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U.S. Politics: The Summer of Trump is Lasting Longer Than a Season in Westeros

Tywin et al.

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I like how quickly this thread went from insisting Fox isn't sexist in it's hiring practices of women to drooling over said women, real classy guys.

Progressives are such weenies.

This is what's driving him. People are tired of the PC bullshit that's largely responsible for throwing open the doors to the rape of Europe and the cover ups that followed in Britain, Germany and Sweden.

Please send us some more weenies for us to strip of their jackets and kick out into the snow.

This is the post that kicked off the current "PC" conversation, and it was responding to the Trump/Megyn Kelly thing.  That is not a fucking "PC" issue.  Refraining from saying that the only reason Megyn Kelly asked you a question you didn't like is because she's menstruating isn't being "politically correct", it's not being a fucking asshole that throws out insults left right and centre.  Calling her that isn't somehow sticking it to the man and standing up for calling it like it is, it's a misogynistic deflection that targets a woman and whips up outrage (rightfully so, but there are too many sexist fucks that love it) to further Trump's own personal ambitions.  But sure, treat him like an amazing truth teller because he spews whatever bullshit he believes will help his image, that's real straight shooting there.

I swear there is so much crap about how certain groups of people are the rational ones and cutting the shackles of PC, but it's the biggest load of irrational tripe and the term PC is meaningless.  When it started to be used maybe it meant something, but it really doesn't now.

Guess y'all need some more enrichment, yet.


9 dead Germans in Istanbul by the way.

What the flying fuck does an attack in Turkey on a tourist spot that killed German tourists have to do with Trump's war on PC?

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"What the flying fuck does an attack in Turkey on a tourist spot that killed German tourists have to do with Trump's war on PC?"

Because us being PC and pretending that not all Muslims are terrorists, not all black people are rage filled criminals, not all immigrants are drug peddling rapists are what's getting in the way of us doing something that miraculously solve all these problems.

Therefore every time we say things like like immigrants are people too, and should have their basic human rights and dignities respected, that we should take in sick Syrian children who have spent years being vetted already, or that the vast majority of Muslims aren't violent terrorists, we're getting in the way of dealing with these problems, and share culpability for any wrongs they commit. We damn lefties just love being PC more than being alive, or letting ourselves or others go without getting raped or mugged, (because... reasons) and for the sake of being PC, we allow these evils to go unchecked. Since we get in the way of wrongs being righted and good triumphing, it's only fair to remind us of the cost of our tolerance.

I believe that would be the shit that Prunes is attempting to stick to the wall. Plus, you know, he's trolling. He can't actually make points or cogent arguments, so all he can do is throw what he perceives as the failures of liberalism against us and hope to get a rise out of us, while gloating about his superiority as the only clear eyed person in the room.

As usual, the answer is to not feed the troll. Ignore is awfully handy.

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Your last is absolutely spot on, I'm just sick of "PC" getting thrown up and that just accepted while people then go on arguing from that point, so that rant is directed as much at everyone just accepting it as at him.

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I think a lot of the problem with "pc" is that it implies guilt on one's own part when one acted in a non pc way. The guilt is the grit in the system here, feeling guilty or bad (or angry that others think you should feel those things after what you said) is unpleasant if you fundamentally believe there is no reason you should be feeling this guilt.

Tldr, if you believe yourself to be a good person, encountering evidence that you are acting like a bad person results in a outcome that will inevitably resolve this disparity--almost always in a way that advantages oneself.

Thus, discredit the evidence by attacking the idea that one was wrong in the first place, discredit the evidence by saying the thing that makes you feel guilty is responsible for something worse etc etc. pretty much the least likely outcome is acceptance, contrition or a change in behavior. Most people are just going to reject the principle and hostilely deny the accusation.

Why should anyone feel bad for a wolf whistle?

Why should anyone feel bad for saying nigger?

Why should anyone feel bad for calling someone illegal?

Why should anyone feel bad for calling their father a motherfucker?

Etc et al

There is morally right and morally wrong, pc, as Scott pointed out, often just means comporting oneself with a decorum respectful of others and also of oneself, this basic elementary school principle fails when it comes up against culture and behavior that is at odds with these fundamental moral principles. And this is every bit as true of misogynistic lefty democrat politicians as it is of racist righty politicians, immoral behavior comes in all forms and guises, and yes it includes the demeaning ways women can attack other women, bitch please what a cunt oh my god what WAS she wearing! or gays can put down other gays, that stupid faggot.

And undoubtedly someone's going to defend any of these groups immoral behavior as totally cool because they're taking it back or its all in fun or it doesn't mean anything...

Which is exactly what all the people most traditionally and vociferously called out for non pc behavior have always said/explained as well.

This isn't a right wing problem, it's a human problem, and if people want to have a more moral society, the pc police need to stop turning a blind eye to groups that have their favor and enforce equally on the basis of common principle.

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"What the flying fuck does an attack in Turkey on a tourist spot that killed German tourists have to do with Trump's war on PC?"

Because us being PC and pretending that not all Muslims are terrorists, not all black people are rage filled criminals, not all immigrants are drug peddling rapists are what's getting in the way of us doing something that miraculously solve all these problems.

Therefore every time we say things like like immigrants are people too, and should have their basic human rights and dignities respected, that we should take in sick Syrian children who have spent years being vetted already, or that the vast majority of Muslims are violent terrorists, we're getting in the way of dealing with these problems, and share culpability for any wrongs they commit. We damn lefties just love being PC more than being alive, or letting ourselves or others go without getting raped or mugged, (because... reasons) and for the sake of being PC, we allow these evils to go unchecked. Since we get in the way of wrongs being righted and good triumphing, it's only fair to remind us of the cost of our tolerance.

