stark- first king of the north for 300 years. Killed his first men at 15 defending his crippled brother. Is followed into battle by a giant direwolf. Known as the Young Wolf. Ruled the north well in his short time as lord there. Inspired his men to follow him from the off. Won great battles in the riverlands and saved Riverrun and it's people from death. Through blood and deeds won the riverlands to his cause and ruled as King of the North and Riverlands. Made vital mistakes and betrayed by the Freys and Boltons. Remembered by the North, who seek vengeance for his betrayal despite the fall of his short lived kingdom

It's important to note that many characters while being charismatic, derive much of the their power from the position they were born to and their family name.

Honourable mentions to Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon (left out from my list because of the opposition to him in world, despite some good characteristics) Olenna Tyrell, Victarion Greyjoy, the High Sparrow (I feel like we don't know enough about him yet, but certainly becoming a force militarily and politically).
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During the five books of asoiaf we've seem many Charamatic leaders. Due to the nature of the story many of these are military leaders. Some have risen to great heights, some have fallen, and some are still clinging on. Who is the most charismatic leader in Asoiaf? In world who has inspired the greatest following? And as readers who's example would you follow and chose to make your king or queen?

A few to think on:

Daenaerys Targaryen- last of the Targaryens. Mother of Dragons. Despite some of her controversial decisions it's clear that in world she is a leader on the up. It's hard to remember that she is still so young when she is conquering cities and forming a horde of followers who truly worship her. She has the devotion of many, foremost among them Barristan the bold

Renly Baratheon- youngest of the Baratheon brothers. Handsome, tall, well built, he looks the part. Politically he is astute and using his power and influence won a great family over to his side during the war. It's clear to see he is a very charismatic man, looking at the adoration he receives from the people of KL and his easy manner

Robert Baratheon- First Baratheon king. He won many families over to him during the rebellion which would later be called after him. Made friends of enemies on several occasions. Open handed and generous to the point of stupidity. Never the less possibly his greatest contribution to the rebellion were his personality and leadership skills, considering the low number of men he brought with him to the fight. Ruled for years with only one short regional rebellion. Declined with age

Jaime Lannister- like Renly, the man looks the part. Tall, blonde, easy smile. One of the strongest men in Westeros. Youngest knight to be initiated into the KG. Murdered the mad king giving him the name Kingslayer. Leads by example, being possibly the greatest knight of his generation. Defeats the riverlands army in a dashing display of ferocity and valour. Feared for his reputation, respected for his battlefield ability

Robb Stark- first king of the north for 300 years. Killed his first men at 15 defending his crippled brother. Is followed into battle by a giant direwolf. Known as the Young Wolf. Ruled the north well in his short time as lord there. Inspired his men to follow him from the off. Won great battles in the riverlands and saved Riverrun and it's people from death. Through blood and deeds won the riverlands to his cause and ruled as King of the North and Riverlands. Made vital mistakes and betrayed by the Freys and Boltons. Remembered by the North, who seek vengeance for his betrayal despite the fall of his short lived kingdom

It's important to note that many characters while being charismatic, derive much of the their power from the position they were born to and their family name.

Honourable mentions to Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon (left out from my list because of the opposition to him in world, despite some good characteristics) Olenna Tyrell, Victarion Greyjoy, the High Sparrow (I feel like we don't know enough about him yet, but certainly becoming a force militarily and politically).

Stannis charismatic? I love the guy but charisma is not hia greatest quality.
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Renly and Robert, easily.



Honourable mentions to Ned Stark, Stannis Baratheon (left out from my list because of the opposition to him in world, despite some good characteristics) Olenna Tyrell, Victarion Greyjoy, the High Sparrow (I feel like we don't know enough about him yet, but certainly becoming a force militarily and politically).


I'd say pretty much all the honourable mentions are off-track though, Ned is said to be cold and dull (the complete antithesis of charismatic), Stannis's complete lack of charisma is his Achilles's heel, Olenna is not specifically charismatic, Victarion was not charismatic enough to win the Kingsmoot, and the High Sparrow's power comes from devotion and anger, not charisma.


Euron, Loras, and Littlefinger are all considerably more charismatic than the above.

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My question is charismatic for who? Most of the people you've listed have never been shown interacting with their men and seem more like people who the readers find charismatic. I'd say the ones that come to mind for me are Mance, Dany and Robb. Their forces seemed happy to follow them to the ends of the world and are genuinely liked as leaders. 

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My question is charismatic for who? Most of the people you've listed have never been shown interacting with their men and seem more like people who the readers find charismatic. I'd say the ones that come to mind for me are Mance and Robb. Their forces seemed happy to follow them to the ends of the world and are genuinely liked as leaders. 

Daenerys absolutely interacts with her people.
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Charismatic in books probably Robert Baratheon, that pig had friends who made him king even though he was a waste of oxygen, so...

Personally I wouldn't trust any of these people ever, with the sole exception of Doran Martell, he is a leader that, as of today, I would mistrust the least.

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Stannis charismatic? I love the guy but charisma is not hia greatest quality.

I agree with you but there are a huge amount of readers out there who don't and in the op I wasn't giving my opinion, but trying to give an overview of several candidates. He is the true king to many posters on here

And he does gave followers who are very devoted to him. Not many men can lead armies through what Stannis has
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I would say Rhaegar was charismatic; he was handsome, a musician, skilled fighter, the small folk loved him, he had Cersei and Jon Con in his fan club, and whilst Rhaegar had all the potential to be a capable (and sane) leader,his whoopsie was pursuing his own self interest (or perhaps in his terms his 'destiny'). 

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