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Jace, Extat

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Posts posted by Jace, Extat

  1. 42 minutes ago, horangi said:

    OK, I am hesitant to even step into this discussion.  That said, today, October 13, Ukraine claims to have inflicted 1030 casualties on the forces of Russia plus over 120 vehicles and 44 artillery pieces destroyed.  Granted, Ukraine has an incentive to exaggerate successes, and we have to assume Ukraine losses were a significant percent of the losses to Russia.  Why are the vast majority of posts dealing with the horrors in the Levant vs what is happening in Ukraine?  Literally the horrors lashed out by either side which have spawned multiple threads here have been just the norm for whats happening to their North-East.


    It's news. 

    It's new, you put an S on it... 

  2. 20 hours ago, Conflicting Thought said:

    the part about genocide is directed at ran and others like him like jace

    Dawg I made 2 posts across 2 threads (this being my 4th). Nice to know I leave an impression though. B)

    But, while I'm here. And while the word genocide is getting thrown around I'll defend myself. 

    I don't think I've ever used the G word regarding Russia in Ukraine, because I don't believe Russians are orcs and I don't think their actions in the region genuinely rise to such a horror. My support for Ukraine is and always has been an opposition to Russian expansion and power-projection. I don't think I've ever been anything but clear on that. 

    So I have no problem accepting the reality that thousands and thousands will die in error as part of Israel's response to having its people carried away. That's what happens in war. And thank God that Hamas doesn't have Israel's arsenal or there would be no Israel. An actual genocide, one with intent.

    8 minutes ago, Craving Peaches said:


    What about emergency services going to treat civilians being bombed, as well as the people fleeing being bombed? At the very least, they are being hit by careless bombing. At worst, they are being deliberately targeted. Ambulances have markings to specifically identify them as ambulances.


    War. Shit happens. It's not a nice answer but it's the only one that's true. 

    There's such a gulf between carrying away hostages and errant bombs that you and I will never have a productive conversation on this subject. Live long and prosper, baby. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

    This needs to be the statement beaten into everyone's head. Hamas openly says it wants to kill every Jew. Every. Single. One. And once they got power they set out to do such. So stop both sidings this shit. The Israeli government has done a lot of fucked up shit, but they're not comparable to Hamas and yet some people here seem to have more sympathy for a terrorist organization than the people they explicitly have stated they want to murder and just did. JFC. 

    This gets me. I feel compelled to defend the honor of the IDF, as someone who was in an army myself. 

    Western militaries don't get off on killing civillians. That's -why- this conversation is taking place.

    Acting like Israel's troops are going to go door to door massacreing, or that they're intentionally killing civillians in a genocidal campaign is an idiot-lensed way to view the situation. 

    Israel was attacked by ACTUAL GENOCIDE-minded actors who use civillians as human shields. Their response is, unfortunately, going to see a lot more people dead. But the fact is that Israel could flatten Gaza. They could bomb indescriminately. They don't

    War is a terrible, terrible, thing. But so is having to battle terrorists within rocket and paraglider range.

  4. 5 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

    And yet not responding just invites more indiscriminate slaughter of civilians from the people who did it first, especially when their stated goal is to destroy the people they attacked. The cycle only ends with new leadership on both sides.


    5 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

    It is immoral, but it's also deeply immoral to intentionally use your own civilians as human meat shields, especially when you're suppose to be the entity in charge and thus your primary goal should be to protect them. Firing rockets from housing districts, hospitals and schools is a horrific way to lead your people towards a better life, especially when you know the other side will fire back.

    When you have military problems (violence) you get military solutions. 

    "It's immoral." Is a sadly naive criticism to hold about Israel's response. 

    Israel does care about civilian casualties. It does care about dead children. The proof is Hamas, which only exists because of Israeli restraint among civilians and children to date.

    A lot of people are going to die of Israeli fire and operations because the enemy uses human shields. The answer is not then to simply give up and accept unilateral bombardment, as some seem to suggest.

    Hamas is getting what it wanted, bought with blood and returned in kind. 

    Life sucks, war is hell, and blood always follows blood.

  5. Israel is a success and an ally of global liberalism. A success and ally of America. They're allowed to defend themselves, yes, including from vulnerable people. Just because the Palestinians never got their own state in order doesn't mean Israeli Jews should have to live forever with terroristic neighbors. 

    Kinda outing myself here but as a sorta-woman who advanced her life circumstance with military service I find it hard not to side hard with Israel here. They get called fascist and inhumane by people who have no idea what living with hostile neighbors is like. Not fair. 

  6. 6 hours ago, grozeng said:

    No problem.  Let me know the email to send the invite.  There are some good contracts that were drafted for the team, so if you want to sign any long term let me know.

    Do you want the keeper team too?  Someone took over yours but we have another free one that also has some decent keepers (Bijan Robinson, Jordan Love, Lamar Jackson)

    I'll take the keeper too I suppose.

    6 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

    We're seriously letting this monster take the great team I made. 

    Heretics, all of you!!! 

    I'm not the monster here...

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