I believe that would be the shit that Prunes is attempting to stick to the wall. Plus, you know, he's trolling. He can't actually make points or cogent arguments, so all he can do is throw what he perceives as the failures of liberalism against us and hope to get a rise out of us, while gloating about his superiority as the only clear eyed person in the room.

As usual, the answer is to not feed the troll. Ignore is awfully handy.

Go check out the last (now locked) thread on Europe and right-wing stuff for like 7 pages of this kind of shit.

Alot of people are jumping all over anything bad happening now to justify their long held bigotries.

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"The Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam"

- a bunch of PC idiots

Rotherham police refuse to break up a 15 year pedophilia ring ran exclusively by Pakistani Muslims because they fear institutionalized PC reprisals.

President of Missouri forced to resign for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

German police cover up mass sexual assaults, again, to protect the Muslims who perpetrated it.

PC is toxic and pushed by a bunch of hypocrites.

Deal with it.

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"The Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam"


- a bunch of PC idiots

Rotherham police refuse to break up a 15 year pedophilia ring ran exclusively by Pakistani Muslims because they fear institutionalized PC reprisals.


President of Missouri forced to resign for doing absolutely nothing wrong.


German police cover up mass sexual assaults, again, to protect the Muslims who perpetrated it.


PC is toxic and pushed by a bunch of hypocrites.


Deal with it.

Lets be clear, not only Germany and UK cover up, it is all over in Europe. Sweden, Finnland...

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Nobody wants to hear it. Once every 8 pages someone concedes there are problematic aspects of Islam or some bullshit, but that's it. It just ends there.

They let conservatives spell out the problems and then call us racist. They hide behind us then stab us in the back.


No problem for them to fire away at the Roman Catholics for two decades, justifiably I will add.

But Rotherham happens and they haven't got a fucking thing to say about it.

I'm directing none of that at you, to be clear.

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She is super hot, though.


So at least you're all half right for a change.

I see it's working. 

Hire attractive blondes to distract hetero males so that their blood flows from their brains to their pants.  Commence thinking from the penis rather than the brain.


Percentages are not relevant. This nation has immigration laws and agencies and public servants paid to enforce the law.

Translation: I have no evidence to back up my opinion therefore evidence does not matter.  My opinion is fact.

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I see it's working. 

Hire attractive blondes to distract hetero males so that their blood flows from their brains to their pants.  Commence thinking from the penis rather than the brain.



I reported this as demeaning towards men, as misandrist. 

I am writing it on a post to bring light to this and to see what happens next. 

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Imagine how much it must burn though to know that Comedy Central is a better source of news that the flagship media station of the right wing. That's gotta be rough for such a dedicated right winger.

IDK why everytime I quote someone in this thread it quotes PoI, but this is for TP.

Google "Megyn Kelly Howard Stern"

She has given a number of interviews where she says or implies that her on air persona is very different from what she actually believes. She's basically a centrist who leans right on some issues and left on others.

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Rotherham police refuse to break up a 15 year pedophilia ring ran exclusively by Pakistani Muslims because they fear institutionalized PC reprisals.

President of Missouri forced to resign for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

German police cover up mass sexual assaults, again, to protect the Muslims who perpetrated it.

PC is toxic and pushed by a bunch of hypocrites.


Deal with it.

I'm having a bit of difficulty here.  You clearly aren't suggesting that police and politicians should be immune from public criticism when their practices are racist or bigoted, right?

Aren't you concerned that if your worldview gained greater acceptance, then the police and politicians could deflect all criticism along those lines as political correctness?

Why can't political correctness be that balance, between the apathy about racism that you are arguably projecting on the one hand, and the unthinking mob you are not completely accurately portraying on the other?  Why can't you allow that political correctness can simply be anti-racist activism, good for purging the system, and not by definition a runaway train?  Your caricature would, it seems to me, have to silence everyone into just accepting whatever the police do, even if it is to unfairly profile by skin color and religion.

You are probably not particularly racist yourself, but whatever your intentions, you're giving the racists a billy club for smacking their way back into their heyday and I just don't know why you would want to do that.

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I like how quickly this thread went from insisting Fox isn't sexist in it's hiring practices of women to drooling over said women, real classy guys.


Seriously - her and others.  People on TV in general tend to be on the "attractive" end of the scale (men and women).  This isn't universally true (for anybody), but it tends to be true.  

Also, I don't see why people have a problem or some kind of dissonance with Megyn Kelly having different personal views than her network views.  It's a job, and a very well-paying one.  Maybe because I'm a lawyer, but that kind of dissonance happens fairly frequently in the real world.  Journalists, like lawyers, aren't priests.  There isn't some sort of rule that you have to fervently believe in everything you write or say as part of your work for hire.   

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Because it is a runaway train.


I'm not hollerin' racial epithets and goosing women here.


I'm not advocating stripping women of the vote.


I'm pointing out multiple instances of attempted cover ups motivated by fear of the thought police that control media and academia and all western Euro governments.


I'm sorry, but this doesn't really answer any of my questions. My fault for bad phrasing and for trying to do too much at one go.  I should break this down by individual questions, perhaps.

Now, keep in mind, please, that at least some of these questions, including the very first one, I'm pretty sure I know the answer to.  Yet, just to make sure I don't get ahead of myself again, I need to take it slowly.  I appreciate your patience in bearing with me on this.

First question: Do you believe that the people should criticize their police and other public officials if they have cause to believe the conduct of those officials is racially motivated?

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