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Mini-Rant: Kitteh Edition.

There is no need to throw half the litter out of the box when taking a poop.

There are a number of string toys for you to play with. Pulling at my mouse cable and chewing on electrical wires will not be tolerated.

You may cuddle with me on the desk but you are forbidden to walk around on the keyboard. How can I make this clear to you?

In fact, it is completely unfair that every annoying thing you do is done so adorably that I am helpless.

I know what you're talking about! My cats (see avatar) do these things, too. ;)

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Re: Shopper cards.

We've had our Fry's card for, oh, 4 years, give or take. The customer name? "New customer". Same at Basha's, where we've had a card for almost 5 years.

I enjoy being the person behind the person who forgot their card. Because then I get their credit for the fuel discount. Ka-ching!

Re: Temperature extremes.

We live in Arizona. I caved in recently and decided to wear shorts at my volunteer job of walking dogs (AAWL!!!!!!). Other than that, I do not wear shorts off our property because I know if I do, I will freeze when we reach our location. It's tough even wearing short sleeves, sometimes.

Re: Pet antics.

Couldn't you have shaken outside? Couldn't you do it somewhere other than RIGHT NEXT TO ME? Couldn't you pick one room and *stay* there, instead of barking every twenty minutes to be let out... and then in... and then out... You don't have to frantically scamper (wood floors) out of the room until the vaccuum/broom is within a couple feet of you. Halfway across the house is not an imminent threat. Plenty of time to leave decorously, I promise.

Do not chase the towel I am using to dry the floor after you shake in the house.

Re: Pregnancies.

There's a quote from someone, somewhere, that the only time it is safe to ask a woman if she's pregnant (or to comment on it at all), is if you actually see the child emerging.

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Even if you have less than 15 items, you shouldn't use the express line at the grocery store if you're incapable of going through quickly. If you suspect that sorting through piles of food stamps and expired coupons, counting out $10 in pennies, going back for items that you forgot and not disciplining your 5 screaming kids are going to make your 15 items take 15 minutes, just get in the normal line.

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If I am talking to you, face to face, please do not start texting someone else. If you must text someone during our conversation, please be polite and say "I'm sorry but this is really important. Please excuse me for a minute." You'd do the same if it's another friend stopping by to interrupt our conversation, or if it's a phone call.

Also, if you text while driving, please unbuckle your seat belt and then drive directly into a tree and die in the ensuing engulfing flame. You would have eliminated the possibility of taking out another innocent driver with your recklessness. I cannot express how angry it makes me feel to see someone driving at 70+ mph (that's over 130 km/h) on a highway while texting. The lack of regard for the safety of others around them is infuriating.

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Also, if you text while driving, please unbuckle your seat belt and then drive directly into a tree and die in the ensuing engulfing flame. You would have eliminated the possibility of taking out another innocent driver with your recklessness. I cannot express how angry it makes me feel to see someone driving at 70+ mph (that's over 130 km/h) on a highway while texting. The lack of regard for the safety of others around them is infuriating.

Trees have far more value than driving texters. Please choose a utility pole or brick wall.

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Self-conscious about arm pits being possibly smelly, or in the case of sleeveless shirts, stubbly. I know I think twice about raising my arms in the summer months if someone might be watching.
I refuse to care if anyone sees stubble under my arms - it's not like it's abnormal or anything. As for being smelly it's easily 30-35 degrees on the underground at the moment, so probably everyone smells anyway. I just think 'this is an unpleasant environment so let's make it as bearable as possible by allowing everyone as much personal space as possible'. Why can't other people be as sensible and considerate as me? :tantrum:

My office has remained a constant 28 degrees C since May (yes, I've been measuring it). No air con. Upright fans just blow my papers all over the place and make me eat my hair. Hate it.

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OK, speaking of markets then - they are not a tourist attraction! And if they have to be, can it be not on Friday Morning, when the market is at its most busy and stressed anyway?

