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This morning was the second time in two days where I walked up to the gym right next to my subway stop, and it was owned by Mystic, and someone had left an open slot on the roster. So because I'm that kind of opportunist, this is the second time I've gotten gym bonuses for just showing up and throwing a random mon in there. 

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A woman almost killed herself trying to level up to 21. I threw my walking shoes away because of blisters. I have good ones for KC, though. The only cool thing I evolved was a Gastly into a Haunter. Someone tell me that XP levels off here soon!

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I posted on a local Pokemon group re how to use the "sightings" list to track down a Pokemon. I'll copy and paste here (and see if I'm able to copy the drawing).


Excuse the crappy drawing. But I think I've worked out how to track any Pokemon, using just the "sightings".  Please correct my logic if you find any problems - but I think it's solid. 
Walk until it disappears. Step back. If you don't see it, then it despawned. If you do, you're now at point A. The Pokemon is somewhere along the circumference of the semi-circle behind you (say... 100m or whatever the range is). 
Take a few steps 90 degrees right. If it disappears, it's in the left quadrant. If not, it's in the right quadrant. Take a few steps left of A to confirm. If it disappears right away as well, it's pretty much dead ahead. Otherwise - keep walking to the right, until it disappears - i.e. At B, C or D.  The Pokemon will be at Y, Z or Q respectively. 
Walk back half way to A (might want to count your steps when doing this). Now turn 90 degrees and walk straight up to your Pokemon. 
Now just hope you have can manage this before he despawns. 
Oh - and when you first see it in your sightings, step back to check if it just spawned or if you just walked into range (it will disappear if it's the latter). 



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8 hours ago, Baitac said:

A woman almost killed herself trying to level up to 21. I threw my walking shoes away because of blisters. I have good ones for KC, though. The only cool thing I evolved was a Gastly into a Haunter. Someone tell me that XP levels off here soon!

No. Required XP to level increases as you level up.

To go from level 19 to 20, you need 25,000 XP. To go from 20 to 21, you need 50,000 XP. 21 to 22 = 75,000. 22 to 23 = 100,000. Numbers are found at this link, click on Trainer Levels: https://thesilphroad.com/research

This is why when you graph a self-reported set of XP levels (this was in the SilphRoad subreddit), you see a huge number of people at levels 21 and 22, then a cliff. Realistically, you're going to see a plateau of most players in that range for awhile. 

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3 hours ago, Xray the Enforcer said:

No. Required XP to level increases as you level up.

To go from level 19 to 20, you need 25,000 XP. To go from 20 to 21, you need 50,000 XP. 21 to 22 = 75,000. 22 to 23 = 100,000. Numbers are found at this link, click on Trainer Levels: https://thesilphroad.com/research

This is why when you graph a self-reported set of XP levels (this was in the SilphRoad subreddit), you see a huge number of people at levels 21 and 22, then a cliff. Realistically, you're going to see a plateau of most players in that range for awhile. 

I see. I thought 75,000 was bad, oy. Silphroad is an excellent resource. Thanks!

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5 hours ago, Xray the Enforcer said:

No. Required XP to level increases as you level up.

To go from level 19 to 20, you need 25,000 XP. To go from 20 to 21, you need 50,000 XP. 21 to 22 = 75,000. 22 to 23 = 100,000. Numbers are found at this link, click on Trainer Levels: https://thesilphroad.com/research

This is why when you graph a self-reported set of XP levels (this was in the SilphRoad subreddit), you see a huge number of people at levels 21 and 22, then a cliff. Realistically, you're going to see a plateau of most players in that range for awhile. 

Yes, it seems like level 20 or so is the "soft limit".  Which isn't entirely a bad thing as it gives late adopters a chance to catch up and join in on the fun.

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The new update cracks me up.

"You're going too fast. Don't play Pokemon Go while driving. Are you a passenger?"

It kills me the number of people I hear blaming the game for stupid things the players do.

(a slightly political rant)

it's funny but

a lot of those same people are the ones who say guns don't kill people, people do.  You can't have it both ways!


in other news, I'm now up to level 17 and have captured 65 different Pokémon. (Also got the medal for capturing over 500 last night.  too bad I didn't know sooner about leveling up all those rats and pidgies with a lucky egg to level up quicker.  I was just sending them all off to the professor *sigh*)

No gym successes to report. (ok, we haven't really tried except once in the beginning) as all the ones near us now have mons that are over 1000 cp, and we just aren't there yet (we were also avoiding the pidgies, weedles and rats for a bit, before we realized we need the star dust)

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17 hours ago, Xray the Enforcer said:


This morning was the second time in two days where I walked up to the gym right next to my subway stop, and it was owned by Mystic, and someone had left an open slot on the roster. So because I'm that kind of opportunist, this is the second time I've gotten gym bonuses for just showing up and throwing a random mon in there. 

I have adjusted my route to work, and I feel a little bad about it. My 8-10 minute drive is now a 12-15 minute drive that has me passing 9 gyms. If any are mystic with an open slot, I jump on it. If any are mystic and close to having an open slot, I'll stop for 2-3 rounds of training to level it up, and grab the spot. And if any have only one pokemon guarding it and are Valor or Instinct, I'll attack it and staff it with one of mine. I can usually grab 2-3 gyms and my poke-cash payoff for a 5-10 minute investment. 

