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[Spoilers] Rant and Rave Without Reprecussions - Season 6, Tally-Ho


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Why couldnt i get Mance sneaking into WF last season??? It would have established mel's powers and ability to decieve and it feel more natural when she disrobes. They cut down on prophecy and magic in so many areas that when its essential to move the plot forward it feels pulled out of thin air

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Just finished watching over my breakfast. Some thoughts;

I called Brienne finding Sansa and Theon and saving them 3 weeks ago. This also proves that duty can work just fine alongside violent revenge, since Brienne sacrificed the former for the latter in killing Stannis which had... no repercussions whatsoever. It also proves that Brienne is so tall she can utilize satellite tracking manually.

Dorne is a clusterfuck beyond compare. It amuses me that the the vaunted "Dame of thrones" cover of EW has effectively come down to the sandsnakes behaving hysterically, violently and nonsensically. It's every misogynists idea of how women in positions of authority behave.

Theon is a hero - and Sansa must non-verbally ask his permission before taking Brienne into her service.

Cersei seeing Myrcella's body on the boat should have been accompanied by Curb your enthusiasm music.

Not content with being terrible in Dorne, there are now Sandsneks being terrible in KL. I have no idea how they got on that ship, and that's ok because the writers don't either. Also, when trying to murder somebody in a small, cramped location - below decks of a ship for example - I would go for some kind of dagger that can be used in close quarters. I would not immediately gravitate towards a spear and a whip. Also, when confronted with someone trying to kill me, I would focus on the more dangerous person first, not second. The great irony here is that though Trystane got a spear through the brain, the level of his cranial functions remained stable throughout.

I don't give a shit about Tyrion or Varys and I can't remember where those ships came from or why the Harpys would burn them if they want Tyrion and co to leave.

Finally, why does Alliser Thorne care about Jon's body? Is he aware that Mellysansbra has the power to raise the dead? Did he read the script?

What a fucking mess.    

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2 hours ago, The Knight in Motley said:

Well, okay...

Um, what happened? How was this a season opener?  This felt like a very forgettable filler episode somewhere near the end of Season 5.

Everything that happened in this episode was obvious too far in advance, from Ramsey feeding the dogs to Trist-kebab.

Script Bitch is mean to Arya again, and I'm going to call her that simply because the only reason for her to be such a bitch is 'its in the script'. 

Sand Snakes kill men and then do a bad pussy smirk.  That's empowering, right?  Does every woman in this show who kills men have to do it in such a psychotic manner?   

Melisandre's 'reveal'.  So she uses a glamour.  I'm not objecting to the nudity of an old woman, I'm debating its purpose. Do we really need such a browbeating that Mel isn't all she appears to be?  Did that serve any purpose other than trying to be shocking in a way that wasn't killing off another character?

I could have sworn a couple of the Night's Watch had been killed off and then magically reappeared in Season 6, but I'll chalk that up to the fact that the writing has been so haphazard that characters run together and even the actors can't sort them out.


This whole thing felt like everyone going through the motions while very aware that the good old days were long gone.  I'll put it between episode 2 and 3 of Season 6 where they start pointing fingers and even blaming George for not having more material out.

Superb rant post. :thumbsup: I'm liking 'Script Bitch' for a name. It's true. It's the sole reason why she behaves as she behaves.

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1 hour ago, bloodsteel bitterraven said:

What happened to those dogs that were chasing Sansa?  How come they disappeared when Brienne appeared?


Those dogs have a 6th sense and ran off, smelling the death of the Hound on her?

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*wades in* Hi all! I had previously made a pledge to avoid the show and try to go spoilerless until Winds arrived. However, the torrent of hype and unwarned chattering about the show has made me realise that avoiding the major plot points would simply be impossible. So I'm strapping on my bullshit-retardant hat and joining y'all in mocking this piece of shit.

I'm at work now and haven't seen the episode. What have I got to dread?

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Morning after... And it completely feels as if D&D are phoning it in, completely uninspired, as much as Dinklage does St. Tyrion. It's like they just threw character names in a pot, had a not-so-innocent hand pulla name out and asked themselves - what shall we write for this person. The writing is just completely awful. The Rant threads made the episodes hilarious, but I feel like completely hungover today. You know sometimes you have those very wrong parties that were actually so not worth the trouble, but you were too drunk to notice at the time. I feel drained and empty and completely disillusioned. 

The show jumped the shark for me in that episode where Brute ran into Fansa and told Pod they'd just go around Moat Cailin, but even that episode was good in contrast to this. It is completely devoid of anything watchable. It's actually not even funny. Laughing at something for it being this crappy (Tryskebab I'm looking at you), doesn't actually make it funny. This show has become just plain awful.