I'll ignore the bourgeiousation, the stupid little restaraunts literally 2x2 meters, because hey, you're occupying a market stall! The reason you have no room to put your stupid little tables and your stupid little customers is becuase all that was ever supposed to be there was lettuce. And I'll ignore the overpriced "vintage" second hand clothes shop and the frigging pretentious art gallery ("A ceramic art co-operative." I couldn't make this stuff up.)and the whole end of the market that sells menorahs and tourist junk now. i'll tolerate the fancy expensive brand foods (at least they're food.) and hippy indian clothes shops (at least they're cheap), but I draw the line at packs of camera clicking, aisle blocking, non-shopping, crawling tourists on friday morning!

Ok, I admit, I've been to walmart (Very exotic). I can understand that the main Jerusalem market is something of a different experience. Fine. Do guided tours of the place. Ok. You're hapless tourists and don't know better. But the guides should have the basic respect to people who actually, y'know, need fruit and bread and fish and whatnot, not to block up passages 2 meters wide with six busloads of tourists on...friday morning. Show up wendnesday. Is that so hard?

What tourist goes to a market but doesn't shop? I would have thought that would be the point of going...

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What tourist goes to a market but doesn't shop? I would have thought that would be the point of going...

Its the ambience. All those different types of people! And the smells and the colors! I've seen them buy the occasional tourist knicknack, but its really (used to be anyway) first and foremost a food market - they're not buying fruit, veg, meat, spices, etc, but they do crowd around and block passages. (Which are pretty densely packed anyway. Machane Yehuda Market.)

New Rant: (which turned extremely long. I get protective of my plants!)

My upstairs neighbour is terrorizing my plants. I think we're at vendetta stage now.

First she complains to us about cats using the giant pile of sand under her window (and ours!) as a litter box - like its our fault crazy cat feeding lady lives across the passage in the next building, then she complains, about every single plant, when we try to make a garden there to alleviate the cats.

A while back I planted a pasiflora vine and its flourished, heading up the side of the building. Its all of one strand at the moment, but shes been complaining it will draw insects (on the day I planted it!) and now shes convinced it will grow and grow and take over the world and destroy the building, apparently. (to be marginally fair, theres a lot of pipes and cables and an air conditioner above it in its general vicinity, but its nowhere near them yet, and couldn't do them any damage in the forseeable future anyway, and the other side of the building is thickly covered by ivy to no apparent harm.)

... so I streched a rope from the vine across the passage, to serve as a sort of trellis and draw the vine away from the building and her precious air conditioner, while I was doing that (She is always home!) she starts bitching that it will crawl up the rope (which I had anchored on the aircons supporting frame, a good half meter from the thing itself) and, yes, destroy all of human civilization, apparently.

So I moved the rope further down, so the vine would not need to go anywhere near anything and sent it off away from the wall. Yesterday she knocked on the door to complain that my bicycle was in the hall. (Where it has always been, in the 4 meter wide hall, blocking absoloutely nothing, hampering nothign, damanging nothing, until a rather ude note appeared on it telling me to move it during the utterly unnecessary and extremely disruptive and probably expensive renovation (which unltimately left the place looking worse) of the hall she (head of the building residents commitee) initiated, and once it was done, I put it back. She wants it gone, becuase apparently, its damaging the paint on the railing I lock it to. And she "not going to keep renovating this stuff, you know!") and demanded to know whether I had taken down the trellis rope. I said yes, as I had done what we agree to during the 'conversation' we'd had as I was putting it up, which is to draw it away from the building and the air-con.

This morning I got up to find the rope snapped.

I suppose it could have snapped by itself - its made from old t-shirt and not hugely solid - on the other hand, it also had no pressure at all on it, but the weight of 30cm worth of vine, was torn into several pieces, which were lying some way away, and had been ripped away from its anchor point.

And my pasiflora was looking extremely mournful.

Thus far, I say. You can make my life annoying - but do not touch innocent plants!

This may mean war.

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And my pasiflora was looking extremely mournful.

Thus far, I say. You can make my life annoying - but do not touch innocent plants!

This may mean war.

Destroy her. Plants are not to be trifled with. At least she dislikes cats...but hating bicycles and flora is despicable. What kind of Soviet-era paint is she using that a bike is going to ruin? Unless you are using the bike chain to just whip at the railing...eventually that would degrade the quality of the paint.

