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Stannis Baratheon: Worst Human Rights Abuser in Westeros?


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Whoa, I managed to fall behind.

I guess it's typical of you to resort to personal attacks because you can't assault my actual arguments. Though I can see how one could potentially attack the sig, the avatar is pretty flawless. I don't understand- are you automatically associating rainbows with homosexuality and homosexuality with homophobia? It's kind of a bizarre leap.

To attempt to keep this somewhat on topic, that reminds me of Stavos- which reminds me of Davos. Davos is awesome and I can't deny that even in an attempt to criticize Stannis- I think that Davos clearly has a better chance of helping Stannis see the error of his ways than anyone else. Though getting rid of Mel would also help, of course.

I'm seeing red right now. You are so lucky I'm on a phone right now.

You never responded to my original post which debunked all your claims.

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Lets make some concessions to end this inconclusive and highly divisive thread.

For Anti Stans: Stannis is the most Evil person in entire milkyway.

For Stans: Stannis is a rightful and a Justful guy.

I'm in the middle. Stan has some flaws but is certainly a likeable character. The unmatched dry humour helps as well. :lol:

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Lets make some concessions to end this inconclusive and highly divisive thread.

For Anti Stans: Stannis is the most Evil person in entire milkyway.

For Stans: Stannis is a rightful and a Justful guy.

For those of us in the middle.

Stannis can do lots of bad. But he can be rightful and just...but not always.

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Lets make some concessions to end this inconclusive and highly divisive thread.

For Anti Stans: Stannis is the most Evil person in entire milkyway.

For Stans: Stannis is a rightful and a Justful guy.

No. Not one concession will be given. STAND AND FIGHT!!!!!!
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The Weeper


Ramsay Bolton

Roose Bolton

Tywin Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Robert Baratheon

Hoster Tully

Randyll Tarly


Dany (in Essos though)

Also, Renly + Jon Arryn. By implication they was ok with killing Aegon and Rhaenys, and we don't know if Stannis was, afaik. Renly proed the kill pregnant Dany plan.

Ok, bored now. Obviously all these have a worse HR record than Stannis. I'm sure there are others.

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The queen of thorns said some way more insulting things about gays as I remember. No one complains about that oddly enough.

Didn't you dedicate an entire thread to how sexist she was ffs? You could just as easily dedicate one to her homophobia, if you're so inclined.

Like I said, it's entirely possible that Stannis doesn't actually have an anti-gay agenda. Though that makes me more curious about his and Renly's relationship as brothers tbh- I don't know if even Tyrion, who has pretty much no love left for his sister, would send a shadowbaby after Cersei.

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cersei is worse

What has she done that is remotely similar to genocide at Tarbeck and Reyne? Or to the sack of KL? Or to the planned campaign of terror, murder and destruction in the Riverlands?

Yes, she tries to follow in the footsteps of her father and she seems to be a psychopath, but she is just a Tywin want-a-be without the skills to match his level of villainy.

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  1. Executions without trial: A blatant example of an abuse of human rights—the right to a fair trial is essentially an inalienable right as far as most are concerned.

  1. Cruel and unusual punishment: Both 1) mutilating Davos and 2) the whole burning people alive thing would not be condoned by any remotely decent humanitarian. Or any kind of humanitarian at all. Another strike against Stannis where human rights are involved.

  1. Freedom of religion: Though I wanted to be on Stannis’ side because he’s apparently an atheist, he then went ahead and burned the effigies of the Seven, along with the weirwoods, anyway. And then there’s the fact that he’s into Mel in the first place.

  1. Freedom of speech: Stannis doesn’t have a great track record wrt freedom of speech, either. Not only does he kill Alestor Florent for exercising this basic right, but he also refuses to let Davos speak up against Melisandre. He also imprisons political dissenters.

  1. Anti-gay agenda: “In your bed she’s like to die that way.” Not content with merely spreading this kind of hate vocally, Stannis then goes so far as to actually murder his brother, who also happens to be gay— coincidence? I’m not going to outright label this as a hate crime, but it’s certainly something to think about.

How can anyone take you seriously when you don't even know how to enumerate? Every point is number 1??

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There's probably no greater "Human Rights Abuse" than the complete subjugation of will and removal of personhood like we see Bran do with Hodor. Just saying.

Lol, I can't really argue against that obviously. Though Bran is a kid and doesn't even have a Davos to advise him, to be fair.

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