I refuse to buy poke-coins, and I refuse to GPS spoof, so incubating 10 km eggs is the only way I'll ever see some of the interesting and exotic pokemon. I hatched a Electrabuzz yesterday.

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I caught a Cubome and a Jynx today, as I am finally starting to encounter rarer Pokemon. 

The app has also been telling me to slow down and not play while driving...whilst I am walking. I'm guessing this is some sort of bug

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yeah you get that with the GPS tracking isn't on-point.

I hatched an Onix today. Was quite happy about that since I hadn't caught one yet. Hatched a Grimer yesterday. And stumbled on another Voltorb nest. Also found a reliable spawn point for Dratini and Evee in my neighborhood so hopefully I'll evolve those fuckers soon enough.

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7 hours ago, SerPaladin said:

I refuse to buy poke-coins, and I refuse to GPS spoof, so incubating 10 km eggs is the only way I'll ever see some of the interesting and exotic pokemon. I hatched a Electrabuzz yesterday.

I recommend searching for a Pokemon Go facebook group for your home city/town. People there may know of a spot or two that are good for catching rarer Pokemon.

For example there's two spots in my home city that are pretty reliable sources. One of them is very simple to access - the other requires about a 30 minute walk at a scenic location. My wife and I hit up both of those on occasions.

If you're in a small town/rural area, you might be out of luck, though. (Or would need to head into a bigger city to do some hunting, if that's an option).

But yeah - at least give it a try to find good spawn locations nearby.

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5 hours ago, Xray the Enforcer said:

yeah you get that with the GPS tracking isn't on-point.

I hatched an Onix today. Was quite happy about that since I hadn't caught one yet. Hatched a Grimer yesterday. And stumbled on another Voltorb nest. Also found a reliable spawn point for Dratini and Evee in my neighborhood so hopefully I'll evolve those fuckers soon enough.

Regional differences are awesome.  In my neck of the woods I have Eevees crawling out my ears.

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Yeah. That and the with the nest migration, I'm seeing a lot of new spawns in my neighborhood that weren't around a couple of weeks ago. Lesson learned from this: don't always count on having a specific resource nearby in the future. I mean, not that I give a damn about having more Golbats, but if you're constantly transferring all of your trash pokemon without at least evolving one to put in the Pokedex, you might eventually lose out. I haven't seen a Zubat nearby in almost two weeks (and before that, it was the #3 reliable spawn after Pidgey and Rattata).

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Ugh... the local Pokemon Facebook group for me is a closed group, so I can't see anything in there without joining, and I really don't want to join because of reasons. Drat.


So, question... I'm now level 18. I have enough candy to evolve my Bulbasaur (CP level 433), but it will likely be a long time before I collect enough candy to evolve it a second time. Should I just continue to hoard the candy until I have enough to do both evolutions at once? Because I am thinking that by that time, I will likely have a Bulbasaur with a higher CP level.

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3 hours ago, MisterOJ said:

So, question... I'm now level 18. I have enough candy to evolve my Bulbasaur (CP level 433), but it will likely be a long time before I collect enough candy to evolve it a second time. Should I just continue to hoard the candy until I have enough to do both evolutions at once? Because I am thinking that by that time, I will likely have a Bulbasaur with a higher CP level.

Wait. I feel like I'm the poster child for jumping to evolve them too soon. I'm slowly rotating out Pokemon that I was overjoyed to evolve a couple weeks ago. I evolved the wrong Squirtle, which is an issue. I also evolved the wrong Oddish, which isn't as bad, but I'm a long way away from that third evolution.

I remember long ago (weeks!) when I finally was attacking gyms. I had such heavy hitters as a Pidgeot, a Fearow, and a Dodrio, and since they are flyers and I'm a nerd, I named them Maverick, Goose and Iceman. Even "good" version of those pokemon wouldn't make my top-15 now, and the novelty of funny renames has worn off. Though my Dewgong is still named "The Deal" from before his evolution.

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6 hours ago, Leap said:

Well, it appears the latest update has helped with some ''stability'' problems meaning my app only crashes every 5 minutes instead of every 2, so that's an improvement. I actually got to hatch an egg today, as well as catch several decent pokemon. I have a week off work now, so I'll be using this time to walk a lot and hence, catch all the Pokemon.

I haven't really noticed the Pokemon change significantly near me, although some of the more boring ones have rotated (Rattata to Paras, Zubat to Zubat, Drowzee to Zubat). 

I've not yet had the app crash frequently. It tends to get somewhat confused if I put in on while on the bus/train/car though.

I dream of zubat and paras. All I reliably get are weedles and ratattas. Hell, I would even take Caterpies so I can finally evolve my metapod. The zubats I have caught thus far have all been from places far from where I live.

On a more positive note though, I now have one of each of the starter Pokemon, after my egg hatched into a Bulbasaur. Hypno remains my strongest Pokemon for now, with around 800CP. Jynx and Pidgeot are next, at 643 and 549 respectively. Then I have a bunch of stuff needs evolving and should come out pretty strong.

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Updated the game two days ago.  Haven't seen a single pokemon since.  Also, all of the pokestops I used to frequent are gone and I've only seen a couple in recent days.  Before that, my pokemon were still topping out at about 300.  This game turned to utter shit. :)

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