I suggest you rent/download "Little Shop of Horrors," find out what Audrey is, then purchase train and gift said plant to this insane anti-nature harpy.

(also, any pics of the vine, before/after? I need more plants, this one sounds interesting)

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Its the ambience. All those different types of people! And the smells and the colors!

Man I hated it when my mother used to drag me along to visit markets when we were on vacation (I think only markets in southern European countries counted. Northern ones looked too much like the ones at home). It's like going to a supermarket just to gawk at the merchandise and customers.

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Man I hated it when my mother used to drag me along to visit markets when we were on vacation (I think only markets in southern European countries counted. Northern ones looked too much like the ones at home). It's like going to a supermarket just to gawk at the merchandise and customers.

Exactly. Wrost was when I was trying to get through one of these groups, glaring annoyedly as some guy taking photos of a fish (Its a dead fish dude. Seriously.) And he began a long pantomime, pointing at his mouth and at the fish and around and miming things, and finally said (in english, ofcourse) "I....like....food....a....lot." To which I aswered something like "Then you may prefer eating it to staring at it, now move!" His expression was fairly priceless.

To be honest, I don't mind them the tourists on principle, its a free market, its the dumb insesitivity of large organized groups at the busiest possible time that gets me.

LL - its a cool plant, though apparently is only survives 5 years or so, but it grows fast and has large, very sweet, very strong smelling flowers and I like the fruit. Whats the Seoul climate like though? I don't think it tolerates frost at all and i'm a bit concerned about it in our fairly mild winters.

Back to my anti-floristic neighbour - The victimized plant. Dosen't it look sad? And the spot in question, which is clearly not only a grossly overgrown jungle already, and could use getting rid of some plants, as piles of sand and building debris being such a balm to the eyes. (the flowers and the bushes to the right are our doing as well and she complained about them bitterly. A world with color is one she cannot tolerate.)

And becuase it turns out I have one, a before picture of the hall and its offending bicycles (mine is not the one with the religeous hat on it, but as you can see, its a cross sectorial issue now!)

Er, I don't usually rant this much, I just have actual work to do, so naturally, procrastination. (Well, and moral outrage over abused vine.)

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Back to my anti-floristic neighbour - The victimized plant. Dosen't it look sad? And the spot in question, which is clearly not only a grossly overgrown jungle already, and could use getting rid of some plants, as piles of sand and building debris being such a balm to the eyes. (the flowers and the bushes to the right are our doing as well and she complained about them bitterly. A world with color is one she cannot tolerate.)

And becuase it turns out I have one, a before picture of the hall and its offending bicycles (mine is not the one with the religeous hat on it, but as you can see, its a cross sectorial issue now!)

I take it back, totally on Crazy Lady's side now. Your plant, with it's leg-thick tentacles, was clearly going to rip the air conditioning units from the wall and probably begin throwing them at random passers-by. Better that she had ripped it root and stem from the ground, but thank goodness she had the clarity of thought to suppress this vile threat before it had gone too far. The deaths of children and adorable puppies were no doubt averted by her alert actions.

And your bicycle is clearly Evil incarnate. I hope she melts it down and make decorative candelabras.

How dare you treat this woman so shabbily. How. Dare. You.

ETA: Unlike you, I have nothing to do at all and am bored out of my skull.

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Guest Nadine
I have a philosophy for this too, but it's not for everyone.

Don't get married.


My personal cut-off for respecting your right to get really worked up about a video game is legal drinking age where you live or lost your virginity, with an exemption if you currently play test or design video games for a living.

Well you ruined that whole now marriage thing now. How you doing?

Oh Mikey gosh - just get your act together and have your documents organized - you only have yourself to blame you silly boy. :)

I have nothing rant about - I am totally - well almost totally happy!!!! :D

I am mostly happy too! Except for my goddamn fucking phone that won't allow for a long conversation! I will talk to you later Frosty!

I can so relate to this. Except I get this from total strangers.

