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Cersei and her ill-fitting gowns.


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It is mentioned at least twice, if not more often, in AFfC, that Cersei is suddenly having issues with her gowns not fitting around the middle, and her maids having problems lacing them up. This follows her little welcome-home tryst with Jaime in the Sept after Joff's death. It did mention that she had her "moon blood," but she would hardly be the first woman to find that ye olde counting method is unreliable ...or that having other lovers "spill their seed" is not exactly foolproof birth control either.

Anyone else think that Cersei's days of embarrassing her family are not *quite* overwith yet? And if so, who'da daddy? It would be delicious either way. Baby comes out blonde and green eyed, and she and Jaime will need to change their last name to Targ and find a couple of dragons damn quick. Then again, it could look like a Kettleblack, in which case we get to find out if Jaime's sword practice with his left hand has done any good ...

In any case, I believe Cersei's biggest problem at trial is not going to be how fierce her champion is ... It is going to be how you smuggle moon tea past a gaggle of septas watching your every move and wondering why your sheets have not been bloody these past couple months.

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I thought (or at least hoped) the same. The dead chick fetus in her breakfast egg could also have been a forshadowing of a pregnancy.

The generally consensus seems to be, though, that Cersei simply got fat. She has become a gluttonous, lecherous drunk, just like her despised late husband Robert.

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Anyone else think that Cersei's days of embarrassing her family are not *quite* overwith yet? ...

I did think so but as time goes on it gets less likely, but I haven't seen an up to date timeline so it might still be a possibility although an increasingly remote one.

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One of the reasons I think there may be more to it than weight gain is that Jaime (and Tyrion) made such a point of discussing where Lancel spilled his seed ... But Jaime took no such precautions at their reunion. Also, if Cersei were becoming chunky, I would have expected both Tyrion and Jaime to take great pleasire in remarking on it, given the state of relations between Cersei and her brothers. They both DID note het drinking problem ...but not that she was getting fat. A cleverly chosen wardrobe can hide a pregnancy for a while.

I just think (and yes, hope lol) that Stannis's letter is going to get all the credence it could possibly need, throw Tommen's claim straight down the privy, and utterly blow to pieces the tenuous peace twixt lion and rose. That should put Westeros pretty much right where the Targs need it when they start popping up like mushroomd after a rain.

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I would really love it if she was pregnant. Wouldn't it be great if it was one of the Kettleblack's kids with black hair? That should cause a lot of consternation.

But unfortunately, I have to agree with the general consensus. It seems like she is just gaining weight and turning into Robert the Second.

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Nah, she's not pregnant, just fat. The irony is that Cersei always hated Robert because he was a fat, incompetent drunk. Now she's turning into a fat, incompetent drunk.

This. Also she is a mature woman who has already had children. If she was far enough gone in pregnancy to have noticeably gained in weight in the middle of AFfC, she would have to be really far gone not to have realised it by ADwD.

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This. Also she is a mature woman who has already had children. If she was far enough gone in pregnancy to have noticeably gained in weight in the middle of AFfC, she would have to be really far gone not to have realised it by ADwD.

That's my take on it too.

Just for fun, I re-read her chapters and took a glance at the general timeline thread. Cersei would be at least 4 months pregnant ( and that's the bare minimum,) during DwD for it all to fit.

She's had 3 full term pregnancies, so she knows what to look for and aside from the weight gain isn't really showing any other signs.

Gal ain't that stupid not to notice that she's missed multiple months of her cycle either.

I'd guess that she's, sadly, turning into what she would loath the most - a chubby drunk.

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I doubt if she's pregnant. I think it's just weight gain.

At various points in AFFC, Cersei's attractiveness is remarked on, so I doubt if she's actually got fat by the end of the book (certainly not in the same league as Robert) just heavier than she was.

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Generally I agree that it is nice to see a series where characters are not all slender Elvish beauties. I have had a few issues, though, with the fact that GRRM seems to follow the general societal tradition that if a man is fat, it could mean many things (extreme wealth, poor health) whereas if a woman is fat it seems to indicate some general failing in her as a person (lackwit Lollys, vain cruel Lysa, greedy Fat Walda, battleaxe Aunt Gennna). Just once I would like to see a character with all of Dany's ambition, Sansa's sweetness, Genna's intelligence, and Cat's loyalty in the person of a reasonably young woman who is chunky and could care less.

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Before Dance I was a huge proponent of this theory. Not so much anymore. If it is true though, it would have to be Kettleblack's baby. Jaime might lose it and go all Volonquar on her. I hope not.

Generally I agree that it is nice to see a series where characters are not all slender Elvish beauties. I have had a few issues, though, with the fact that GRRM seems to follow the general societal tradition that if a man is fat, it could mean many things (extreme wealth, poor health) whereas if a woman is fat it seems to indicate some general failing in her as a person (lackwit Lollys, vain cruel Lysa, greedy Fat Walda, battleaxe Aunt Gennna). Just once I would like to see a character with all of Dany's ambition, Sansa's sweetness, Genna's intelligence, and Cat's loyalty in the person of a reasonably young woman who is chunky and could care less.

I mostly second this, but what's wrong with Genna? Genna is pure awesome.

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