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D&D's Brienne the resourceful has now "happened upon" arya in the middle of remote hills, sansa & lf at the inn, and after (presumably) killing stannis in some random woods that he ran into, come straight to the exact location where theon and sansa (again) happened to be, within seconds of the pursuing bolton men & whodini hounds... As if her pledge to protect them is enough to place her in their exact location at the exact oppurtune moments.. The will of the gods or some bullshit like that huh

And seriously how many times is the "i like his/her spirit" going to save main characters from abuse that is otherwise commonplace by their captors (see tyrion and slavers last season) ? as if a dothraki would stop ripping a slaves clothes off bc she says "stop" - only if said slave has a non nudity clause of course - how convenient for yet another group of uncharacteristic characters all over this fucking show

Saw a few inquiries as to the purpose of the final scene, & some speculation that it may be setting up a further glamouring storyline - too much credit to d&d imo - clearly just another nonsequitur "big reveal" in the hopes that shock value will take the attention off how badly this show sucks

apparently hotah is the ONE person loyal to the RULING prince of dorne, a prince who declares ellaria a smart woman for essentially repeating an inverted version of what he himself just said - show doran is such a waste there are no words...

why go to all the trouble of transporting onto trystanes ship (haha) and killing him if he was already being sent to KL, posing absolutely no threat?

As revenge for oberyn and elia, ellaria kills their brother - makes sense.. The snakes who arent ellarias daughters choose her over their blood uncle - makes sense.. They wait to kill doran until just after he learns of myrcella - makes sense??? The show has its own world, not true to the books world; realized that a few seasons ago. But it doesnt even stay true to ITS OWN world -- seriously.....

Also, this show sucks - shock value has a short shelf life -- after the dust settles and the show is finished, the masses will be forced to confront the fact the show sucks as well, & whatever acclaim or attention d&d are enjoying now will quickly wither away - once intrigue of the plot and shock are gone, all you have left is terrible writing and irresponsible storytelling - so dont worry, the truth will surface - theres a reason why sopranos, the wire, madmen etc are timeless - went to the people and the people have spoken, and in the end, no art that so belligerently disrespects and underestimates the intelligence of its viewers can ever withstand the test of time...

im glad there are some places where that intelligence still exists, happy to be present

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2 hours ago, bloodsteel bitterraven said:

What happened to those dogs that were chasing Sansa?  How come they disappeared when Brienne appeared?

It was a foil to the scene where the hounds make Yara disappear in S3.

Even animals have random character 180s in D&Ds universe, it's amazing.

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OMG that was awful! On the other hand, the unintentionally hilarious moments are great - this show should be renamed as Game of LOLs.  Killing Dorn in don't o Madtll soldiers who do nothing? Teleporting onto a ship in KL to kill Trystane who is just calmlymking a burial stone yet for Myrcella? An iguess the magically posting Meeen fleet was completely pointless since they now decided to burn it to the ground?I guess so that Tyrion can crack a joke? And I guess Jaime never noticed Cersei's new haircut? But while I can laugh at thee moments, what they've done to Ansa just makes me angry. Theyshoul just kill her and stop butching her character. Afraid of water? Really? 

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WTAF did I watch? 


I'm starting to think it's now being written by public consultation process.  'oh shit no one liked Dorne we better wipe half of them out' .


The ruby reveal.  It would work in the books because we've had a Ruby Glamour.  People have commented on the Ruby around her neck.  It doesn't work on the show because SHE FUCKING TOOK IT OFF BEFORE.  They scrubbed the Ruby powering her glamour just to reintroduce it because they needed something.  It's not because her powers or low or some BS because at the Wall her powers are supposed to be stronger. 


Did the sand snakes creep on Trystan in another boat?  Did it have a cloaking device so NO ONE noticed the other boat.  Did they hide on the boat?  How did someone hide all that time on a small boat?  Or did they swim after it? 


Ramsey's men need hounds to find Fansa and Theon but Brienne and Pod just trip over them and thanks to the spoilers we know that the oaths mean fuck all because Brienne ends up back in a Lannister camp. 


I said to someone this morning it's Fan-Fiction and not the good kind but the really bad kind by teenage fangirls who have their favourite One Direction members going at it together. 

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21 minutes ago, YouSnowNothing said:

*wades in* Hi all! I had previously made a pledge to avoid the show and try to go spoilerless until Winds arrived. However, the torrent of hype and unwarned chattering about the show has made me realise that avoiding the major plot points would simply be impossible. So I'm strapping on my bullshit-retardant hat and joining y'all in mocking this piece of shit.

I'm at work now and haven't seen the episode. What have I got to dread?

As much as it really is cathartic to hit the threads after enduring whatever it is these people are trying to do on this show, if I were you I would stick to your original idea. Game of Thrones is in name only tied to ASOIAF I really dont think these "plots" will ruin anything. With that said save yourself and do something productive with the extra 40 minutes you have (yup the show was really only around that long. Started late plus a 10 minute previously on and you know the opening credits are anything but short plus end credits). Its crazy to think even with the shorter run time they managed to fill it with so much shitty-ness. Proceed at your own risk, but know you've been warned.... It's bad... so bad

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Also, why the hell isnt half the castle after Theon and Sansa by now? I guess Roose is too busy throwing shade at Ramsay to do anything about their escape? And Ramsay just decided to send like 5 men (well I suppose if it only took 20 to sabotage an army it should be enough) so he can mope about Winterfell because YOLO?

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