I'll be walking down the street in my happy la la land thinking about ten million things and a complete stranger on the street will come up to me and say "SMILE!" or "You'd look so much nicer if you smiled" or "Let me see a smile on that pretty face of yours."

To which I want to reply, "Umm no but let me show you my PISSED OFF FACE! NOW F*&% OFF!" But I don't. I just keep on walking.

This happens on average once a month. Clearly my happy la la face does not appear so happy. But why the hell do I have to smile when I'm walking down the street and who the F*&% goes up to a complete stranger on the street and tells them to do so?!? If this was a once time occurence I could write it off as weird. But now its just irritating.

HATE when people do that. I will usually be awful and saysomething like, I'd smile but my mother died last night. etc.

Mini-Rant: Kitteh Edition.

There is no need to throw half the litter out of the box when taking a poop.

Do not pounce at the broom as I try to sweep it up.

There are a number of string toys for you to play with. Pulling at my mouse cable and chewing on electrical wires will not be tolerated.

You may cuddle with me on the desk but you are forbidden to walk around on the keyboard. How can I make this clear to you?

When you climb around on my gamecube and press the 'power' or 'reset' buttons, this fills me with impotent wrath.

In fact, it is completely unfair that every annoying thing you do is done so adorably that I am helpless.



My Simon (a semi perm name...so far) has turned me into goo. He leaps and bounds, he quivers slightly when he attacks, he lodges himself in small places, he spends hours looking at the glow in the dark fish and tries to eat them. he refuses to be alone, ever, and cries when someone goes out the door so you must call your love to him - oh simon, you aren't alone, mommy is here! and he makes that weird purr meow noise (what is that callled) and runs to you.

RE: those goddamn cards or the blatent gimme your info aka phone number/zip code; I tell those bitches I don't have a phone and if they keep pestering, I say I am homeless and ONE LADY was like, just give me the zip code of the shelter you stayed at last night. Hope that bitch got a promotion. She wasn't going to let any sort of sense of shame shut her down, oh NO.

Mina, you are awesome as usual. If you are peeved, tell someone you are just fat. I am so impressed you managed to keep dirty stranger hands off of your belly. I have 3 sisters and I was the most approchible about touching the belly. Nikki would freeze with a frozen smilish look on her face and Meggie smacked. All of our family understands you no TOUCH quite well and ask permission. Once the baby is out tho, its a free for all to entertain the wee one. *huff* I was accussed of hording THE Baby this afternoon.

My bitch? Those sick bitches that get in my personal space. How do you know you are in my personal space? You can touch me and/or you dictated the distence and not I.

Last bitch: since I am not Michael child-molesting Jackson, I don't have a doc to send me off to play in Wonderland. What I have is a bored shrink who is unwilling to drug me any further to get me to sleep, what I am calling the mom approach "sooner or later you will get tired enough and just sleep". I've gone through sooner, and am at the end of later. Been trying these white noise CDs that are supposed to be GREAT for lulling your brain. I am soooo excited - got the thunderstorm cd. Other than IV meds, nothing makes me sleep like some goooood thunder. So the cd started and I am sleeping so hard my chin in stuck betxist my tits in an ocean of drool and my entire body was limp. I lazily try to figure out if its time to get up (no clocks in the bedroom NO CLOCKS!!! because then you watch the clock instead of sleep) and I realized I had slept for 90 mins. Not to shabby really. Then as I get back to the sleeping part, I realize what woke me up - the CD had been circling and around 80 mins, it plays the sounds of morning birds after a rain. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

The CD I am trying for now (and does seem to be tempting me to relax, if not dream) is the sound of the Hawaiian rainstorms. Heard a few (motherfucking cockbiting dirty flea carrying) bird sounds earlier, made even worse since I didn't recognize those sounds. And why would I? I didn't grow up in HI.

So, for the idiots who put birds on relaxation tapes, I hope several birds nest near your bedroom windows.

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the CD had been circling and around 80 mins, it plays the sounds of morning birds after a rain. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Ugh, where are these people? Who thinks of spoiling the loveliness that is a thunderstorm with some twee tweeting. It does not go at all. half the beauty of a thunderstorm is the perfect stillness after it.

re: plant doom neighbour - I think I shall secretly grow other, even more agressive vines somewhere, and loosen them on her laundry lines. One of her complaints is that all that gardening (3 months since I planted anything there. I water now and then.) is throwing dust into her laundry. Yes. Thast becuase its dusty there! If you would let me plant stuff, it would no longer be so! Duh!?

(I did actually secretly stick some mint right under her window, where she cannot see it, and it is thriving off a drippy aircon. hopefully hers, sweet irony.)

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(I did actually secretly stick some mint right under her window, where she cannot see it, and it is thriving off a drippy aircon. hopefully hers, sweet irony.)

I shall alert Crazy Lady to your plan immediately. This is quite the diabolical machination on your part, she must be warned!


Birds...they're terrible. Simply the worst thing ever in terms of relaxing. Why some simpleton came along and ruined the sweet sounds of thunder is beyond me. Do you ever get the urge to dance when listening to thunder, though? About every third time I hear a thunderstorm, I have a strong desire to run and dance and laugh and scream. The rest of the time, calm and relaxed.

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Guest Nadine
I shall alert Crazy Lady to your plan immediately. This is quite the diabolical machination on your part, she must be warned!


Birds...they're terrible. Simply the worst thing ever in terms of relaxing. Why some simpleton came along and ruined the sweet sounds of thunder is beyond me. Do you ever get the urge to dance when listening to thunder, though? About every third time I hear a thunderstorm, I have a strong desire to run and dance and laugh and scream. The rest of the time, calm and relaxed.

You know our Minnesotan thunderstorms...the ones with the sharp CRACK of thunder, those are the ones where I want to be outside, running around like a mad thing in the rain. The rumbling thunder from a ways off - thats the sleeping kind.

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ok, i'm not necessarily new to this board, i have been lurking for a while, and i have posted a few times, but i'm really more of a spectator at this point

this being said, i have been wanting to post this for a while, but im not sure this is the right place...anyway here it goes

my entire life, i have been a very thin person. when i was a child, i was very skinny. no i didnt have a problem, i was just a very energetic athletic child. basically, one of those tom boys you could never keep indoors. when i was little, i was made fun of CONSTANTLY. even up until high school. girls would constantly make fun of me. i was taunted daily. some people would call me knobby kness, and skinny minnie. immaturely, but in defense of myself, i would say, "well you're a fatty!"

i would then get told on, and the teacher would make me apologize...then i would say "but they called me a skinny minnie!" and the teacher would say, "well arent you just so luck!"


now, i have nothing against obese people. really, my personal opinion is that its unhealthy and that they should try as hard as they can to obtain a healthy weight, but it seems that the new media trend for fat women in particular, is to put down "skinny bitches"

nowadays, if you're skinny, you can be ridiculed openly, but its ok, you're probably anorexic and you never eat!

that is such bullshit to me, i mean, now that i am an adult, i do work out daily to maintain my physique, and i maintain a size 1 at 21 years old. i am 100% healthy and looking great! yet instead of being praised for my work ethic and my physical discipline, i am labeled almost instantly by other women as being a skinny bitch who probably has an eating disorder. I DO NOT LOOK ANOREXIC!

i find that its very hard to maintain relationships with females, that my weight is constantly something that is between me and any female friends that i have

i NEVER get invited to go shopping with my friends, or to their pool parties or to the beach

now, i guess what i am wondering at this point, is, does anyone else have this same experience?

i feel like i have become a bitter person because of this

(sorry for the shitty writing, english is not my major in college)

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ok, also i want to add, that one of the reasons i bring this up is because this issue is starting to get in between me and my roommate

Stop calling her "fatty" and maybe she would be cool that you are thin and in shape? :cool:

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now that i am an adult, i do work out daily to maintain my physique, and i maintain a size 1 at 21 years old. i am 100% healthy and looking great! yet instead of being praised for my work ethic and my physical discipline, i am labeled almost instantly by other women as being a skinny bitch who probably has an eating disorder. I DO NOT LOOK ANOREXIC!

That's awesome! You also might want to check out the healthy eating or working out threads for more responses.

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